Exercises and cosmetics for firm breasts

Beautiful and firm breasts are the dream of many women. However, over time, the skin in the décolleté and neck area loses its elasticity and tone, which leads to a change in the shape of the breast. In this article we will look at how to improve the condition of the skin in the décolleté and neck area with the help of exercises and cosmetics.

Why does the skin in the décolleté and neck area lose elasticity and tone?
The skin on the neck and décolleté is thin and lacks a subcutaneous fat layer. It contains a lot of collagen and elastin fibers, which essentially provide the skin with elasticity. Its protective barrier is weaker, and all this leads to the fact that the skin on the neck loses water faster, which causes it to become dry. In addition, the skin on the neck and décolleté is often exposed to the sun, which accelerates the aging process.

How to improve the condition of the skin in the décolleté and neck area?
There are several ways to help improve the condition of the skin in the décolleté and neck area:

  1. Use of special cosmetics
    Carefully choose special preparations; they work best in the form of serum or gel. Products should contain components that help moisturize, nourish and increase skin elasticity in the décolleté and neck area.

  2. Peeling
    For the décolleté area, choose one that acts delicately, for example, with enzymes, or is intended purely for the face. Thin skin is especially susceptible to irritation. Peeling will help remove dead skin cells and stimulate skin renewal.

  3. Professional massage
    It is advisable to visit a cosmetologist. He will not only recommend procedures to improve skin elasticity, but also give a professional massage that improves its tone.

  4. Exercises
    At home, you need to perform special exercises that will help strengthen the muscles in the décolleté and neck area. This will help improve blood circulation and improve skin tone. Let's look at a few exercises:

  1. Chair push-ups: Turn your back to a chair, lean on your elbows and stretch your legs forward. Bend your arms, lower yourself down and return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times, in 3 sets.
  2. Raise: Sit on a chair, straighten your back, hold dumbbells at chest level, bend your elbows and press them to your sides. Without lifting your elbows from your sides, spread your arms to the sides 8 times, stretching the muscles slightly. Then move your elbows away from your body and spread your arms, while they continue to remain bent. Repeat 2 times for 12 divorces.
  3. Stretching: You should finish your workout with stretching. Try simply holding the dumbbells with your hands at your sides.

The use of special cosmetics, regular peeling, professional massage and exercises will help improve the condition of the skin in the décolleté and neck area. However, do not forget that a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and moderate exercise also have a positive effect on skin condition and overall health. Follow these recommendations and you will always have firm and beautiful breasts!