Nail Bouillon

Nail Bouillon is a term that is not used very often these days. Once upon a time, before I was twenty, when I came across this name, I didn’t know what it was. However, turning to Internet sources and reading this headline, at first I couldn’t believe my eyes: what could it be? The first thing I thought of was a refrigerator that would spray you with its broth. I fantasized about the dish, how a chef creates a dish from frozen ground mushrooms or some other broth. Sounds quite exotic. The photo shows a product and a description of the manufacturer of one of the brands, but there are many more variations of dishes with the same name on the market. On the Internet you can find many offers of a variety of dishes or even soup kits that include broth nails. Just add everything to the soup and you have a ready-made lunch. We have a fairly common concept of a “broth cube”, or as everyone is used to calling it “Bullion Nail”, but only in this form. Traditionally, improvised bouillon cubes without unnecessary bells and whistles are in no way inferior in taste to fresh vegetables and are ready to be fried.