Bleeding in the Second Half of Pregnancy

Bleeding in the second half of pregnancy can be a serious complication requiring immediate medical attention. If in the first trimester bleeding is most often associated with a threatened miscarriage, then in the second half - with placenta previa and premature abruption of a normally located placenta, as well as uterine rupture.

Placenta previa is a dangerous condition in which the placenta or baby's place, the placenta, is not located in the fundus or on the back wall of the uterus, but along the front wall, blocking the exit from the uterus. This condition can lead to various injuries to the placenta and early abruption. In addition, placenta previa interferes with the normal course of labor, being an absolute indication for cesarean section.

With placenta previa, bleeding can be either external or internal. Bleeding usually begins in the second half of pregnancy and can range from light discharge to heavy bleeding. With complete placenta previa, the blood is scarlet in color, and pain is usually absent.

Placenta previa is a fairly rare complication of pregnancy, occurring in 0.4-0.6% of all births. It most often occurs in women who have suffered from inflammatory, dystrophic diseases, genital hypoplasia, in women with uterine malformations, and with isthymicocervical insufficiency.

If bleeding with placenta previa begins, doctors need to take immediate action. Actions will depend on the intensity of bleeding in the pregnant woman and whether placenta previa is complete or incomplete in a particular case. If the bleeding is heavy, then a caesarean section is necessary.

Premature abruption of a normally located placenta is another dangerous complication of pregnancy that can occur in the second half. It occurs when the placenta partially or completely detaches from the wall of the uterus before labor begins. In this case, heavy bleeding occurs, which can lead to fetal hypoxia and even its death.

The main causes of premature placental abruption are damage to the uterus, high blood pressure in the pregnant woman, alcohol and drug abuse, infections and other stress factors.

If premature placental abruption is detected, then it is necessary to urgently hospitalize the pregnant woman in the maternity ward, where she will be under constant medical supervision. Depending on the degree of placental abruption and the condition of the fetus, various treatment methods, including cesarean section, may be used.

Uterine rupture is an extremely rare but very serious complication of pregnancy that can lead to severe bleeding and even death of mother and baby. Uterine rupture usually occurs as a result of trauma or previous uterine surgery.

In case of bleeding in the second half of pregnancy, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. The sooner the cause of bleeding is determined and appropriate measures are taken, the greater the chances for a favorable outcome of the pregnancy and the health of the child.

Nowadays, thanks to the advances of medicine and modern technologies for diagnosing and treating bleeding in the second half of pregnancy