How to care for legs with varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common disease that most often occurs in women. The first signs of varicose veins may be burst capillaries, which become clearly visible on the skin. However, if the disease is not detected and treated on time, it can lead to more serious consequences such as blood clots and leg ulcers.

To avoid these problems and restore youth and beauty to your legs, you must follow simple rules for caring for your legs with varicose veins.

The first and most important rule is to move as much as possible. If you have to stand for a long time, shift from foot to foot and remember to take short breaks to rest. When sitting, avoid crossing your legs as this can impair blood flow in your legs. At the same time, try to place your feet on any elevation so that the lower surface of the thigh rests as little as possible on the edge of the chair. It is best to sleep on your left side as this improves blood flow in your legs.

Another important aspect of foot care is massage. Foot massage helps improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. If you don't know how to massage yourself, contact a professional. He will tell you how to massage correctly and what massage oils to use.

In addition, if you have varicose veins, you need to be careful when you visit the sauna or sunbathe. Avoid overheating or tanning as this may make the problem worse. At the same time, swimming is the best prevention of varicose veins, as it is an excellent way to improve blood circulation and tone blood vessels.

Finally, do not forget that proper nutrition also plays an important role in varicose veins. Try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, limit your intake of fatty and spicy foods, and remember to drink enough water.

As a result, caring for your legs with varicose veins requires some effort on your part, but it is definitely worth it. By following simple rules, you can avoid serious problems and keep your feet healthy and beautiful for many years.