How to hang a pear in an apartment? - personal experience

So, we bought a suitable punching bag, and we have an irresistible desire to hit it day and night in order to become stronger and be able to protect ourselves and our loved ones in difficult times. But here’s the question: how to hang a pear in an apartment? Or rather: how to hang it correctly and as efficiently as possible. Firstly, to make it convenient to work with her. Secondly, so that she doesn’t bother anyone...

I will share with you my personal experience, because I spent a lot of time studying this issue...

So, here are the most common options for hanging a punching bag:

  1. To the ceiling using all kinds of hooks, chains, cables and ropes.
  2. To Wall. For this option, we will anyway need some kind of bracket, an “L”-shaped profile or a wall horizontal bar, something like this.
  3. On a pull-up bar, which is usually installed in a narrow place, for example, in a corridor.

However, in addition to the very option of attaching a boxing bag, many people forget about another important point: in what place in the apartment is it best to do this? Because with regular strong physical impact, the filler will inevitably spill out on the bag. For example, even after 20 minutes of working on a bag, at the end of the lesson a small pile of sawdust appears. Imagine if there is a carpet underneath - then you will be tortured to clean it. Therefore, try to choose a place for hanging with a smooth floor, not covered with carpets. After training, I quickly swept up and that was it. But another question arises: since sawdust from the bag appears on the floor, imagine how much of this muck also fills your room, and then slowly settles over the course of several hours, and everywhere!!! And you can breathe it! And not only for you, but also for all your household members. Therefore: in addition to the absence of carpets, it would not be amiss to add one more rule: It is best to hang a bag in unclaimed rooms, where cleanliness is not so critical:

  1. Balcony of your apartment. Quite a smart option. It doesn't need to be cleaned that often. At the same time, good fresh air during training, which will only have a positive effect on your health...
  2. Landing. Why not an option given your mobility? He took the pear, took it out to the site, hung it up, did a good job, took it off and went home. And on the site there was only a bracket or a hook for the hook. Mobile, cheap and cheerful!
  3. Technical floor of the house. This option may well be suitable for residents of the top floors. Especially if your technical floor is locked with a key that only you have. In this situation, you can even make a whole small makeshift gym for yourself.

If you have any questions or are ready to share your personal experience, you are welcome to comment... All the best to you! And be prepared to always protect yourself and your loved ones!

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