Stretch marks appear when you lose weight or gain weight

Why do they say that stretch marks appear from losing weight? Is it possible that if you lose weight suddenly, stretch marks might appear? I thought that, on the contrary, they appear because the body is bursting with fat and the skin cannot stand it and cracks. experts

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I don’t know how it is for anyone, but I got them during pregnancy because I gained as much as 45 kg! Before giving birth, I weighed 42 kg), now I weigh 52, but the stretch marks are terrible, a nightmare. No tops, nothing low-waisted, etc. So it goes .

Author, stretch marks are a hormonal phenomenon. This is why some people can gain weight by 40 kg, but then lose weight and won’t have stretch marks. And others seem to be not full at all, but with stretch marks.
If a person has a predisposition to stretch marks, no cream or anything else will save you from this. Stretch marks can appear even during adolescence under the influence of hormones, maybe during pregnancy (hormones again), or from the use of hormonal drugs.
This has nothing to do with cracking skin. I have always been thin, 47 kg, and didn’t use anything during pregnancy. No stretch marks. Now I’m walking with the second one, my stomach is like a globe, there are no stretch marks. The most important thing here is predisposition, and this is often hereditary. My mom doesn't have it either.

I lost 5 kg in a week due to stress. Stretch marks appeared because... the skin does not have time to “tighten” so quickly. But during pregnancy and after - not a single one. Although I gained 13 kg.

The causes of stretch marks (stretch marks) are hormonal imbalances, with the predominant role of adrenocorticotropic, thyroid-stimulating hormones, thyroid hormones, adrenal glands and gonads.

The appearance of stretch marks outside the period of hormonal “shake-ups” (or periods of unstable weight) should be alarming. The formation of numerous stretch marks may be a manifestation of Cushing's syndrome. With this disease, there is an excessive release of hormones from the adrenal cortex, which, in turn, is most often associated with the presence of a tumor. If you begin to notice a change in your figure, expressed in the movement of fat deposits from bottom to top, over the course of several months or years, as well as the appearance of excessive hair and stretch marks, be sure to consult an endocrinologist. (With)

If stretch marks are caused by hormones, then why do they appear when losing weight? Does diet cause your hormonal levels to fluctuate? I don't understand.

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It depends on what caused the weight loss. If after pregnancy, then you understand, it’s hormonal. Stress is also a riot of hormones. If you suddenly lose weight, it is a huge stress for the body and the metabolism suffers, and there may be stretch marks. And if you lose half a kilo in a week, then you will have nothing. If you do not have a hereditary predisposition to stretch marks, then such people will not gain any stretch marks by abruptly losing a lot of weight; the body will cope. And if there is a predisposition, then in any case there will be stretch marks. Another thing is that a number of simple rules can minimize these stretch marks. But it won’t work to remove them or whatever they don’t appear at all. At least I have never seen such miracles before.

There were no stretch marks from pregnancy (several on my hips). although I gained a lot of weight + 35kg. And when I was losing weight, there was a period when I lost 12 kg in a month - and they immediately appeared on both my chest and stomach. And so they still are. And no new stretch marks appeared, although she continued to lose weight

7, what if I lose a kilogram a week or even 1.5? I didn’t have a goal to lose weight, and dramatically. I just have to go on a diet because of sore joints, and I began to lose weight. worried ))
I eat 3 times a day, sometimes at night, and I’m full, but I’m still losing weight and losing weight, because I can only eat vegetables.

what to do against stretch marks?

First, try to keep your weight at a stable level. A rapid increase in body weight, even with its subsequent decrease, will inevitably lead to the development of stretch marks.
Secondly, eat right. Sweet, starchy and other carbohydrate foods are permissible only in moderation, and for some only in small quantities. But the body should receive plenty of proteins from which collagen and elastin are synthesized, as well as vegetables containing vitamins and carotenoids.
Third, be smart about your exercise routine. It is better to exercise under the guidance of an experienced trainer, especially when it comes to stretching, since the load should increase gradually so that the growth of the skin keeps pace with its stretching.
To avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, it is better to use bandages. It is optimal if you contact a specialist with a request to choose a prenatal bandage for you, and then a bandage for the postpartum period. These devices help reduce the load on the spine and abdominal muscles and prevent the appearance of a saggy belly and stretching of the skin. Considering that during pregnancy the skin often becomes dry (which, by the way, can cause acne to disappear), its elastic properties decrease. Therefore, before going to bed, the places where stretch marks are supposed to appear should be lubricated with rich cream or vegetable oil.
Breastfeeding women need to wear a bra, and it is good if it is made from natural materials. Washing your breasts daily with water at room temperature and drying them with a rough towel not only prevents the occurrence of mastitis, but also hardens the skin, preventing the appearance of stretch marks.
Among other preventive measures, massage is very useful. It is best to use a massager or a brush with stiff bristles for this activity. Regular skin massages also have another goal - the fight against cellulite.

Fighting extra pounds is good for health and beauty. You can often encounter a problem such as stretch marks after losing weight on the body or stretch marks, the appearance of which spoils the appearance of the skin. Modern medicine and cosmetology offers a large selection of means to combat this problem. However, before you start getting rid of stretch marks, it is worth studying the reasons for their formation and their distinctive features.

What are stretch marks after losing weight?

If weight loss occurs rapidly, then the likelihood of stretch marks is extremely high. Stretch marks are damage to the elastic cells of the skin. During pregnancy, hormonal imbalances or sudden weight loss, it becomes thinner and easily tears. As a rule, the abdominal area, chest, outer and inner thighs, armpits, and sometimes the face are affected. At first, the stretch marks acquire a red-violet hue due to the large number of capillaries, later the damage becomes lighter. Women over 30 years of age are more susceptible to this problem.

Why do they appear?

Before you think about how to remove stretch marks after losing weight, you should find out the reason for their formation. Striae occur due to rapid stretching of inelastic tissue. The skin consists of three layers: hypodermis, dermis, epidermis. Stretch marks form in the dermis. Elasticity decreases for various reasons. Heredity, lack of care - everything has an impact. Losing weight involves a strict diet, as a result the body does not receive important elements. A decrease in the synthesis of substances leads to a decrease in collagen production, the skin becomes flabby and incapable of rapid regeneration.

What they look like

Stretch marks when losing weight are a common occurrence. Damage is easy to recognize; they appear as transverse or longitudinal lines of different sizes. The shade of stretch marks depends on the age of the formations and varies from white to bright red or purple. Fresh lesions have a rich color due to subcutaneous bleeding. If you look at striae in cross-section, they look like potholes or pits. The formation of stretch marks negatively affects the subcutaneous tissue, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles.

How to get rid of stretch marks

There are a large number of ways in which you can permanently remove stretch marks from your skin. It is not necessary to go to a plastic surgeon for this purpose, because natural essential oils, cosmetics, and massages give good results. If you can’t cope on your own, you can go to a beauty salon, where they offer a large selection of useful procedures.

In order to reduce the risk of stretch marks while losing weight, it is recommended to review your diet, include more vitamins, valuable carbohydrates, fiber, and fish.. Proper nutrition affects the condition of the entire body, and strict diets often lead to an imbalance of important substances. In addition, when losing weight, do not forget about playing sports, which help keep the body and skin in good shape, reducing the risk of stretch marks.

On the butt

In the initial stages of scarring, home treatments are very effective. To remove stretch marks on the buttocks, you can use special creams, ointments, lotions with silicones, natural oils, and collagen. All these ingredients are intended to restore the skin, nourish it, and saturate it with water and oxygen. A preliminary massage will help improve the effectiveness of using the products. Cosmetic oils and clay are no less effective. They are used for rubbing into the skin or preparing medicinal masks for problem areas.

On the hips

Another area prone to the formation of stretch marks after sudden weight loss is the thighs. This problem prevents girls from wearing short dresses and makes them doubt their own attractiveness. To get rid of stretch marks on the thighs, you can use a recipe for a medicinal composition. To prepare it, take jojoba oil (50 ml), add 5 drops of orange, lemon, rosemary, lavender essential oils. The aromatic mixture is rubbed into problem areas of the skin until slightly reddened.

On the stomach

The most problematic area after losing weight is the stomach. Here stretch marks appear especially often, and removing them is much more difficult. It is necessary to apply several ways to combat this problem. Laser treatment, deep skin peeling, nourishing masks with natural oils are suitable. In addition, you should get into the habit of lightly pinching problem areas of the body every time after a shower. Blood flow will ensure acceleration of skin regenerative processes.

If it was not possible to avoid the development of damage, then a set of measures can help correct the situation. It should include the following:

  1. Anti-cellulite massage course in the salon.
  2. Seaweed wrap. The procedure helps remove minor injuries from the body.
  3. Rubbing in linseed oil. This product has a positive effect on the skin and is effective in combating stretch marks on any part of the body.

Remedies for stretch marks after losing weight

Those who want to make their skin beautiful, even, smooth after losing weight, and get rid of stretch marks, should use the following cosmetics:

  1. special factory-produced creams;
  2. cosmetic oils;
  3. folk recipes.

A significant result from the use of home or industrial products will not be noticeable immediately, but after 5-6 applications. The skin cannot renew itself instantly. There are no easy ways to deal with stretch marks on the body after rapid weight loss. When choosing a factory product, you should pay attention to its composition. Creams and ointments for stretch marks should contain silicones, essential oils, collagen, and natural ingredients. Compositions with almond or olive oil will be excellent helpers in the fight against stretch marks due to their high concentration of vitamin E.

You can find many different anti-stretch mark creams in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. However, you need to choose the best products with natural composition, which have proven themselves well and their quality is beyond doubt. For those who are faced with the problem of stretch marks after losing weight, you can try the following creams:


When restoring the skin, you cannot do without natural oils. They have a positive effect on damaged areas, restore elasticity to the body, and help retain moisture in the cells of the dermis. After just a week of regular use, you can notice positive changes. The product is rubbed into the skin with light massage movements. To enhance the effect, you can add essential oils (no more than 5 drops).

The most effective types against stretch marks:

  1. Olive oil – this option is even suitable for combating old stretch marks. Contains oleic acid, activates the process of cell regeneration.
  2. Coconut oil contains a lot of vitamin E, a nutrient. Suitable for combating small fresh stretch marks.
  3. Sea buckthorn contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins. Used to combat old stretch marks.

Folk remedies

In addition to traditional salon procedures and cosmetics, it is worth paying attention to folk recipes. After losing weight, the following formulations effectively help in the fight against stretch marks:

  1. Add 5 drops of rosemary extract to almond oil (50 ml). Use the mixture to rub into the skin.
  2. The easiest and most pleasant way to combat stretch marks is a therapeutic scrub. To prepare it, combine sugar with salt (1 cup each) and 80 ml of vegetable oil.
  3. Dilute 1 mummy tablet in ¼ part of a glass of warm water. Used as an ointment for problem areas.

Salon treatments

If you don’t have the desire or time to fight stretch marks on your body on your own, you can go to a cosmetologist. The salon will offer you the following methods of eliminating damage:

  1. Microdermabrasion. The leather is polished using a special apparatus. The device starts the process of cell regeneration.
  2. Ozone therapy. The patient receives an injection of ozone with oxygen under the skin. As a result, the production of elastin and collagen increases, and the metabolic process begins in places of damage.
  3. Abdominoplasty. The method involves removing excess skin. Surgery is used only in extreme cases when other methods do not give the desired effect.
  4. Superficial or deep peeling. To destroy fresh stretch marks, the first option is suitable. It is better to use deep peeling against old ones.

Massage and wraps

A very popular and effective method of combating stretch marks on the body is massage. The procedure can be carried out in salons or at home. It is important to remember that massage cannot be done on wet skin, so as not to provoke the appearance of microdamages. At home, the session is carried out with a wooden massage brush in a circular motion from top to bottom. The process takes about 5 minutes. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic, smooth, and the appearance of cellulite is reduced.

In addition to massage, it is worth trying a seaweed wrap. This procedure will help restore skin cells, saturate it with vitamins, and restore its beauty and elasticity. The visible effect can be observed after 6 wrapping sessions. This method helps not only to fight existing stretch marks on the body, but also to prevent the appearance of new damage. The session takes about 40-60 minutes.

Removing stretch marks with laser

A painless and effective way to remove stretch marks is fractional photothermolysis, followed by laser resurfacing. This will help restore smoothness to the skin, even out color and texture. The specialist treats the damaged area layer by layer. The session must be carried out under anesthesia. The entire procedure takes at least 60 minutes; the exact time depends on many factors.

As a result of laser irradiation, the patient's upper layer of epidermis evaporates. During this, the connective tissue in which the stretch marks are located is also partially destroyed. After the session, the skin in the problem area remains swollen and red for about 14 days. To make recovery happen faster, it is recommended to use special cosmetics. Laser therapy activates cell regeneration, due to which stretch marks disappear after 5-6 sessions. Among the disadvantages of laser peeling, it is worth highlighting the high price of the procedure.

Please share your experience or knowledge. Because until I understand the mechanism, I cannot understand how to proceed. I gained about 6 kg. Then I lost my job during the crisis and while running for interviews for 4 months on foot, I lost 6 kg, this relates to the question of whether it is possible to lose weight on hormonal contraceptives. Can. And then, for the first time in my life, I noticed whitish stretch marks. Is it from weight gain - like new cells have grown, but not the same color - or from sudden weight loss?


Stretch marks can appear either from rapid weight gain or from rapid weight loss. If, for example, you gained 10 kilograms and quickly lost them within 2 - 3 - 4 months, and not gradually so that the skin has time to tighten, then stretch marks will naturally remain. Most stretch marks remain in women after pregnancy, especially in older women and after a second pregnancy. There are many ways to get rid of stretch marks, from playing sports, various massages, to all sorts of cosmetic gels and creams.