Muscle Long Neck

The long neck muscle (lat. musculus longus coli) is one of the neck muscles involved in its extension and abduction. The long muscle provides significant mobility of the head, which is very important for humans.

The long neck muscle is part of a complex system of human muscle tissue, and its structure is complex. This muscle originates from the mastoid process of the temporal bone, passes forward through the upper part of the scapula, then turns at a right angle to the right and is attached to the spinous part of the seven upper cervical vertebrae. Then, continuing the movement, the muscle is attached to the tubercle of the seventh cervical vertebra. It is located on top of all the other muscles in the front of the neck on the hyoid bone and the upper part of the skull. Its important function is to rotate the head back or move it away from the body.

This type of muscle performs a very important function in our daily life, since our head cannot move separately from the body, especially during active movement. It is important to remember that you need to be careful when performing exercises to develop this muscle, as any stress to the head can cause discomfort and even traumatic injury.
