At what age can you do facial massage?

“How often should you massage your face?” - this question worries almost every woman who has decided to take serious care of the health and beauty of her face. The frequency of massage depends on the chosen procedure (preventative, anti-wrinkle, relaxing, therapeutic, etc.) and technique. On average, it is recommended to conduct 12 sessions per year, but they should be done in courses!

How many times should you massage your face?

Doctors recommend undergoing an intensive facial massage procedure twice a year (10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week). To maintain the achieved results, it is recommended to carry out maintenance procedures a couple of times a month. Of course, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body, so before signing up for a facial massage, it is better to consult with your doctor.

If your age is from 30 to 40 years, and you do not have any special problems in cosmetic terms, then 5-7 procedures (half-course) can help eliminate minor facial defects through massage. But don’t forget to attend maintenance sessions with a cosmetologist so that the effect lasts longer.

After 40 years You may have to increase facial massage sessions to 10-15 procedural techniques; this must be done for a more noticeable effect. In terms of support sessions at this age, regular attendance should be mandatory.

All professional massage therapists conduct massage courses; by signing up for them you will get rid of aging facial skin (read about how to do anti-aging massage here). One course includes no more than 10 sessions (2-3 massages per week). It is recommended that the sessions in each subsequent week coincide with the previous days. Facial massage courses are best carried out twice a year. This scheme of course visits gives the longest possible effect from the procedures.


You should start regularly visiting a massage therapist at the age of 27. According to statistics, it is during these years of life that the first rudiments of early aging of facial skin begin to appear.

Type and frequency of facial massage

The frequency of facial massage depends on the procedure itself and the type of massage technique. “Relaxing,” for example, is aimed at relieving stress; one session is enough. But for a noticeable lifting effect, a minimum of 10 sessions and a seasonal course may be required. The effect will be immediate if the massage is correct and thoroughly works on all areas of the face.

The variety of active facial massage sessions includes:

  1. cosmetic,
  2. relaxing,
  3. medicinal,
  4. lifting

The normal cycle of facial massage is 10-15 procedures several times a week. Reinforcement and enhancement of the effect of the sessions also depends on the correctly selected cosmetics for your skin type.


You should go for cryomassage a couple of times a week, this is if your goal is simply to keep your facial skin toned. You must take at least two such courses during the year. If there is a need to say goodbye to cosmetic defects, then the frequency of visits to the massage therapist should increase.

If you decide to have cryomassage, trust your facial skin only to specialists in proven massage parlors, because... they know what's best for your skin. In addition, you will be able to avoid a lot of harm to your health that can be caused by inexperienced “professionals”.

Vacuum massage

How much and how often should you resort to vacuum massage? To answer this question, study the rules:

  1. When attending the course, do not forget about the weekend from massage.
  2. The best scheme of visits is a session every other day from 10 to 15 times, with a series of days off from massage. For normal skin restoration, at least one week is needed.
  3. Between courses it is necessary to take a “stop” for a month’s rest from sessions.
  4. You can't miss sessions.
  5. After completing the massage course, you should also maintain the tone of your face with additional sessions once every 2-3 weeks.
  6. If desired, after a couple of months it will be possible to continue the intensive course program of facial massage. And then go through sessions again to maintain tone.

Trying to achieve quick results during daily visits to vacuum massage, you risk getting only unsatisfactory and barely noticeable changes. For a complete change, it is necessary to take breaks; it is at these moments that the skin acquires the desired result. In between sessions, facial skin is restored and micro-injuries caused using vacuum cups are smoothed out.

As an example, the video shows the processes of vacuum facial massage at home. The following are some clear results:

Self-massage and frequency

For painless self-massage procedures, it is recommended to start by making a mask that will warm every cell of the face, thereby increasing the effect of the massage. For those women who suffer from shiny and oily skin, it is recommended to apply clay masks, disinfecting or nourishing.

The frequency with which the skin of your face should be exposed depends on many factors, for example, if the ecology of your city is in poor condition, then it is necessary to increase massage sessions.

The correct frequency and technique is the key to success for your facial skin! Watch this video in detail:

How to stay beautiful longer?

After the first few days of sessions with a professional, the results will pay off almost immediately. But still, in between massages, do not relax and take care of your face cosmetically. You need to develop the habit of always taking care of your facial skin. Visit your massage therapist every year, or better yet, go every season. In this matter, the main thing is frequency and consistency.

Trust your face exclusively to professionals, because... Only in this case will your face achieve the desired result.


Already from the name it is clear what it is and what it is eaten with. A cosmetologist-massage therapist, like a sculptor, is able to make your face look like a masterpiece, sculpt chiseled features, shape cheekbones, remove a double chin, significantly reduce wrinkles, completely eliminating facial wrinkles, restore elasticity to the delicate skin of your face and give it a magical glow. But before you run to sign up for a rejuvenating massage session, let's figure out who it is indicated for, whether there are contraindications, how it works and what is needed to achieve the desired result. Youth requires attention and the right approach.


What is sculptural facial massage and what makes it unique?

This revolutionary anti-aging procedure has earned many fans and fans around the world, because it is shown to both women and men, and has even received the title of non-surgical plastic surgery. Rejuvenating massage technique appeared on the symbiosis of the heritage of Asia and Europe, famous for their deep medical culture thanks to the biochemist and cosmetologist Madame Joëlle Sirocco.


In the plasticizing facial massage one can trace elements of Japanese Asahi massage, lymphatic drainage, Tibetan and classical, as well as the technique of the Frenchman Leonard Jacquet and Shiatsu acupressure.


The procedure itself cannot be called very pleasant. After all, this passive “fitness” is supposed to make your face “work.” The massage therapist works all the facial muscles, which activates blood circulation in problem areas and increases the effect of lymphatic drainage. But, of course, it is not as painful as injections.

The duration of the procedure ranges from 30 to 40 minutes.

The effect of sculptural massage

  1. the oval of the face is formed;
  2. the skin becomes firm and elastic;
  3. the double chin disappears;
  4. facial wrinkles are smoothed out;
  5. crow's feet are reduced;
  6. bags under the eyes and black circles disappear;
  7. swelling disappears;
  8. the severity of the nasolabial folds and brow folds decreases;
  9. the décolleté and neck area becomes toned;
  10. skin hydration increases;
  11. improves complexion;
  12. the amount of subcutaneous fat decreases;
  13. the correct muscle frame is formed;
  14. pores become narrower.


At what age can you do a sculptural facial massage?

The recommended age for cosmetic procedures is 25 years. You can start attending sessions to prevent aging. And from the age of 30, rejuvenating massage should be included in the mandatory care list. After 40 years, it will also not be superfluous, but if you think that this is a panacea for skin aging, then you shouldn’t. This is the same as comparing homemade “bun” with herbal cookies.


In general, the sooner you start, the more benefits you will get. And know that you won’t see the effect in just one trip to “fitness” if you haven’t lived under the motto “sport is life” before. Only stability can bring a visible effect.

How often should you do a facial sculpting massage?

From 25 to 30 years old, half a course of 5-7 procedures is enough. A full course of 10-15 procedures should begin at age 30. You need to visit a cosmetologist 2-3 times a week, and then regularly 1 to 2 times a month to maintain the effect.


Of course, these are approximate recommendations; your cosmetologist will draw up an exact plan based on individual characteristics.

How long does the effect last after a massage?

Again, remember the sensations after playing sports. After training you will feel muscle tone, but after a few days this will pass. If an athlete who regularly plays sports stops training, the effect will still not disappear in the near future, the skin will be elastic and the figure will be toned. It's the same with the face. If you have done only 1 procedure, the effect will last 3-4 days. But, nevertheless, as a preparation for an important event, the result is quite sufficient. But if you want to achieve a complete rejuvenating effect, then you should take the full course and do not forget about maintenance sessions.


Contraindications for sculptural massage

Don't believe it if they tell you that there can be no harm from this procedure. Like any massage, sculptural massage has contraindications:

  1. oncological diseases;
  2. diabetes;
  3. blood diseases;
  4. allergy;
  5. acne;
  6. pregnancy and lactation;
  7. diseases of the endocrine system;
  8. infectious and viral diseases;
  9. dermatitis, purulent inflammation, skin damage;
  10. short period after chemical peeling.

But the biggest disadvantage is the side effects when contacting an incompetent specialist. If the impact is too strong and the order of the procedure is not followed correctly, hematomas, swelling, and even asymmetry may appear on the face. Therefore, pay special attention to the choice of a cosmetologist; it must be a qualified massage therapist. Then you can count on the desired result, which will replace surgical interventions.


And one more thing - under no circumstances should you carry out the technique yourself. Of course, saving is saving, but fixing something you do with your own hands will not only be difficult and time-consuming, but also expensive. It's better to spend time finding a professional and look in the mirror calmly.

The benefits and harms of facial massage are a pressing issue for many women over 35 years old. At this age, the procedure becomes practically necessary; it is very important to understand its properties and rules of implementation.

Why do you need a facial massage?

With age, the condition of facial skin begins to deteriorate. Swelling and wrinkles appear, the skin loses its healthy glow and becomes dull, large folds appear, and the contours of the face are deformed.

Facial massage is a useful procedure, the properties of which can help with all of the problems listed above. Of course, massage does not cancel the natural aging process. However, it significantly slows down age-related changes and makes them less bright and sharp.

  1. improves lymph flow and blood circulation;
  2. promotes adequate nutrition of tissues;
  3. saturates the skin with oxygen and has a tightening effect;
  4. smoothes wrinkles and folds;
  5. increases skin firmness and elasticity.


Types of facial massage

There are a lot of massage techniques; they differ in duration, properties, specific methods of performing the procedure and final goals. Several main types can be distinguished.

  1. Classical. This useful procedure is aimed at generally improving metabolic processes in tissues and relaxing muscles. During a classic massage, stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibration alternate, and the face is touched gently.
  2. Japanese lymphatic drainage massage. It is also called acupressure, because when performing it, the massage therapist uses certain biologically active points. The procedure is carried out mainly with the fingertips, without rubbing movements. The benefit of lymphatic drainage facial massage is that its properties help remove swelling and improve the movement of lymph.
  3. Plastic or sculptural. The main difference from other types is the intensity of the impact - the useful procedure is carried out with fairly strong movements. The purpose of the procedure is not only to smooth out small wrinkles, but also to remove large folds, as well as to form the desired contours.
  4. Pinch, or medicinal. The properties of the massage are intended to improve facial skin health and combat acne, pimples and acne scars. As the name implies, the procedure consists of pinching movements.
  5. Vacuum. It is usually carried out in a salon setting, as it involves the use of special devices, for example, massage cups. The benefit of vacuum facial massage is that it allows you to get rid of puffiness and restore a healthy color to your face.


Benefits of facial massage

Therapeutic or cosmetic massage has a very positive effect on the condition of the face, especially when age-related problems have already appeared. Useful procedure:

  1. improves metabolic processes and relieves excess tone of facial muscles;
  2. eliminates wrinkles, swelling, deep folds and sagging;
  3. helps to tighten the oval of the face and remove sagging;
  4. restores normal blood circulation and lymph flow, and with them, healthy color and texture of the skin;
  5. helps get rid of acne, pimples and age spots;
  6. has an anti-stress calming effect.

The benefits of classic facial massage are not only cosmetic effects. It improves overall well-being, helps get rid of migraines and even has a beneficial effect on brain activity.


Benefits of facial massage after 40 years

If, upon reaching 35 years of age, women are advised to think about massage procedures, then in the future massage becomes simply necessary. It helps to delay skin aging as much as possible. The benefits of facial massage after 40 years are that the procedure stimulates collagen production and increases blood circulation, helping skin cells receive all the necessary nutrients. The skin remains elastic; with regular massage, women much later experience sagging cheeks or the appearance of a double chin.

The effectiveness of facial massage after 50 years

Upon reaching 50 years of age, women are faced with the fact that their skin inevitably begins to fade. It is impossible to completely stop this process, but you can smooth out its manifestations - a useful massage helps with this. It accelerates blood flow and promotes lymph drainage, triggers cell renewal, tones facial muscles and fights wrinkles.

After 50 years, the properties of acupressure lymphatic drainage massage will be especially beneficial. This Japanese practice gives the most profound and powerful effect.


How to prepare your face for a massage

When performing a cosmetic procedure at home, it is necessary to prepare for it, otherwise the properties may cause harm rather than benefit.

  1. The face needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Don’t just wash off your makeup, but also treat your skin with lotions and tonics to remove all dirt and excess oil.
  2. It is recommended to steam the skin a little - sit for a quarter of an hour, bending over a container of hot water, from which steam rises.
  3. A gentle scrub can be applied to a washed and steamed face to remove remaining impurities and dead skin particles.
  4. It is not recommended to wipe your face after removing the scrub so as not to harm the skin. It needs to be blotted gently with a soft towel.

Then you can proceed directly to the procedure. Hands should also be thoroughly washed and treated with oil or useful cream for good glide.

Rules for facial massage

When performing a home procedure, you need to follow several recommendations, then the benefits of self-massage of the face will be unconditional, and no harm will happen.


  1. Since the skin on the face is very sensitive, even with an intense massage, movements should be light and soft. The procedure should not cause unpleasant or painful sensations - this will definitely cause harm.
  2. Movements should not be chaotic, but directed strictly along the lines of lymph movement, and the hands should always move from the middle of the face to the temples and earlobes.
  3. The independent procedure should be carried out in front of a mirror - this will make it possible to control your own movements and notice all mistakes in time.

It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening, shortly before bed, when you no longer need to rush anywhere and can fully concentrate on self-care.

Facial massage techniques

Most popular techniques consist of alternating the same techniques.

  1. Stroking. The movements are performed with the pads of the fingers with very gentle pressure, the hands move from the center of the face to the cheekbones and temples, in fact, this stage prepares the face for more intense exposure.
  2. Trituration. This stage is also carried out with the pads of the fingers, but the movements become more energetic and stronger, after rubbing the skin should turn pink, and blood circulation should noticeably accelerate.
  3. Vibration. It is necessary to place the entire palm or fingertips on a specific area of ​​the face and perform oscillatory movements from side to side.
  4. Kneading. A small fold of skin should be grabbed with your fingers and slightly squeezed, then released and repeated on another area of ​​skin. You cannot squeeze the skin too hard - the movement should be careful and soft, not causing pain or discomfort, otherwise it will only cause harm.


Any massage uses one of the above techniques or uses them in turn.

Technique for facial massage at home

As a rule, classical massage is recommended for home use; it is the simplest, and its properties bring a good effect. The description of a facial massage looks simple; the procedure combines all the basic massage techniques.

Before performing a useful procedure, it is necessary to prepare - wash and steam your face, wash and lubricate your hands with the chosen massage product. After this, you need to consistently work out the main problem areas. The time allotted for each of them is determined individually, but in general the massage should take about a quarter of an hour.

Elimination of nasolabial folds

The index fingers of both hands need to be placed on the wings of the nose, and then with a smooth movement and light pressure, draw a line with them to the corners of the mouth along the contour of the nasolabial fold. The movement is repeated several times.

Smoothing out crow's feet

The fingers rest against the temples, and then a series of light taps are made with the pads of the ring fingers along the lines of the lower and upper eyelids.



Place your palms out to the front of your neck and slowly move your hands towards your forehead. When you move your palms, the skin should be slightly pulled upward. This movement is the main benefit of facial sculpting massage, since it eliminates the double chin.

Smoothing wrinkles on the forehead

The index fingers are placed just above the bridge of the nose, in the middle of the forehead, and then moved along the line of the eyebrows to the temples, while making light circular movements.

Raising the corners of the lips

Place your index fingers on the corners of your mouth and slowly move your fingers upward along the contour of the nasolabial folds in a circular motion.

Deep massage

To deeply work the face and significantly increase blood circulation, it is necessary to perform a pinching massage along the lines of lymph movement. In the process, the facial muscles are toned, and with regular procedure, beautiful contours are modeled.

The final stage of facial massage

After performing all the basic movements, you need to walk over the entire front surface with light tapping movements. After this, the remnants of the massage product are removed using wet wipes and a nourishing mask is applied to the skin. After a quarter of an hour, wash it off and gently pat your face with a towel.


What products to use for facial massage

The benefits of manual facial massage will be even greater if you carry out the procedure using oils or massage creams. They not only guarantee good gliding of the fingers, but also additionally nourish the face.

Which product to choose depends on your skin type and underlying problems. For example:

  1. oils and creams based on olive or with the addition of peach and apricot extracts are good for dry skin prone to wrinkles;
  2. for oily skin, you can use products with sesame or citrus fruit extracts - they regulate the production of subcutaneous sebum;
  3. Grape and almond oils, jojoba oil and creams based on them have a rejuvenating effect;
  4. Cinnamon and ginger, clove and juniper oils are good for swelling.

You can buy a useful product for the procedure at a cosmetic store or prepare it yourself at home. In both cases, you need to take into account the characteristics of your own skin and the characteristic properties of certain oils and creams, so as not to harm yourself with the wrong choice.


How often should you massage your face?

In order for the beneficial properties of massage to bring noticeable and stable results, it must be done in courses of 10-15 sessions for about a month, at least twice a year. Since the skin on the face is very sensitive, sessions should not be carried out daily, but at intervals of 2-3 days.

Mistakes when performing facial massage at home

Before performing a useful procedure for the first time, you should familiarize yourself not only with its rules, but also with common mistakes.

  1. Rubbing the skin too intensely. A good massage is determined not by the strength of the impact, but by the duration and correct direction of the impact.
  2. Chaotic movements. There are massage lines, or lymph flow lines, on the face - you need to smooth and knead the skin along them, and not randomly in all directions.
  3. Irregular implementation. The properties of the procedure appear only with a responsible approach - 23 sessions will not give immediate results.


Facial massage in the salon

The benefit of a facial massage in a beauty salon is that the service will definitely be of high quality. In addition, this is an opportunity to observe a specialist at work in order to understand important nuances. Among the advantages of the salon procedure, one can also note:

  1. the specialist’s strict adherence to all massage rules;
  2. use of professional oils and creams by the massage therapist;
  3. the opportunity to undergo a procedure with the preliminary use of gentle peeling, use the services of mesotherapy or hardware thermolifting, and experience the benefits of cupping facial massage.

You need to choose a salon very carefully, paying great attention to its reputation and customer reviews.

Facial massage results: before and after photos

In photographs that allow you to compare the condition of the face before the massage and after several procedures, the difference is clearly visible. The photos demonstrate that the beneficial properties of the procedure remove fine wrinkles and significantly smooth out large folds, making the face younger and improving its shape.


Harm of facial massage

Sometimes the properties of massage can cause severe harm. For example, some women note the appearance of hematomas and vascular networks on the skin. This indicates that the vessels are located too close to the surface - intense massage is basically contraindicated here.

The harm from too frequent massage can be expressed in the fact that its beneficial properties will have the opposite effect, the skin will sag, become flabby, and even more wrinkles will appear. This will happen due to excessive stretching of the epidermis and facial muscles, which is why you need to take breaks between massage sessions.

Contraindications for facial massage

In most cases, the procedure brings only benefit and not harm. But there are also several contraindications. These include:

  1. skin damage - open wounds, abrasions and burns;
  2. skin inflammations - pimples and ulcers;
  3. abundant large moles and warts;
  4. infectious and allergic rashes;
  5. fragile vessels located too close to the surface of the skin;
  6. severe problems with blood pressure;
  7. pinched facial nerve;
  8. neoplasms in the body;
  9. increased facial hair growth.


In addition, the procedure cannot be carried out if you are overly tanned, after chemical peeling of the face and micro-resurfacing of the skin. It is not recommended to perform massage at elevated temperatures, in which case its properties will only cause harm.

Is it possible to give facial massage to pregnant women?

An intensive procedure can have a negative impact on the condition of the expectant mother. For example, harm can result in excessive acceleration of blood circulation and increased blood pressure. But there will be benefits from a cosmetic facial massage - it will relax the muscles and improve skin tone, relieve headaches and swelling.


The benefits and harms of facial massage depend on how competently it is carried out. If you avoid gross mistakes, the procedure will help significantly improve the condition of aging skin.

