Stone massage or hot stone massage

Stone massage (word “stone” translated from English means “stone”) or hot stone massage, is one of the varieties of the art of therapeutic massage. For this procedure, smooth stones heated to a certain temperature are used, which affect certain areas of the body. The warmth of the stones, which is transferred to the body area, gently relaxes and warms up tense muscles. The energy and warmth of the stones perfectly relieves pain, eliminating discomfort.

Typically, hot stone massage therapy is offered by most health centers and resorts. A properly performed massage procedure will give you an unforgettable experience and a huge amount of positive emotions.

The quality of the massage will depend on what type of stones the massage therapist uses during the massage procedure. It is imperative to know the exact heating temperature of the stones so as not to overheat them and at the same time make them hot enough. Each specific stone is installed on a specific area of ​​the body. In addition to acupressure, you can make several slides of stones over the body. Alternating hot and cold stones gives a very good effect, providing a healing and tonic effect on the body.

Stone therapy

The effectiveness of massage directly depends on the quality of the stones

History of hot stone therapy

Hot stone therapy has been used by many peoples for a long time. But stone therapy begins its history with the origins of the cultures of the peoples of Ancient China, Japan and the Indians of North America.

The energy of hot stones attracted a large number of people all over the world. To glorify gods and kings, these stones were carried over long distances. Until now, stones are a kind of energy source. Various amulets against the evil eye are made from stones, they are carried in a pocket for good luck, stones are cut out to obtain wealth and mutual understanding in the family. Many cultures around the world believe that stones remember and participate in everything that happens on our planet.

American Indians used the power of heated stones in a variety of situations: sun-warmed stones were placed on the stomachs of women suffering from painful menstruation, and to relieve painful symptoms.

Many shamans and healers of that time used stones for many ceremonies and rituals. Stones and crystals were used, which had a cleansing and unblocking effect on a person. Some shamans used the power of stones to heal illnesses.

Stone massage

The stone technique will relax the body, charging it with energy for the whole day.

The Chinese, in turn, used the energy of hot stones to relax tired muscles.

Today, this type of massage is used as an independent cosmetic procedure, which is widely used in beauty salons, beauty and health centers.

According to oriental doctors, the natural energy of stones can cope with stress, tension, and negative energy. Each stone carries a charge of positive energy, which affects health and deep mechanisms of energy harmonization.

Properties of stones for stone therapy

Sea, marble, basalt and semi-precious stones are widely used in stone therapy. Basalt stones are the most popular. And this is no coincidence. Basalt tends to release heat slowly. This quality promotes active softening of tissues, relaxation of muscles, warming certain cold areas of the body.

Hot stones have a gentle effect on muscles, relaxing them. Metabolic processes in the body are also activated, leaving a feeling of mental peace and physical balance. The procedure dilates blood vessels, improving local blood circulation and removal of metabolic products.

In addition to hot stones, cold stones are also used, alternating them with hot ones. This helps to increase muscle tone, increase the supply of oxygen to tissues, and also contributes to the constriction of blood vessels and capillaries.

In order for the massage to be most effective, essential oils are used in addition, which are applied to the stones and skin. Essential oils have a restorative, draining, stimulating, relaxing effect. The effect of oils is enhanced significantly due to the heat of the stones and special massage techniques. Based on this, one of the varieties of stone therapy arose - aromastone massage.

Used for the following problems:

  1. Diseases of the spine and joints;
  2. Sprained muscles and ligaments;
  3. Phlebeurysm;
  4. Digestive problems;
  5. Headache;
  6. Painful menstrual syndrome;
  7. Physical overexertion;
  8. Insomnia;
  9. Depression and stress;

Stone therapy should not be used for the following problems:

  1. Acute infectious diseases;
  2. Acute chronic disease;
  3. Exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  4. Pregnancy;

Execution Features

For many, the hot stone procedure is not yet known or tried. Everyone would like to try it to improve the overall tone of the body. Therefore, the massage technique itself is very interesting.

Hot stone massage

With each massage, the patient feels more and more energy in himself

The duration of the procedure is 90 minutes.

  1. The session begins with the patient lying down on the massage table. In order to prepare the body well for the upcoming procedure and warm it up a little, the massage therapist covers the patient with a towel.
  2. The professional massage therapist then wraps the warm stones in a napkin and places them in both hands of the patient. Afterwards, warm and cold stones are placed near the feet. In order for the body to relax as much as possible, the massage therapist performs special exercises called “opening spiral.” This technique is also used to achieve the opening of energy channels.
  3. After the relaxation effect is achieved, stones are placed on each of the energy points.
  4. Next, once all the stones have been placed at all points, the massage therapist begins the main massage of the legs, arms, and torso using hot and cooled stones. To ensure that the facial muscles are also involved, warm stones are placed on the face.
  5. When the massage therapist finishes working on the front of the body, a so-called “closing spiral” movement is performed.
  6. Afterwards, the massage therapist asks you to take a sitting position to remove the stones. The patient then lies down on his stomach, feeling the stone wrapped in cloth underneath him. The masseur covers the body with a towel, wraps the neck with stones wrapped in fabric, and places another stone in the sacral area.
  7. Afterwards, the massage therapist again begins special massage movements, using every muscle. At the end of the massage actions, the process of washing the feet and hands with special oil occurs. At the end, the patient is wrapped in a sheet and chamomile tea is brought.

Stone massage is wonderfully inspiring and restores vitality. With each new massage session, something new and unknown opens up for a person, which one wants to feel more and more.

Every person wants to experience new sensations and learn new information. By visiting this procedure, everyone will discover something new: new feelings, new knowledge.