Israels-Wilkinson Disease

Israel-Wilkinson disease (IDWD) is a rare autoimmune disease that is characterized by damage to the skin, joints, heart and other organs. This disease was first described in 1935 by the Israeli physician M. S. Israels and the English hematologist J. F. Wilkinson.

IZUBO manifests itself as a rash on the skin, which can be dry or moist, as well as pain in the joints and muscles. In addition, patients may experience irregular heart rhythms, breathing problems, and other symptoms.

The causes of IZUBO are still unclear, but it is believed to be related to a disorder of the immune system and improper functioning of cells in the body. Treatment usually includes corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, and other drugs.

Overall, IZUBO is a serious disease that can lead to serious complications and even death. However, thanks to modern treatment methods, many patients can live long and healthy lives.

Israels and Wilkinson's disease

The disease is quite rare and is described as non-infectious vasculitis. It disrupts the functioning of the vascular system. Pathology leads to cutaneous vasculitis, inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes, pathological changes in the walls of blood vessels, and the development of painful ulcers. If the form of the disease is advanced, this is fraught with serious disruptions to the functioning of organs and systems, including death. This syndrome is hereditary. Due to its autoimmune nature, it cannot be completely cured even with full and long-term treatment with medications. But the patient is able to live for many years, subject to prevention and periodic monitoring by a specialist.

Despite the fact that the disease is very rare, it has its own scientific name. It was discovered by the American dermatologist Israels and the British doctor Wilkinson in the first half of the 20th century. The pathological triad of symptoms itself was named after them. The Israeli physician who first identified it subsequently developed his own therapeutic approach. He used a group of drugs that act on the system of inflammatory factors. Thanks to him, the frequency of deaths has significantly decreased and the lives of many patients have been extended.

The essence of the development of pathology lies in the complete or partial defeat of immune mechanisms associated with impaired functioning of the blood coagulation system. The rheological properties of lymph are also disrupted, fibrin is formed - a purulent tissue formation that gradually glues tissue cells together, clogging small and