Welcome to the women's world. What you need to prepare your daughter for in advance

Welcome to the women's world. What you need to prepare your daughter for in advance.

Every mother worries about her daughter, who grows and changes every day. One of the most important periods in a girl's life is puberty, which begins at the age of 11-14 years. This is the period when a little girl turns into a teenage girl, changing not only externally, but also internally. One of the main tasks of a mother is to help her daughter cope with her first menstruation and painful sensations. It is important to prepare the child for the changes in advance, explain the reason for what is happening and help her maintain women’s health in the future.

One of the most exciting topics for a daughter and her mother is her first menstruation. The child may experience fear and uncertainty, not understanding what is happening in her body. Some mothers are convinced that their daughter will learn about her first period from the Internet or magazines, so there is no point in starting an awkward conversation. However, knowledge about menstruation obtained outside the home is unreliable and may be superficial. Therefore, psychologists advise mothers to talk to their daughter about a sensitive topic in advance.

When should you tell a girl about her period and pain during menstruation? The mother should carefully watch the child and choose the right moment to talk. It is important not to waste time. If menstruation begins suddenly, for example, at school or on a walk, the girl will be frightened by pain from menstruation and blood stains on her underwear. Therefore, it is necessary to raise this topic in conversation in advance so that the daughter is not afraid, but understands the nature of the changes occurring in the body.

Mom should prepare for the conversation. You need to buy a brochure with pictures and be sure to talk about personal hygiene. It is important to talk about possible uncomfortable sensations and ways to eliminate them. It is easier for a teenage girl to perceive new information using specific examples from books, films or real life. In a conversation, sincerity and maternal warmth are important, then the daughter realizes that there is nothing wrong with change. It is important to make it clear: periods and pain from menstruation are integral components of a woman’s life. Then the teenage girl will stop being afraid and take a fresh look at the changes taking place in the body.

Another problem that a teenage girl may face is acne or pimples on the skin. This is a common occurrence during puberty and is associated with changes in hormone levels in the body. A mother can help her daughter keep her skin in good condition by teaching her proper and regular hygiene and the use of cosmetics and products suitable for her skin type. Mom can also explain that acne is a temporary phenomenon that goes away with time.

It is also important to discuss issues related to sexual relations and contraception with your daughter. Although this topic can be difficult and awkward, a mother must understand that information received from parents is much more valuable than what a child can get from the Internet or from peers. Mom can explain that sexual relations are a responsibility and require taking care of your health and the health of your partner. Mom can also talk about different contraceptive methods and their effectiveness.

In general, the mother should be open to communication with her daughter and ready to answer any questions that may arise during the conversation. It is important to remember that puberty is a natural process, and mother's help during this period can help her daughter maintain her health and self-esteem in the future.