Diets :: Page - 72

Diet No. 5a, table No. 5A


Diet No. 5a, table No. 5A Indications: acute hepatitis and cholecystitis in the initial stage, angiocholitis and other lesions of the biliary tract, diseases of the liver ...

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Swedish diet: menu


Sweden is a paradise for those with a sweet tooth. They say that the Swedes manage to sweeten even herring and bean paste. Not surprisingly, local nutritionists have thei ...

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Diet for stomach ulcers


A stomach ulcer is a disease that is characterized by an ulcer on the lining of the stomach. Patients with peptic ulcer disease should adhere to a special diet to reduce ...

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Traditional vegetarian dishes


Many traditional dishes are vegetarian or the presence of slaughter food is optional. Some are plant-based and vegan. A collection of such dishes, often borrowed from var ...

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French diet


The French diet is applied for 2 weeks. During the French diet, you can only drink boiled or mineral water. The menu cannot be changed, since only such a sequence of food ...

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Trend in dietetics: sushi diet


What kind of diets people come up with in order to eat deliciously and not gain weight. One such nutritional system that even celebrities adhere to is the sushi diet. Man ...

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Diet Spring - 35 days of weight loss


Becoming slimmer by summer is easy and pleasant with the help of the “Spring” diet. First you need to remember a few rules. Firstly, drink only non-carbonated mineral (or ...

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Are you sure you bought safe products?


There is currently a very active debate about genetically modified foods. Are they harmful to our health or safe? According to studies conducted in Russia and Ukraine, ge ...

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All about the benefits of mini-greens - a fashionable delicacy


You've probably noticed on supermarket shelves small containers with sprouts of all kinds of vegetables, cereals and salads. These are mini-greens - incredibly healthy pr ...

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Vitamin cocktail from Jennifer Aniston


One day a week (usually Saturdays) Jennifer drinks only a smoothie made from fresh vegetables. The cocktail is made from the freshest organic vegetables and root vegetabl ...

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