Worried about your joints? Don't Delay the Examination!

If you experience recurring joint pain, you may be suffering from osteoarthritis, a chronic disease that affects up to 80% of older people. At first glance, pain and stiffness of movement may seem insignificant, but do not delay the examination. Timely treatment will help maintain joint mobility and performance as much as possible.

What happens to the affected joint? Each joint is a joint of bones covered with cartilage. Cartilage provides good joint mobility. With osteoarthritis, cartilage begins to deteriorate, the smoothness of movement is disrupted, which causes pain when moving.

However, a diagnosis of osteoarthritis is not a death sentence. Modern medicine offers various methods of prevention and treatment aimed at preserving the functions of the affected joint for as long as possible.

The most common treatment methods include physical therapy and massage. Despite the fact that with osteoarthritis, movements become painful, special sets of exercises are being developed to strengthen the muscles around the affected joint. This helps reduce the stress on it.

For osteoarthritis, physiotherapy procedures are also indicated, which help relieve muscle spasm, improve microcirculation in the joint and help maintain its mobility. These include exposure to currents and electromagnetic waves, ultrasonic exposure, ultraviolet irradiation, UHF, thermal procedures, including applications of paraffin, peat mud, and baths.

Osteoarthritis is also treated with medications, including drugs that reduce inflammation and pain medications, as well as glucocorticoid injections. To preserve cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors (chondroitin, glucosamine, etc.) are used.

Finally, a few simple tips can help prevent the development of osteoarthritis. It is important to monitor your weight, lead an active lifestyle, and avoid injuries and excessive stress. This lifestyle will be the best prevention of osteoarthritis.

In conclusion, a disease that affects up to 80% of older people should not be the end of an active life. You should not postpone examination at the first signs of osteoarthritis, since timely treatment will preserve the functions of the affected joint for as long as possible. Medication methods, physical therapy, massage and physiotherapy will help cope with the disease and maintain joint mobility. It is also important to monitor your weight, maintain an active lifestyle, and avoid injury and overuse to prevent the development of osteoarthritis.