Excess weight. Psychologist's advice

Excess weight is, first of all, a signal that you spend less energy than you receive. The conclusion is simple and well known: moderate your appetite and move more. But how can this be done in practice?

First, figure out how much energy you get each day. To do this, add up the numbers indicated on food packages - kilocalories. By reducing their number by at least 50-100, you can achieve excellent results: say goodbye to 5 extra kilograms in about a year.

The process can be accelerated, but it is much more important not just to get rid of excess weight, but to learn how to eat rationally. So that the achieved result remains stable and pleases you for many years. For example:

  1. Sit down at the table only when you are really hungry.

  2. Refuse to eat “for company,” “for future use,” or “out of boredom.”

  3. Think of hunger as an invitation, not a command.

  4. Eat slowly and calmly.

Refrigerator syndrome

Have you ever felt the urge to snack even when you're not hungry? Such attacks are called "refrigerator syndrome." They come at moments of internal dissatisfaction: dissatisfaction with oneself, with the behavior of a partner, with work.

What happens when you give in to temptation? You realize that you ate too much in vain, and you begin to scold yourself. The soul is torn with despair and remorse.

The habit of “eating” troubles appears in childhood. The child is “gagged” with food, and he forgets about the reason for the tears.

Adults don't need one glass of milk to cope with their emotions. But there is an alternative to a pie or a chocolate bar - our mind and will.

Firstly, something eaten in the heat of the moment is not a reason for self-criticism. What is done is done.

Secondly, you know: emotional problems cannot be solved with food. To take your mind off your thoughts, it is better to relax in the bath or take a walk. And when you calm down, figure out where the unpleasant feelings came from.

The habit of putting things in order in the soul is an alternative to “eating.” War with yourself is unpleasant and useless. Try to lose those extra pounds with patience and love.

Stop looking dissatisfied in the mirror and discussing your shortcomings with everyone. This only emphasizes them. Smile at your reflection like you would an old friend. Find something pleasant in it every day.

Gradually, you will get rid of the habit of noticing only shortcomings and see changes. This is not self-deception, but the truth that you will believe.

Imagine that you are playing the role of a slim and healthy woman. You need to reincarnate and learn to think and breathe in a new way.

Get closer to the “new” image day by day. Compare small achievements with the past. Reducing your waist size by 2 cm is already a reason to be proud!

This habit will save you from disappointment in the absence of visible results.

The process is similar to buying an expensive item on credit. The more you invest, the greater the return. Do your best and accept for granted what cannot be changed.

Enjoy the changes! The main thing is not to give up.