Looking for a waist in spring: getting rid of fat on the sides

If you think that you can get rid of fat deposits on your sides only with the help of hula hoops or abdominal exercises, then this is not so. Experts unanimously declare that only an integrated approach to this problem will save you from unnecessary folds.

Take a close look at yourself in the mirror. If you are slim and only small bulges on the sides bother your eyes, then do exercises for the external obliques and latissimus dorsi. If the problem is not only in the sides, then a diet, walks in the fresh air, and training in the gym or pool are necessary.

So, if you are serious about losing side fat, reduce the number of calories you consume per day. As a rule, a healthy adult consumes about 2 thousand calories per day, but now you need to lower the bar to 1.4 thousand. In no case underestimate this figure, as you will lack energy and serious problems and malfunctions will arise in the body . Doctors recommend not losing more than 1 kg per week.

It is necessary to choose the right diet that will not harm you, and in this case it is recommended to start with a gentle one. To get rid of body fat, remove high-calorie foods from your diet and replace them with fruits and vegetables. They can be consumed at any time and in any quantity, they are absolutely harmless and contain many useful vitamins and microelements.

It is a mistake to believe that abdominal exercises will help you in the fight against lifebuoys. They will only make your abdominal muscles look beautiful, but only on the condition that they are visible and not hidden under folds of fat. If the sides have just begun to form, then such exercises will come in handy.

Walking, running and swimming are guaranteed to be suitable if the “spaniel ears” are already quite noticeable. Don’t forget about weight training, which can burn fat faster and restore muscle tone.

Remember a few exercises for self-study:

  1. Swimmer. Lie flat on your stomach, raise your head, and place your arms loosely along your body. Lift your feet off the floor as if swinging a mermaid's tail. Repeat the exercise in three sets of 20 times.

  2. Crunch for the obliques. Lie flat on your back, place your feet on the floor and bend your knees. Then, squeezing your knees together, shift your weight to one side and then to the other. The back should not come off the floor. Repeat the exercise several times 20 times.

  3. Lie flat on your back, place your palms under your head and, without lifting your back from the floor, raise your head towards your stomach. You should feel his muscles tense. Do three sets of 25 reps.

If you have such an opportunity, then feel free to go to a fitness club, where, under the guidance of specialists, you will quickly be able to get rid of your sides. Just don’t forget about a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.