To be beautiful in the cold. Folk recipes

Winter... Frost and sun - a wonderful day... However, it turns out that fresh winter air, the lack of sun and vitamins do not have the best effect on the condition of the body. Every winter we experience real stress. The secrets of age-old wisdom - recipes of traditional medicine - will help you cope with winter vitamin deficiency and remain beautiful and young.

In principle, the skin of any city resident is exposed to stress throughout the year. Poor ecology, poor nutrition and bad habits, nervous rhythm of life, staying in rooms with dry air - all this is reflected in our beauty and is literally “written” on our faces. In winter, this “set” is also supplemented by cold, wind, sudden temperature changes between the street and the room and, of course, a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and microelements.

The main winter problem is a lack of moisture and nutrients. Moreover, it affects the condition of the skin not only at the moment, but also in the future. The natural water-lipid mantle protects the skin; its damage leads to the fact that the skin suffers especially severely in winter.

When leaving the room to go outside, the skin of the face sometimes has to adapt to temperature changes of 40 degrees. When there is a large temperature difference between the skin and air, the skin first actively gives off heat and water from the upper layers, and then the intensity of energy exchange drops, skin vessels narrow, moisture goes into deeper layers, metabolism slows down and cell nutrition deteriorates. There is a sharp dehydration of the skin and a change in vascular tone. Many small and superficially located vessels may not withstand such training and become visually noticeable, a capillary network appears - rosacea.

A strong wind “knocks” water molecules out of the skin and causes additional evaporation. Air conditioners complete the attack, exacerbating drying of the skin. The skin becomes pale, flaccid, dry, then peeling or irritation appears. Microorganisms that would normally be restrained by local immune defense factors can become active on its surface.

In addition, our body suffers from winter vitamin deficiency, lack of essential fatty acids, and manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia are possible. Together, all these factors weaken the health and, in particular, the strength of the skin.

That is why the main goal of winter skin treatments is the correct adaptation of the skin to the winter cold, its intensive regeneration, saturation of the skin with vitamins and nutrients, as well as the fight against free radicals and increasing skin immunity.

The secrets of traditional medicine will tell you what natural remedies can be used in winter, in the absence of the autumn-summer abundance of vegetables and fruits.


You can make up for its winter deficiency with the help of good old folk recipes - infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs and berries - lingonberries, hawthorn, licorice, ginger, echinacea, rose hips.

Finally, we want to share with you the recipe for the elixir of longevity. This drink strengthens the body's immune defense, cleanses blood vessels, improves the condition of the body as a whole and has a rejuvenating effect.

Take 2 cups of sprouted wheat grains, 2 tbsp. dry celandine herb, 3 raw beets, 3 crusts of rye bread, 1/2 cup sugar.

Place the celandine in a three-liter jar, then the beets minced through a meat grinder and sprouted wheat grains. Sprinkle sugar on top and place crusts of rye bread. Fill the container with water, preferably purified, leaving a little room for fermentation. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and place it in a dark place. After a week, when bubbles appear on the surface of the drink, the elixir can be drunk. Use it like kvass - before breakfast, lunch and dinner.