What foods should you avoid for perfect skin?

Perfect skin is one of the most cherished desires of women at all times. And for it to come true, there are few expensive care products and salon procedures. It is very important what foods you eat daily. When acne and rashes appear on our face, we often immediately run to buy a “miracle cream” that will save us from this scourge. But the problem may be in our diet, because everyone knows that the beauty of the skin directly depends on nutrition. Let's determine which products are on the prohibited list.

We have compiled for you a list of 5 products, the abuse of which can lead to inflammation, irritation, early wrinkles and other skin problems. Read and remember!

  1. Black tea and coffee

Theine and caffeine that these products contain not only have a tonic effect on the body, but also dehydrate the skin and also contribute to the deterioration of complexion. This effect is provided only by large portions of tea and coffee (more than 3-5 cups), if you consume a normal amount of them there will be no harm to the skin.

  1. Spices and salt

Salt retains water in the body and causes swelling, causing the skin to lose elasticity and wrinkles to appear. And an excessive amount of spices leads to changes in complexion and the appearance of purulent elements.

  1. Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol actively removes water from the body, as a result of which the skin lacks moisture and dries out. In addition, alcohol kills beneficial substances necessary for the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

  1. Sweets

Chocolate, cakes and cookies contain refined sugar, which causes damage to the collagen fibers responsible for maintaining the “framework” of the face and skin elasticity. Therefore, consuming large amounts of sugary foods causes early skin aging.

  1. Red and fatty meat

A large amount of meat in the diet leads to an increase in the blood concentration of toxic products of nitrogen metabolism, which can harm body tissues and even cause various diseases, such as gout. With increased consumption of fatty foods of animal origin, the function of the sebaceous glands of the skin changes, which leads to early wrinkles.

A skin diet does not imply a fanatical rejection of all prohibited foods if this is difficult, but it is imperative to significantly reduce them in your daily diet. Remember that the key to beauty is healthy and meaningful nutrition. Red vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes, carrots, red peppers, and berries, contain antioxidants and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on skin condition. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in sea fish, nuts, flaxseed oil and sesame oil, are also beneficial for the skin. Remember to drink enough water to provide your skin with the moisture it needs and improve its elasticity.

In general, if you follow a healthy diet, include fresh and natural foods in your diet, and eat fewer prohibited foods, your skin will look healthier and more beautiful. Don't forget that the beauty of your skin not only reflects your appearance, but also reflects your inner health. Don't sacrifice your health for the sake of beauty, find balance in your diet and enjoy beautiful and healthy skin!