Crescent Space

Lunar spaces:

Lunar spaces are a geometric concept that finds its application in many areas of mathematics and physics, such as group theory, topology, mathematical physics, etc.

Traube is a mathematician and physicist who in 1947 formulated the **crescent hypotheses** about the existence of spaces with special properties and the fundamental properties of these spaces. In particular, he made the assumption that there are surfaces of spatial curvature that are divided into two half-spaces without a geodesic line. Traube also proposed formulations of other hypotheses. He called the surfaces crescent-type curvature, since they were very similar to the half-disk of the Moon if you cut it along the meridian and then draw a sphere through this line. In addition, Traube noted that a surface with such properties is crucial for solving Einstein's riddles about curvature and deriving the energy formula from the principle of general relativity. Based on the semilunar spaces, at the end of the 50s of the last century he compiled a map of galactic distances, reducing the number of parallaxes to several hundred instead of thousands of thousands. The Lunar Hypothesis influenced the theory of relativity, the use of lasers in the universe, and the development of new cosmologies.