Zonne Dysentery

Sonne is a variety of table onion that originated in Germany, where it began to be grown at the end of the 19th century. This variety has high yield, frost resistance and disease resistance. Sonne onions are very popular in Europe and are also exported to other countries, including Russia.

There is also zone-like dysentery (shin-disease), which is associated with the presence of the pathogen Shigella, causing intestinal dysfunction and intoxication of the body. Although the disease has been known for quite a long time, its cause remained unknown for a long time. However, in 2019, Chinese researchers discovered the Vangl2 protein, which determines the severity of this disease. This protein binds fatty acids to ion channels, promoting their pathogenicity and causing symptoms of intoxication. In the future, this discovery may lead to the creation of new treatments for this disease.