How to get rid of a stitch after surgery

Often, when patients are offered a choice between conservative and surgical treatment for serious illnesses, they choose the first option. The paradox is that such a decision can be made even if the operation required is simple and almost complete guarantees of its successful completion are given. Why are people so afraid of surgery? One of the most common reasons cited in anonymous surveys is post-operative scarring. Indeed, a successful operation will be forgotten over time, just like the initial health problems, and an ugly scar will remain on the body for life. Is it possible to remove it?

How do scars appear?

When deep wounds heal, connective tissue grows and accumulates in the damaged area. It is this that makes up the postoperative scar visible to the naked eye. Interesting fact: experts recommend assessing the type and appearance of the scar no earlier than a year after surgery. At this time, the scar is considered mature and you can decide whether it is necessary to improve its appearance and what is the best way to do this.

Types of scars

Atrophic scars are much more troubling; visually they resemble stretch marks and stretch marks. These scars look flabby and usually seem to be pressed into the skin. Hypertrophic scars are pink in color and protrude on the surface of the epidermis. The skin around them usually looks damaged. But there is good news: such scars can unexpectedly change their appearance within two years after formation.

A keloid postoperative scar is not a sight for the faint of heart. It usually forms if tissue regeneration occurs with some problems and complications. The features of such a scar are its unusual shape and bright pink or violet-bluish color. The scar is very dense to the touch, and its surface is smooth. The scar may be located at skin level or protrude slightly.

When treatment is urgently needed: what is a ligature fistula of a postoperative scar?

The final stage of any surgical operation is suturing. Often, a ligature is used for this - a special thread that is used to ligate blood vessels. With normal healing of the suture, no problems or complications are observed. If an infection is introduced during suturing, a granuloma of the postoperative scar and a ligature fistula may form. This pathology is considered a complication of the surgical intervention.

A ligature fistula is an inflammation at the site where a wound is sutured with a ligature. A granuloma is a compaction in a given area, consisting of a thread and a cluster of cells of different types. In fact, we are talking about suppuration of the suture, caused by non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards at the end of the operation and the unsterility of the thread itself. If there is a suspicion that a postoperative scar fistula has formed, the patient must be urgently taken to the hospital.

The symptoms of this pathology are quite clear. This is the appearance of seals on the seam and in its immediate vicinity, redness and swelling of the tissues. Often, there may also be discharge of pus from the sutured wound, inflammation and an increase in the patient’s body temperature to 39 degrees. If at least some of the listed symptoms are observed, you should not delay visiting a doctor. Remember that a ligature fistula can always lead to the development of an abscess and death.

The main thing is proper healing

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If you are concerned about a postoperative scar that is not too large, you should think about the cryodestruction procedure. We are talking about treating connective tissue cells with liquid nitrogen. The same method allows you to get rid of warts and papillomas. After cryodestruction, the treated tissues die naturally and after some time they are replaced by healthy skin cells.

Laser removal

Plastic surgery

How to remove a postoperative scar if it is large and located on a visible part of the body? In this case, the doctor may suggest the option of excision of the connective tissue and applying a cosmetic subcutaneous suture to the incision site. If the scar is large and very deep, and also sagging, it can be removed by cutting it out completely. After the operation, the surface of the skin will not look as perfect as in the previous version, but positive changes will definitely become noticeable.

Each surgical intervention entails a violation of the integrity of the skin. As a result, a seam is formed, which in some cases may have a pronounced cosmetic defect. That is why many patients are interested in the question of how to remove scars after surgery.

Stages of scar formation

Scar formation has several sequential stages, which include:

  1. Scar healing stage. Healing of the suture after surgery can take up to 10 days. At this time, the wound is connected with the help of granulation tissue, and when force is applied, divergence of the fused elements may occur. Since fastening occurs by tension.
  2. The stage of fibrillogenesis and the formation of a weak suture. It can last up to a month. As a result, the number of vessels decreases, as well as cellular elements disappear. There is an increase in the number of elastic and collagen fibers. The scar areas are connected and can be separated.
  3. The stage at which a durable scar is formed. The duration of this stage can reach 3 months. During this period, a dense structure made of connective tissue grows. The number of vessels in the scar tissue decreases.
  4. Transformation stage. Its duration can last a year. High-density scar tissue is created, in which there are no blood vessels. In tissue junctions, the cells are denser and difficult to separate. The patient needs to consult with a specialist to decide how to get rid of the scar after surgery.

Postoperative scar care

In order to prevent the formation of rough scars, it is necessary to follow procedures aimed at proper care from the first days after surgery. Among the basic rules are:

  1. During the first week after the operation, daily dressing of the wound with treatment and application of a sterile napkin is required. In addition to a cotton gauze napkin, you can use a special plaster.
  2. If there is no suppuration or wetting, postoperative scars are treated with a solution of brilliant green.
  3. If the wound begins to turn red, an infiltration zone is identified, or it begins to get wet, the use of agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect is required. Among them, the most popular drug is Levomekol ointment.
  4. After a week, when the suture material is removed and there are no signs of inflammation, there is no need to apply a bandage. It is necessary to contact a specialist about how and when to remove the sutures after surgery.
  5. When preserving the suture material, it is forbidden to allow it to become wet, as well as to allow contamination of the skin of nearby tissues.
  6. It is prohibited to use an alcohol solution to treat a postoperative suture. This can cause the exposed surface to burn and increase keloid formation.
  7. In order to clean the surface of dried blood particles, as well as remnants of bandage or gauze. Removing them may cause bruising. That is why it is necessary to first apply a large amount of hydrogen peroxide, which helps soften the crusts. This will ensure their smooth removal from the surface of the wound.

Treatment of the suture after surgery should be carried out using sterile instruments and carefully treated hands.
It is forbidden to reuse dressing material, as this may cause infection.

Removal methods

After the interventions, many patients have a question about how to remove the scar after surgery. Currently, there are several different techniques that are widely used by patients. Treatment of scars after surgery includes the following techniques:


The procedure for removing scars is hardware-based. The procedure involves removing epithermal cells using a cutter. The procedure is one of the most effective, but it is also highly traumatic, since scar tissue is removed down to the papillary layer. During the procedure, the patient may experience severe pain, which requires pain relief.

Among the indications for the use of this type of scar tissue removal are pronounced keloid or hypertrophic scars after surgery, as well as retraction of scar tissue with an atrophic form of the scar. The procedure helps prevent excessive growth of connective tissue structures and helps restore skin texture. Healing of scars after surgery can take a long time.

Compared to other methods of removing such tissue, dermoabrasion is one of the most effective. But, you should remember, it also does not always give 100% results. Factors such as:

  1. Fresh tripe. Earlier scars after surgery are more easily subjected to dermoabrasion.
  2. Small areas of scar tissue.
  3. Small depth of skin damage.

Laser resurfacing

Removing scars after surgery using laser resurfacing is one of the most effective. Because, unlike many other methods, it allows you to remove various types of scar tissue. In addition, its implementation is absolutely painless, which does not cause discomfort to the patient. Laser resurfacing is carried out on various surfaces, including areas with soft and thin surrounding skin. The most popular method is used to excise the scar after mole removal. During the procedure, there is no dissection of the skin or excision of the scar area, which prevents the entry of an infectious agent with subsequent inflammation of the tissue.
During the procedure, a thin layer of cream with a moisturizing and mild anesthetic effect is first applied to the skin. Next, laser resurfacing is performed directly, which can last up to an hour. During the procedure, dead cells are removed. Areas with young cells remain unaffected; the laser does not reach the papillary layer, unlike dermabrasion. After the procedure, you need to apply an ointment with a healing effect based on panthenol to the treated area. It is acceptable for small crusts to appear during the first day, which dry out and fall off on their own. Laser resurfacing will continue for normotopic, hypertrophic, atrophic, and keloid scars.


Treatment of postoperative scars using cryodestruction is a not so popular procedure for removing scar tissue. Removal of postoperative scars and scars is based on the action of tissue through liquid nitrogen. It is carried out in a beauty salon, where a specialist applies liquid nitrogen to the skin of the scar. The procedure is absolutely painless and non-invasive, the risk of infection is minimal. After cryodestruction, bubbles may remain on the surface of the scar, which disappear on their own and the tissue is rejected. The fabric is not always rejected after the first application; if necessary, two to four sessions are required. Cryodestruction may not remove scars after surgery of large size or deep localization. Before and after its implementation, no care procedures are performed.

Hardware techniques and surgery

In some cases, scarring on the surface of the skin may require invasive removal techniques. This is especially necessary in cases where scars remain after severe operations on large areas of skin. In addition, surgical emphasis is performed after healing by secondary intention.
These procedures are performed by plastic surgeons. Among the main methods are:

  1. Plastic surgery with local fabrics. To remove a scar, rough tissue is excised and healthy areas are stretched, which are stitched together using a cosmetic suture. A scar remains on the surface of the skin, but it will occupy a smaller area and severity.
  2. Plastic surgery using expanders. A similar operation is performed if it is necessary to remove a large area of ​​scar changes. An expander is inserted under the skin, which helps stretch the skin. They help eliminate various processes, including such as getting rid of scars after surgery.
  3. Plastic surgery through transplantation. After removing the scar, the upper layers of the skin are split layer-by-layer, which ensures a gradual increase in tissue. Removal of postoperative scars is performed under general anesthesia.


Among the drugs are:

  1. Diprospan. A glucocorticoid drug is used for various types of scar tissue. Against the background of keloid changes occurring as a result of the reaction of the immune system, Diprospan promotes the development of an immunosuppressive effect. As a result of its use, the process of kelodide formation is inhibited and many cosmetic defects are eliminated, including such as removing scars after surgery. The product is used in injection form, the drug is injected into the scar area over several days. The best effect is achieved in the early stages of tissue growth after surgery. As treatment progresses, a change in color occurs with pallor and a decrease in size. Treatment of scars after surgery with Diprospan may not be effective for large lesions.
  2. Contactubex. The drug, which has a combined composition, contains components that ensure the breakdown of rough connective tissue and prevent the inflammatory process with subsequent hypertrophy. The allantoin contained in the composition has a keratolytic effect, heparin breaks down microthrombi and promotes fibrinolysis. Bulb extract relieves inflammation. Treatment of postoperative scars is carried out in accordance with the instructions, according to which it is necessary to rub the gel two or three times a day. The duration of application depends on the severity of the process; for fresh scar tissue, application is carried out within a month, old or rough tissue requires treatment for several months. The maximum duration of application can be one year. It is not recommended to treat scars after mole removal with this product.
  3. Kelofibrase. A combined ointment made on the basis of Heparin, urea and D-camphor leads to the resorption of scars after surgery. Urea is the main moisturizing component of the drug, which prevents skin tightening and the formation of elastic formation. The destruction of tight connections between cells also occurs. The product helps achieve several effects, including speeding up the healing of sutures after surgery.
    Heparin improves blood circulation, helping to sprout new blood vessels and ensure full trophism. Camphor reduces the inflammatory response and stimulates microcirculation processes. The ointment is applied several times a day until it is inscribed; massage of the area is allowed. The best therapeutic effect is achieved when used in the early stages.

Despite the presence of many methods that help hide a cosmetic defect, before removing a postoperative scar you must seek help from a specialist. He will decide the question of which is the most suitable method to choose.

Video: How to remove a scar

  1. -ointment;
  2. -surgeon;
  3. -injections;
  4. -laser peeling.
  1. laser peeling
  2. seam removal
  3. remove scars

Why do scars form after surgery?

Many patients who have undergone surgery and are faced with the appearance of scars at the site of the sutures tend to blame the surgeon for this. But this is not always the case - in some cases, even when the suture and post-operative care were impeccable, a rough and unsightly scar may still form. Its appearance may be due to genetic predisposition.

Clinical observations show that such scars are especially often formed on the surface of the skin after operations performed in the joint area, along the midline of the neck and chest. As a rule, intensive growth of connective tissue on the postoperative suture is typical for young people aged 11 to 30 years. But, of course, in some cases it is also the surgeon’s fault - if the suture threads were too tight, this can stimulate the production of connective tissue and the appearance of a scar.

Keloid scars, which not only do not become smaller over time, but also increase in size, are also explained by genetic predisposition or may be the result of severe inflammation in the area of ​​the postoperative suture. A conventional operation will not be able to permanently eliminate a keloid scar, since it usually appears again, in which case additional treatment is necessary.

To remove keloid scars, injections of 5-fluorouracil into the scar area are prescribed, but they can be replaced by the complex effects of several sessions of radiotherapy and compression treatment methods.

How to get rid of a postoperative scar

For rough scars, several sessions of cryotherapy or laser skin resurfacing procedures may be effective.

If the hypertrophied scar is quite noticeable and its size is large, it is necessary to remove excess tissue protruding above the surface of the skin using another surgical operation. During this operation, the affected area of ​​skin is simply cut off, and then medications are used for special postoperative care of the skin surface, eliminating the growth of new connective tissue. Sometimes, instead of surgery, a dermatologist may prescribe compression treatment, a course of injections based on glucocorticoid hormones or 5-fluorouracil to remove a narrow scar of a small area.