Diets :: Page - 49

Chocolate diet


Chocolate diet: what is it and how safe is it? The chocolate diet, also known as the Alsou diet, has become popular in recent years due to its promises of rapid and signi ...

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Vegetable cocktail Sandora - tasty and healthy


Who said that tasty and healthy juices come only from fruits? Sandora vegetable juices are in no way inferior to their fruit friends, and perhaps even give them a head st ...

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Diet from Zhanna Friske


A diet for those who are happy with their weight and do not want to add a single kilogram. The diet should consist mainly of vegetables, fruits and seafood. You should no ...

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Delightful 48 hour detoxification


Modern life is inevitably associated with exposure to various harmful substances on the human body, which can accumulate in the body and cause various diseases. To get ri ...

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Emergency diet


Crash diet: how to lose weight quickly When you need to quickly lose a few pounds, many people turn to a crash diet. This diet usually lasts only a few days and allows yo ...

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Fish diet: quickly get rid of extra pounds!


Experts call a fish-based diet the most gentle. The fact is that a fish diet does not give the same feeling of hunger as other diets. In addition, by giving up your usual ...

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Chemical diet


The chemical diet, which is also called the egg diet, belongs to the strict category. It lasts 4 weeks, requires a significant change in your usual diet and requires you ...

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Diet for breast enlargement


Breasts are one of the most important parts of the female body. It not only imparts femininity and beauty, but also serves as a symbol of health. But what to do if nature ...

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8 healthiest foods for December


December is the time of year when it is important to pay special attention to your health and immunity. One of the best ways to strengthen your immunity is through proper ...

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Malysheva's diet: detailed menu for five days


Elena Malysheva’s diet is a great way to lose weight and get your body in order in a relatively short time and without the slightest harm to your health. What to cook if ...

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