Peony Therapy

When science was just emerging, the question of what science was remained very pressing. The term "science" was then very broad, and different authors gave it different definitions. Already in ancient Greek philosophy there were ideas about nature as something correct and orderly; there was even a doctrine of rational knowledge of the cosmos. Gradually, concepts about the object and subject of science, the relationship between the object and the method of cognition were formed. Science began to be understood as a special type of cognitive activity and a special social institution. Science is a sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and systematization of objective knowledge about reality. The function of science is to provide the conditions for understanding and change, including knowledge, culture and society itself. Thus, the role of science in human life and the development of culture is significantly great. Scientific and technological progress has had a significant impact on social life, radically changing the socio-economic structure of society, people's lifestyles, their value orientations and needs. The phenomenon of scientific and technological progress has finally transformed