Do you need to moisturize oily skin?

Oh yes, if you are reading this article, then you, like many of my friends, are tormented by this problem. The effect of many remedies is temporary. It is impossible to get rid of oily skin completely. And even more so, there’s no need to talk about quickly covering up oily shine before an important interview or business meeting. Powder and foundation do not help, and the effect of a solarium does not last long. My girls went everywhere: to dermatologists and cosmetologists. All these doctors recommended many cosmetics and expensive procedures. But they were all unanimous on one thing.

Well, these are the basic rules cosmetologists advise you to follow in the fight against oily skin. So, how to care for oily skin: 7 main mistakes to avoid.

1 . You're not moisturizing your skin correctly

“Nonsense! She's already fat, isn't she? Why moisturize it? - you say. Our deepest misconception is that we think that since the skin is oily, it means it moisturizes itself. But that's not true. Only a properly selected moisturizer can normalize the level of oil on the skin of the face. For example, New York University professor Doris Day recommends using a moisturizer based on hyaluronic acid, as well as creams and washes saturated with ceramides. But it is better not to use creams with a familiar substance in its composition such as petrolatum (vaseline).

2. You exfoliate too often

Some ladies are overly keen on this procedure and carry it out almost every day. Which, in turn, causes the opposite effect, the skin only becomes even more oily, and pimples appear even more often. This is all due to the fact that you are stripping away natural fat deposits from the skin, which act as a shield for germs. As a result, this shield disappears, allowing bacteria to get further under the skin and contribute to the appearance of acne.

If you suffer from oily shine, then dermatologists advise avoiding cleansing your face with rough scrubs and gels, replacing them with facial wash or cleansing milk. If you are not ready to give up peeling, then do it no more than 2 times a week. But you can wash your face with foam 2-3 times a day. After peeling, do not forget to use a moisturizer, which will help restore the skin's oil balance.

3. You're hoping for sunshine

Almost all of my friends, in their struggle with oily skin, attacked the solarium. Some bought dozens of coupons on discount sites, while others spent money shamelessly, all in the hope that by drying their face, they would get rid of the annoying oily shine forever.

Unfortunately, in most cases this was useless. All because the sun (let it be the sun of the southern islands or just a solarium) dries out only the top layer of skin, stimulating the lower epidermis to produce even more fat. As a result, the skin dries out, ages, and after stopping sunbathing, the oily sheen triumphantly returns.

If you suffer from oily skin, be sure to use sunscreen with an SPF greater than 35-40.

4 . You dry out your skin with cosmetics

These include:

  1. use of alcohol-based cosmetics;
  2. low-quality cosmetics;
  3. applying a generous layer of powder or foundation.

After using alcohol-containing cleansers, we have a new problem - peeling, irritation, redness, etc. Use products with caution that contain more than 10% alcohol.

A thick layer of makeup does not allow air to pass through, the skin is like in a greenhouse, which contributes to the accumulation of sebaceous glands and the appearance of new pimples and blackheads.

To break this vicious circle, use all means correctly, do not overdo it, know when to stop. And ideally, of course, it is better to first cure the skin and refrain from using foundation during this period.

Do not wash your face with hot water. It is better to choose a medium temperature, but not icy. Hot water also promotes the production of sebaceous glands.

5 . Squeeze pimples too often

I once noticed how my employee was squeezing pimples on her face in the toilet in the middle of the working day. Then I noticed that she does this from time to time.

Naturally, this is not correct. Pimples are also a kind of protective mechanism against the release of sebum to the surface. By squeezing them out, we open the way for fat to escape. In addition, this leads to inflammatory processes. Have you noticed the red bumps that form at the site of a pimple? In fact, this is fraught with consequences: infection, inflammatory processes, etc.

Cosmetologists advise squeezing pimples no more than 1-2 times a week. At the same time, do not forget that the skin must first be washed, cleaned of cosmetics, and then softened. To do this, you can breathe over a herbal bath or simply take a warm bath or go to the sauna. Nails must be perfectly clean to avoid infection. If you doubt their cleanliness, tie a few fingers with a bandage or use a cotton pad to squeeze out pimples. Afterwards, be sure to treat the area with alcohol.

6. You are taking medications

Medicines containing a high content of vitamin B, as well as iodine, promote the production of sebaceous glands, as well as the appearance of acne.

If you are undergoing any treatment for a long time, look at the composition of your medication. And if this is possible, then of course it is better to consult a doctor and, if possible, change it.

And also read our article:

7. Proper nutrition is the key to clear skin

Today, many products contain harmful substances. There's no need to talk about fast food. In addition, excessive consumption of spicy, fatty or very sweet foods promotes the production of sebaceous glands on the skin.

In the fight for clear skin - less oil, more greens and fruits.

In addition, read our articles:

Well, now you know the main secrets in the fight against oily skin. In our next article, read about masks for oily skin that you can easily prepare at home.

About the author of the article:

Cosmetologist, director of 3 cosmetology clinics under her own brand “Lyudmila”. Author of articles for professional online publications and participant in many international symposiums.

Those with oily skin strive in every possible way to eliminate this deficiency and, of course, do not even think about moisturizing. Is this correct?

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Does problematic or oily skin need moisturizing?

Do those with problematic or oily skin need a moisturizer? Many people believe that these types of epidermis are already sufficiently and even excessively hydrated. In fact, increased fat content is not at all an indicator of hydration. This feature indicates increased production of skin secretions by the sebaceous glands.

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And moisture, which is so necessary for the cells of the epidermis, has absolutely nothing to do with it. As for problem skin, it also needs fluid, because it is especially sensitive and quickly loses nutrients and moisture. So it is simply necessary to moisturize oily and problematic skin.

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What happens if you don’t provide adequate hydration? A deficiency of fluid will occur, and the sebaceous glands will receive an alarm signal, which will provoke an increase in the production of skin secretions in order to somehow replenish the lack of moisture. And this, of course, will make the problem worse. The epidermis will become even more oily, the pores will begin to clog and inflammation and irritation will occur.

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What properties should the cream have?

A moisturizer for oily and problem skin must meet the following requirements:

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  1. A good product should have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially important for problem skin.
  2. The ideal cream is non-comedogenic. This means that it will not clog pores and provoke increased sebum production.
  3. It should not be too oily, this can only worsen the condition of the epidermis.
  4. Hypoallergenic. Oily or problematic skin is often prone to unwanted reactions and is characterized by increased sensitivity.
  5. The composition should not contain harmful and aggressive components; they can damage the skin and cause inflammation and disruption of sebum production.

What to look for when choosing?

How to choose a moisturizer? To purchase a truly high-quality and suitable product, you need to consider several points.

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The texture should be very light, almost weightless. No greasy creams, they can clog pores and form a film on the surface of the epidermis, which will lead to inflammation. The ideal option is a gel base.

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The components of such a product will penetrate the skin, providing it with hydration and nutrition, but will not form a film on its surface. In addition, the gel, as a rule, consists of water, and it is also necessary to replenish moisture reserves in the cells.

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To evaluate the texture, you can apply a small amount of cream to the skin of your face, rub in lightly and observe how you feel after about 10 minutes (this is the time required for complete absorption). Touch your face, change its expression, make a face. If you feel tightness, or your skin is excessively oily or sticky, then choose a different cream.

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What should it consist of?

The composition of the cream for problematic or oily skin may include the following components:

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  1. Salicylic acid gently removes dead skin cells, cleanses and fights inflammation. Benzoyl peroxide has approximately the same effect.
  2. Water. It penetrates the skin cells and thereby provides complete hydration. By the way, micellar or thermal water can be used instead of ordinary water.
  3. Antioxidants neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, thereby stopping the processes of tissue destruction and premature aging. The group of these components includes, for example, extracts of green tea and tea tree.
  4. Zinc has antiseptic and antibacterial effects, and also has a drying effect, which will be very useful for acne or blackheads.
  5. Essential oils. Some of them not only provide nutrition and hydration, but also normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate inflammation.
  6. Hyaluronic acid increases elasticity and restores youth and freshness to the skin, and also provides intensive nutrition and complete hydration.
  7. Bisabolol is obtained from chamomile extract. This substance has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, and moisturizing properties.
  8. Caffeine is also a very useful component, as it tones and helps tighten pores, which is simply necessary for problematic and oily skin.
  9. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, evens out color, cleanses, and also stimulates collagen production, thereby making fine wrinkles invisible and restoring elasticity and freshness to the skin.
  10. Panthenol, allantoin and retinol restore epidermal cells and accelerate tissue regeneration.
  11. Niacinamide effectively fights acne and eliminates irritation and inflammation.
  12. Sulfur helps fight blackheads and redness.
  13. Plant extracts contain a lot of useful substances.

Review of creams


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How to choose the best cream? Try the following:

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1. “Nivea Matte Perfection”. This cream maintains an optimal level of hydration, does not clog pores, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, protects against ultraviolet radiation and eliminates oily shine.

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2. “Vichy Aqualia Thermal” not only moisturizes the skin, but also significantly softens it, removes excess skin secretions, nourishes, and also protects from harmful factors.

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3. “Garnier BB Cream Secret of Perfection” eliminates redness, removes sebum, tightens pores and does not clog them, is quickly absorbed, evens out skin color, and also provides a mattifying effect.

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4. “Natura Siberica Japanese Sophora” protects against ultraviolet radiation and negative environmental factors, stimulates collagen production, provides complete hydration and mattifies. Contains natural ingredients.

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5. “TimeWise Mary Kay” gives smoothness and elasticity, retains moisture, stimulates collagen production, nourishes, controls the level of sebum secreted, and also slows down the aging process.

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6. “Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions” eliminates inflammation, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and also cares for it. The cream is fat-free, so it won’t clog pores.

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How to use?

A few important rules of use:

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  1. Apply a small amount of product.
  2. Do not try to actively rub the cream, carefully distribute it over the surface of the skin, moving from the center of the face to the edges.
  3. Approximately ten minutes after application, remove excess product with a paper towel.
  4. Cleanse your skin before applying the cream.

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Choose the right cream and your skin will become perfect!

Do you know what happens to oily skin if you don’t take care of moisturizing it? Now we’ll tell you (don’t be afraid, everything can be fixed) and give you some tips on proper care. And at the same time, we’ll explain why it’s not at all necessary to cleanse your face “to the point of squeaking.”

  1. Features of oily skin
  2. Why oily skin is prone to dehydration
  3. Preventing dehydration
  4. Composition of skin moisturizers
  5. Cosmetics review

Features of oily skin

Dermatologists often classify oily skin as problematic, and this happens for a reason. Among the main characteristics of this type:

overactive sebaceous glands;

with age - a tendency to sag in the chin and lower jaw;

predisposition to the formation of comedones and acne.

Oily skin especially needs hydration © iStock

Why oily skin is prone to dehydration

To answer this question, let’s remember what mistakes girls with oily skin make when caring for it.

Mistake number 1

Due to the overactivity of the sebaceous glands, owners of oily skin suffer from an oily sheen and the feeling of an oily film on the face. In this connection, they try to clean the skin “to the point of squeaking.” And they do it wrong: too thorough cleansing disrupts the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. There are at least two negative consequences.

The skin becomes defenseless against bacteria and aggressive environmental influences.

The epidermis stops retaining moisture.

To somehow compensate for the loss of moisture, the sebaceous glands begin to produce sebum with double intensity.

Mistake number 2

Many people think something like this: my skin is oily and quite dense, there are no wrinkles on it, which means it is already well moisturized, so you can safely refuse day cream.

By ignoring the hydration stage, owners of oily skin provoke a thickening of the stratum corneum and a slowdown in the process of epidermal renewal, which, in turn, leads to clogging of pores and the formation of blackheads and acne.

Moisturizing oily skin is no less important than cleansing and toning it.

Oily skin is prone to dehydration © iStock

Preventing dehydration

Let's focus on the basic rules.

Don't overexfoliate

Daily use of peelings and scrubs leads to a pronounced thinning of the lipid layer, which becomes a serious stress for the skin. It can react with redness, pimples, peeling, and itching.

It is recommended to use products with exfoliating and abrasive particles no more than twice a week.

Wash your face twice a day

Regular washing with water is not enough for oily skin. Use gels, foams and mousses that contain both exfoliating (salicylic and fruit acids) and healing (aloe vera and green tea extracts) components. It is important that the products are washable.

Add a toning step to your treatment

Immediately after washing, apply a refreshing toner to your face. It will perform several tasks at once:

removes remnants of cleansing foam or mousse;

evens out skin texture;

visually tightens the pores and prepares the face for applying gel or fluid.

If you use the toner regularly for a month, your skin condition will noticeably improve.

Use the cleaning machine

Those with oily skin are advised to regularly carry out cleaning procedures in the salon and acquire a cleansing device at home. For example, the Clarisonic Mia2 gadget is suitable. Choose a nozzle for deep pore cleansing and use it every morning or every evening.

The bristles not only cleanse the pores, but also massage the face, thereby improving blood flow and absorption of care products.

Stock up on products with a light texture

Optimal textures for oily skin are light, non-greasy and non-sticky gel, cream-gel, fluid. The day cream should contain moisturizing (hyaluronic acid) and sebum-regulating (salicylic acid, minerals, clay) components.

Use cleansing masks

Once or twice a week, cosmetologists suggest making detox masks with clay or charcoal. They “pull out” toxins, prevent inflammation and also help reduce sebum production.

Composition of funds

Let's list the main components in formulas for oily skin care.

Exfoliating and sebum-regulating: hydroxy acids, bentonite, sugar cane, allantoin, ginger root, witch hazel, hibiscus.

Calming: aloe vera, green tea, chamomile, blueberry, sage, ylang-ylang oil, rose oil, geranium, panthenol, bisabolol.

Moisturizing: hyaluronic acid, glycerin, seaweed, soybean oil, urea.

Cosmetics review

Cleansing products

Absolue Precious Cells Cleansing Foam, Lancôme

Cleansing toner Purefect Skin Toner, Biotherm

Cleansing gel “Endless freshness”, L’Oréal Paris

Cleansing toner “CLEAN SKIN”, Garnier

Product name Active Ingredients Action
white iris and proxilan complex Cleanses pores of impurities and refreshes the skin.
L.Digitata extract and zinc Exfoliates dead cells and tightens pores.
Gallic rose and lotus extracts Does not contain soap, so there is no feeling of tightness after washing.
salicylic acid and zinc Fights blackheads and slightly mattifies the skin.

Creams and gels

Light cream-gel with a mattifying effect Pure Focus, Lancôme

Moisturizing gel Aquasource Gel, Biotherm

Moisturizing gel-cream Ultra Facial Oil Free Gel-Cream, Kiehl’s

Moisturizing “Botanic Cream”, Garnier

Mattifying sorbet cream “Life-giving Moisturizing”, Garnier

Product name Active Ingredients Action
brown algae extract and LHA acid The lightest texture of the cream noticeably tightens pores and smoothes the surface of the skin.
thermal plankton extract and mannose Saturates the epidermis with moisture, as a result the skin glows and becomes more elastic.
antarcticin, desert plant extract, glycerin, vitamin E Moisturizes the skin, helps regulate the process of sebum production, and does not create a sticky film on the face.
green tea extract Moisturizes and mattifies the skin, smoothing its surface for subsequent makeup application, suitable for problem skin.