How to maintain body skin elasticity

The cause of the first wrinkles is a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for skin elasticity. But this process can be slowed down with proper daily care.

  1. What does skin elasticity depend on?
  2. How to increase facial skin elasticity
  3. How to increase the elasticity of body skin
  4. Review of skin firming products

What does skin elasticity depend on?

For a second, imagine the springs inside a sofa or bed - they may well play the role of a simplified model of the collagen framework of our skin.

Together with another protein, elastin, collagen forms voluminous spirals.

They, in turn, are firmly woven into tight “braids” - collagen fibers.

Over the years, the grip of the braids weakens and the spirals become fragile.

And skin that has lost support suffers from loss of tone and elasticity and gradually becomes covered with wrinkles.

To check if you have a collagen deficiency, do this test. Pinch the skin on the eyelid. If it smooths out immediately, everything is fine. If not, you need to take action. After all, with age, starting from 30 years, collagen production gradually decreases. However, other factors also influence this.


During the premenopausal period, the amount of estrogen, a hormone that regulates collagen production, sharply decreases. The result is predictable: the skin quite dramatically begins to look several years older.

Scientists are still arguing which enemy of collagen is stronger: deadlines, lack of sleep, chronic stress or bad habits (tobacco, alcohol). © iStock


To produce collagen, the body needs amino acids, which it obtains from food. If there are not enough amino acids, the construction of proteins is “frozen”, and the skin becomes loose and loses tone.

Lack of sleep and stress

Scientists are still arguing which enemy of collagen is stronger: deadlines, lack of sleep, chronic stress or bad habits (tobacco, alcohol). In fact, all these factors are equally harmful.

Sun and solarium

Excess ultraviolet radiation provokes the formation of free radicals. And these particles can destroy collagen fibers.

How to increase facial skin elasticity

Much depends on daily care: the skin needs to be regularly cleansed, moisturized and protected. Depending on age, only the details change.

At 20 years old

Basic care is enough. To cleanse, choose a product based on your skin type - milk, micellar water, gel or foam cleanser. Moisturizing is also necessary, including for oily skin (a light texture with a mattifying effect is suitable).

You need to protect young skin mainly from excess ultraviolet radiation: this will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

At 30 years old

The rate of cell renewal and collagen production decreases - the first wrinkles appear, the skin loses its elasticity. Use cleansing products with an exfoliating effect, for example, with AHA acids: they remove dead skin cells and activate regeneration. Regarding protection and moisturization, the cream should contain:

antioxidants that save the skin from the effects of free radicals;

active components that improve regeneration.

At 40 years old

Excess ultraviolet radiation can trigger the formation of free radicals. © iStock

Estrogen synthesis has already been reduced, so the skin is less elastic and firm, wrinkles become deeper. For cleansing, use soft products; for daily care, choose anti-aging creams with moisturizing effects, protection from the sun and oxidative stress.

If the skin looks flabby, a cream with peptides that stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin will help.

At 50 years old

Signs of the times: ptosis (skin sagging), wrinkles deepen, pores become more noticeable. Cleanse your skin gently with gentle, soap-free products, and use exfoliants once a week to stimulate cell renewal.

How to increase the elasticity of body skin


Algae, mud, chocolate - alternate them or carry out a course of 10-20 sessions every six months. If for some reason a salon does not fit into your life, buy professional mixtures and do body wraps at home.

Procedures with temperature changes

Contrast douches or showers activate blood circulation, improve nutrition in cells and trigger renewal processes. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic.

Such procedures are not indicated for people with reduced immunity or chronic diseases. Health must be practically impeccable.


Improves microcirculation, which means nutrition of cells and tissues. You can do self-massage using products with a drainage effect and/or based on essential oils.

Massage improves microcirculation, which means nutrition of cells and tissues. © iStock

Physical exercise

Any activity in the fresh air enriches cells with oxygen and improves skin nutrition. Exercises such as lunges, jumping, and “bicycle” are effective for the inner thighs. If we talk about the inner surface of the hands, where the skin often sags, the following will help:

"propeller" for hands.

Salon treatments

Classic manual massage - remedy number one. Perhaps nothing better has been invented yet.

Hardware techniques. Microcurrents, ultrasound therapy, radio wave lifting are aimed at enhancing collagen production and normalizing natural regenerative processes.

Injections of native hyaluronic acid (biorevitalization). Regeneration processes are launched.

Review of skin firming products

Products for skin elasticity after 30

hyaluronic acid, galangal extract

Stimulates renewal processes, activates collagen production, makes skin soft and elastic.

rose and black currant oils

Moisturizes and soothes dry, sensitive skin, relieves the feeling of tightness.

thermal water, caffeine, adenosine

Improves skin microrelief, significantly reduces wrinkles, fights the aging process, making the skin elastic.

jasmonic acid derivatives, adenosine

Increases elasticity, reduces wrinkles, evens out complexion, gives radiance to the skin.

Products for skin elasticity after 40

Superbly Restorative Argan Body Lotion, Kiehl’s

Relieves irritation, tones the skin, promotes elasticity.

thermal water, shea butter, vitamin E

Nourishes, softens and soothes the skin.

hyaluronic acid, sun filters, Collagen Reset complex

Stimulates the production of collagen fibers, reduces wrinkles, smoothes and strengthens the skin.

Firm and elastic skin is a natural indicator of youth. Only in adolescence are two unique proteins actively synthesized in the body - elastin and collagen. Fibrillar proteins, which are responsible for the strength, elasticity and smoothness of the skin, prevent its sagging and retain moisture in the cells. With age, by the age of 35-40, the production of “youth proteins” slows down, and the skin needs help.

What affects turgor

The ability of the skin to look firm and elastic is determined by such a concept as turgor. If the cellular contents lose moisture, it means that turgor decreases, which leads to tissue dehydration, the skin becomes wrinkled and flabby. The body suffers from a lack of fluid, this can lead to dehydration.

The main reason for decreased skin elasticity is insufficient fluid. The body requires at least 2 liters of water per day, and this does not count soups, juices and compotes. You should only drink clean water, especially on hot days.

A separate reason is such negative conditions of the body as:

  1. vomit;
  2. diarrhea;
  3. sudden weight loss;
  4. diabetes;
  5. skin diseases.

Turgor decreases with age. As soon as a person begins to age, the first signs of age appear on the skin. Skin aging also depends on:

How to improve your skin condition

The body, face, chest one day will not be as toned as before. To help women cope with age-related changes, many different activities are offered to help restore youth and beauty to the skin. Salon procedures include:

  1. grinding;
  2. chemical peeling;
  3. face cleaning;
  4. massage;
  5. mesotherapy;
  6. ozone therapy;
  7. skin hydration;
  8. phytorejuvenation;
  9. nourishing masks.

All these cosmetic sessions are aimed at improving skin tone, moisturizing and nourishing. Of course, it’s difficult to fight genetics and ecology, but if you can help yourself in any way in order to preserve your youth, then you need to:

  1. adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
  2. Avoid fatty, floury and sweet foods in your diet;
  3. consume as many fatty fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits, and vegetable oils as possible;
  4. drink plenty of high-quality clean water;
  5. avoid intense sunlight;
  6. take care of your skin, do massages, moisturize with creams and essential oils.

The desired effect can be achieved thanks to:

  1. correctly selected procedures;
  2. creams corresponding to your skin type;
  3. the composition of active substances introduced into the formulation of used masks and body compresses, including those prepared for the elasticity of facial skin at home.

Ingredients to moisturize and nourish the skin

To strengthen turgor and help the skin stay young and firm longer, you need to use nutrients:

  1. Vegetable oils, such as olive or flaxseed, contain a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. They help slow down the aging process and restore water balance.
  2. Essential oils normalize cellular metabolic processes, have warming effects, and increase the tone of the epidermis and dermis.
  3. Natural antioxidants - oats (oatmeal), egg yolk (containing tocopherol), which have a positive effect on the synthesis of collagen, which is so necessary to maintain skin elasticity.
  4. Bee products contain ideal substances for moisturizing and tightening the skin, since they are able to penetrate into its deepest layers.
  5. And many other products containing vitamins, micro- and macroelements: fruits, vegetables, bran, yeast, gelatin, mumiyo.

To tone the skin, the following special substances are often used, which can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  1. cosmetic clay;
  2. bodyagi powder;
  3. vitamins A and E in capsules;
  4. collagen serum;
  5. calcium chloride solution in ampoules;
  6. spirulina;
  7. sodium alginate powder.

All this is used in cosmetic masks that you can prepare yourself.

Recommendations before applying masks

Before making the mask, some rules need to be taken into account:

  1. for mixing components It is not recommended to use metal utensils, since vitamins and amino acids are destroyed when interacting with metal;
  2. vegetable oils included in recipes, Need to warm up slightly before use;
  3. masks are applied for 15-20 minutes, after which they must be washed off with clean water or a herbal decoction;
  4. before choosing recipes based on honey, bodyaga, essential oils, check your body for an allergic reactionby applying the component to the elbow or wrist;
  5. before applying the composition your face needs to be cleaned of makeup, you can make a hot compress to better open the pores;
  6. Do not use body recipes on the skin around the eyes, There are separate formulations for eyelids;
  7. After the procedure you need to wash your face (contrast washing is very useful);
  8. procedures must be carried out regularly, and not once (at least 2-3 times a week);
  9. after 40-45 years, skin tightening masks can be used every other day.

Masks for elasticity of face and body skin

To identify the presence of a problem with turgor, it is enough to conduct a small experiment. You need to squeeze an area of ​​skin, for example, on the forearm. If the skin returns to its original state quickly, then there is no problem. And if it’s slow, there is cause for concern and, accordingly, additional impact on the skin with nourishing masks.

Honey face mask

Honey procedures are an excellent way to give elasticity, since honey and its components have a tonic effect. Thanks to their penetration into the deep subcutaneous layers, cell regeneration is accelerated and the destruction of collagen structures is slowed down.

  1. honey - 20 g;
  2. tocopherol (vitamin E) - 5 ml;
  3. beebread pollen - on the tip of a knife (2 g).
  1. mix everything;
  2. cleanse your face with thermal products;
  3. distribute the composition in a circular motion along the massage lines;
  4. leave for 20 minutes;
  5. rinse with citrus water;
  6. apply nourishing cream.

Clay face mask

White clay - kaolin - is considered to be a universal remedy among different clay compositions. The proposed mask uses pink cosmetic clay, consisting of a mixture of white and red clay, which means it combines the qualities of both. The color of clay is given by its mineral composition. To increase elasticity, collagen production, and strengthen blood vessels, it is better to use products containing silicon, aluminum, and silver. This means that in addition to pink clay, you can also use green or blue. Although any type of clay tones and deeply moisturizes the skin.

  1. two egg yolks;
  2. pink clay - 10 g;
  3. fat sour cream - 1 spoon;
  4. sea ​​buckthorn oil - 10 drops.

Preparation and method of application:

  1. mix the ingredients;
  2. cleanse the skin;
  3. apply to prepared skin along massage lines;
  4. leave for 20 minutes;
  5. wash off with linden decoction;
  6. apply lifting cream.

Since compositions with clay are difficult to wash off, the mask should be soaked before removing. And also you should not apply such a mass to the thyroid gland area.

Gelatin mask for oval face and neck

Gelatin treatments are good for visible sagging skin. More often they are used to tighten the oval of the face and smooth out wrinkles on the neck.

  1. gelatin - 20 g;
  2. cocoa butter - 20 drops;
  3. bodyaga - 10 g;
  4. green tea.
  1. dissolve gelatin in warm green tea;
  2. mix with bodyaga;
  3. leave for 10 minutes. for infusion;
  4. add cocoa butter;
  5. mix everything.
  1. Apply a warm mask to the skin (apply an especially thick layer to the oval of the face and neck);
  2. leave until dry.

During the procedure, you need to be lying down, otherwise the drying composition will not form skin folds correctly. And instead of straightening, you can get even more wrinkles. Then rinse everything off with a warm decoction of rosehip, chamomile, and linden.

Masks for the skin around the eyes

The recipe used for the delicate skin around the eyes will not only moisturize the epidermis, but also reduce swelling and restore the tenderness of the eyelids. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in a course of 10-20 sessions.

To prevent the appearance of “chicken feet”, eye masks should be applied at least once a week by the age of 30.

  1. parsley seeds - 5 g;
  2. natural yogurt without additives - 10 g;
  3. petitgrain oil - 2 drops.

Petitgrain oil is the oil of unripe lemon or bitter orange. It is sometimes replaced with ordinary citrus oil made from zest and seeds. But you need to know that it is the essential oil of petitgrain, not from the fruit, but from the shoots and leaves, that is called oil for old age.

  1. crush the parsley seeds in a mortar;
  2. add yogurt and butter;
  3. mix.

The tightening product is applied in the evening, after removing makeup, with light movements of the fingertips from the bridge of the nose to the temples. The mask can be left overnight and washed off in the morning with cosmetic milk. You can also tighten the delicate skin of your eyelids with potato juice. It also helps relieve puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. To do this, you just need to grate a raw potato, place it in gauze bags and place it on the lower eyelids. After 15 minutes, the juice can be washed off with cold water.

Body oil mask

For skin elasticity, recipes using various oils are very popular.

Take in equal proportions:

  1. wheat germ oil (or olive);
  2. almond;
  3. rapeseed;
  4. sesame;
  5. flaxseed

For 1 tbsp. add a spoonful of oil mixture:

  1. yolk of one egg;
  2. a tablespoon of honey;
  3. bran (or oatmeal) - 1 teaspoon;
  4. water in the amount required for a creamy consistency.

You can add half an avocado to the recipe; this fruit will perfectly moisturize your face and body, add shine and freshness.

Body mask with mumiyo

Mumiyo is an excellent tightening product. Often used for the abdomen, inner areas of the upper arms, and thighs with obvious cellulite problems.

  1. any cream with anti-cellulite effect;
  2. mumiyo - 10 tablets.
  1. mix the tablets and a tube of cream in a glass container;
  2. leave for several days at room temperature until completely dissolved;
  3. mix well again.

Apply the resulting composition to problem areas every other day for a month. A mixture with mumiyo will effectively act and significantly reduce stretch marks (including postpartum ones).

Breast lifting masks

Before applying the composition, it is necessary to clean the skin of the chest and décolleté area. You cannot use hard scrubs on these areas. In terms of tenderness, the skin of the breast is equal to the area around the eyes, so it requires an individual approach. The recipe can be prepared from two compositions: radish-based and spirulina-based. Choose any one.

  1. 1 white radish, crushed to pulp;
  2. patchouli oil - 1 teaspoon;
  3. olive oil - 1 teaspoon.
  1. spirulina - 10 tablets;
  2. olive oil (or flax oil) - 1 spoon;
  3. oatmeal - 1 spoon;
  4. chamomile decoction - an amount sufficient to obtain a creamy mixture.
  1. the selected composition is applied to gauze and applied as a compress to the chest;
  2. after 20 minutes everything is removed with water;
  3. The procedure should be repeated at least 10 times a month.

White radish juice warms the epidermis and increases blood flow to the cells. And spirulina algae strengthens capillaries and slows down the aging process.

Algin mask

Alginic acid is a viscous polysaccharide produced from brown algae. Alginic acid salts (alginates) are one of the best means of rejuvenation. The strength of their action is comparable to surgical correction or Botox injections. Together with alginate, calcium chloride is often used in anti-aging masks, which makes the skin silky and smooth.

  1. sodium alginate - 0.5 teaspoon;
  2. cosmetic clay - 1 teaspoon;
  3. calcium chloride - 1 ampoule;
  4. water - 3 spoons.
  1. sodium alginate - 1 teaspoon;
  2. oatmeal - 20 g;
  3. sea ​​buckthorn oil - 10 ml;
  4. water - 3 spoons.
  1. mix alginate with water;
  2. leave to swell for 4-5 hours;
  3. dilute clay or flour until creamy;
  4. add the remaining ingredients and mix everything;
  5. before using the composition, you need to treat your eyelashes and eyebrows with Vaseline (vegetable oil);
  6. then apply the mixture thickly to the face (including eyelids), neck, décolleté and leave for 15 minutes.

A frozen algin mask takes on the appearance of plasticine or plastic rubber; it must be removed with a sharp movement from bottom to top.

Any woman is concerned about skin turgor and facial beauty. Skin problems arise most acutely after childbirth or severe weight loss. Girls are especially worried about their appearance in the warm season. In the summer, every representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of looking attractive, but in certain cases it is not possible to advantageously emphasize the figure by hiding problem areas with the help of clothes. Tightening and rejuvenating procedures can save the situation.

What does elasticity depend on?

Many people are interested in knowing what determines the elasticity of the skin and what can harm it. The skin becomes less elastic for the following reasons:

  1. Circulatory disorders.
  2. Severe weight loss.
  3. Overdrying and dehydration of the skin.
  4. Severe air pollution.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Lack of nutrients in the body.
  7. Excessive passion for decorative cosmetics.

The skin loses its elasticity due to a decrease in the hormone estrogen. This hormone is necessary for the production of the basic elements due to which the epidermis functions normally. We are talking about substances such as elastin, collagen and hyaluron.

The basis of connective tissue is provided by collagen and elastin proteins, thanks to which the skin becomes elastic and strong. Hyaluron resembles a sponge and maintains the necessary hydration of the skin. If the water balance is disturbed, then hyaluron ceases to be produced regularly. It must be remembered that care cannot be effective without maintaining a drinking balance and regular hydration.

How to improve skin elasticity

To understand how to improve the condition of your body's skin, you need to follow the basic rules. First of all, you need to drink enough water per day and enrich your diet with protein. Restoring and strengthening the elasticity of the skin is not an easy task, which includes both external and internal influences. External effects include the use of masks, scrubs and creams. The internal influence is adherence to a certain diet.

Protein is the main building substance. Water is an important element responsible for hydration. The skin becomes elastic thanks to elastin and collagen. If cell division is insufficient, tone will be lost and wrinkles will appear.

At home, body wrap is ideal to increase the elasticity of the body's skin. This procedure is easy to use and takes no more than an hour and a half. To do this, you need to select products containing vitamins, bandages and a measuring cup.

First of all, you need to apply menthol oil (you can use any other oil) on your body in a circular motion. The oil will help remove excess moisture from the body and constrict blood vessels. Let the oil massage last for about seven minutes. After the massage, you need to take pre-prepared bandages soaked in lotion and wrap them around problem areas (for example, thighs). Wrap the problem areas with film on top of the bandages and leave for half an hour. Thanks to this “steam bath” effect, the effects of healing components are activated.

At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the skin of the body. For the effect to be impressive, you need to undergo a course of ten similar procedures, and the breaks between procedures should be no more than two days.

Physical training. Physical activity helps restore the body and skin to good condition. Exercises prevent sagging, sagging areas become tightened again. For this reason, it is worth making it a rule to exercise regularly.

Cold and hot shower. Hot water opens pores, helping to remove accumulated toxins and impurities. If you immediately lower the water temperature, the pores will narrow and close. With the help of a contrast shower, you can restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin. It is advisable to repeat this procedure in the morning and evening, at least three contrasts in one approach. Impressive results will not take long to arrive.

Peeling. This procedure helps maintain turgor. You can use store-bought products, or a homemade scrub made from coffee grounds will also work. Apply the product to a damp body using circular movements. After the procedure, you need to take a warm shower and apply a nourishing cream. To see a noticeable result, you need to carry out this procedure two or three times a week.

Self-massage. For this procedure, a terry towel is suitable, which must be soaked in cold water and wrung out. Now he should be placed on his chest. First of all, you need to cross your arms and properly rub the chest area, and then the forearms.

As soon as the towel warms up, you need to wet it again in cold water. Then move the fabric back and rub your back and lower back, then massage your hips. This procedure will give the skin elasticity if done every evening.

Body mask recipes

To look fresh and young, any woman should know and use a recipe for a mask - for the body, for skin elasticity. Many homemade masks help to effectively fight cellulite, provide excellent tightening of sagging skin and solve many other problems.. You can use one of the following recipes:

  1. Honey mask to remove toxins. It is necessary to melt 300 gr. honey, cool to a comfortable temperature and apply to the body. Leave the mask on for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  2. A mask of apples and coffee nourishes the skin and enriches it with vitamins. It is necessary to chop two large apples and combine with 50 g. coffee grounds. This product should be applied to the body with massaging movements and left for twenty minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
  3. A potato mask perfectly nourishes and helps make the skin elastic. Three small potatoes must be peeled, chopped and mixed with a small amount of olive oil. The product should be applied to the skin and washed off after fifteen minutes.

How to maintain skin turgor

Every woman should know how to maintain the elasticity of her facial skin at home. The elasticity of facial skin depends primarily on blood circulation. Good blood circulation can be achieved through regular contrast procedures. If a woman has a sedentary job, she should move more in her free time, walk. Vacuum massage will also be useful.

The skin of the face will remain elastic for a long time if it is constantly moisturized and protected.. It is important not to get carried away with tanning, either in a solarium or in the open sun. It is recommended to go outside in the summer, after using a protective face cream. It is recommended to start using anti-aging creams from the age of 26, and also purchase products containing essential oils.

If you visit the bathhouse once a week, your skin will remain young and beautiful for a long time. In the bathhouse, toxins and wastes are well removed from the body, as well as excess water, and the skin is freed from dead cells.

Masks to maintain elasticity

Representatives of the fair sex should know mask recipes for facial skin elasticity. Before applying any of the masks, use a soft scrub. It is recommended to rinse off with warm water. The mask should be applied to the neck and face, without touching the lips and eyes. It is strictly not recommended to keep the mask on your face longer than prescribed. After using the product, you need to apply a nourishing cream to your face.

The following products will help keep your facial skin in good condition:

  1. To prevent wrinkles around the eyes from appearing for as long as possible, it is recommended to use herbal extracts. They can be prepared at home. The product must be applied to a cotton pad and applied to the eyes for ten minutes.
  2. Honey mask to improve tone. Mix half a tablespoon of honey with one spoon of oatmeal and add protein. Apply the mixture to your face and wait for the protein to dry, then remove. This mask will restore the skin's natural shine and soothe it.
  3. Mask with mumiyo. You need to take 2 grams. mumiyo, 60 gr. nourishing cream and 10 ml of almond oil. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly and the resulting product should be placed in the refrigerator. Apply the product to a steamed face in a thick layer, wait half an hour, then wipe your face with damp cotton pads.

No one has yet come up with a recipe for eternal youth, but every woman can prolong her youth by one or even two decades on her own by regularly caring for her skin. The procedures are not only pleasant, but will also help a woman look younger than her age.