How to rejuvenate facial skin after 40

Many women on the threshold of their fortieth birthday are frightened by this figure - a certain intermediate line between youth and fading.

In fact, the aging process starts much earlier than 40 years, it’s just that women begin to notice changes in their body and appearance especially clearly at this age.

Fortunately, modern women can safely say about themselves: “Getting older does not mean growing old!”

The secrets of the beauty and youth of any woman lie not only in good genetics and a healthy lifestyle, but also in caring for facial skin after 40 years.

If before this age girls could afford to follow the minimum recommendations of cosmetologists, then after 40 the process of facial care turns into a mandatory and integral ritual of life.

If before this you have not thought about whether you are properly caring for your skin, then today we will give you valuable advice on how to maintain youth and beauty, how to tighten the oval of your face.


Features of the skin of a forty-year-old woman

A woman’s face is like a mirror; it reflects all the processes occurring in the body. And at the age of 40, the changes are very obvious and often critical - hormonal changes, decreased regeneration, slower metabolism.

All this is not reflected in the best way on the skin of the face.

  1. Quantitative changes - distinct nasolabial folds and facial wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes - the so-called crow's feet.
  2. Loss of moisture and elasticity - the skin becomes drier and flabby due to a decrease in collagen synthesis and a decrease in the skin's ability to retain valuable moisture in the cells.
  3. A decrease in the functionality of the sebaceous glands leads to less sebum production and, as a result, to dry skin.
  4. Decreased regeneration rate - cells renew themselves very slowly due to a decrease in the synthesis of the hormone of youth - estrogen.
  5. A decrease in the number of functional blood vessels leads to a slowdown in blood circulation in the layers of the epidermis and, as a result, to the disappearance of a healthy blush.

Understanding all these natural processes occurring in a woman’s body, you can draw up a competent plan for facial care after 40 years.

Necessary stages of care for mature skin

The main principle of proper facial skin care after 40 years is an integrated approach and nothing else. Only daily procedures performed consistently at a certain time of day will help achieve significant results.

Stage 1. Cleansing the skin. This important process must be carried out with the utmost delicacy in order not to damage the already thinned lipid layer. Therefore, we use gentle cleansing products - light foams and mousses, tonics and lotions without alcohol, gentle peelings.

In this case, you need to abandon the usual aggressive soaps and scrubs with large abrasive particles. You can only wash your face with water at a pleasant room temperature.

Stage 2. Moisturize the skin. This process needs to be given attention from all sides. You can indirectly influence the level of moisture in the skin in this way - drink at least 1.5 liters of clean still water a day, use a humidifier at home.

Take care of seasonal care - in winter you need to use cosmetics that protect your face from wind and frost, and in summer you should avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation and use care products and decorative cosmetics with a level of protection of at least SPF-15. Every day you need to use high-quality moisturizers - creams, serums, gels and face masks.

Stage 3. Skin nutrition. Since skin becomes drier with age, good nourishing care is necessary, especially at night.

It is very important to choose a suitable night cream that has the ideal texture so that the skin pores do not become clogged, but at the same time deeply nourishes the epidermis and saturates it with vitamins.

In addition, several times a week you need to make nourishing masks, which can be prepared at home.

Anti-aging cosmetics for women over 40 years old

Properly selected caring cosmetics can work wonders and significantly reduce the signs of skin aging, tighten the contours of the face, and fill the skin with radiance.

Such cosmetics must be chosen according to age - that is, the packaging must have the inscription “40+” on it.

You should not purchase creams that are not suitable for your age category or that are even designed for all skin types - such cosmetics will not bring visible results.

You need to choose three basic products - a night cream, a day cream and an eye product. Of course, it is desirable that all these cosmetics be of the same brand and series, mutually complementing each other.

It will also be useful to study the composition of the cosmetics you buy - a good anti-aging product must contain the following components:

  1. hyaluronic acid - to retain moisture in the skin;
  2. collagen of marine origin - to maintain elasticity;
  3. retinol (one of the forms of vitamin A) - accelerates regeneration;
  4. tocopherol (vitamin E) is a powerful antioxidant;
  5. herbal ingredients with anti-aging effects;
  6. fruit acids - to saturate the skin with vitamins.

In addition to store-bought cosmetics, you should not neglect home skin care.

Traditional recipes for anti-aging facial care

Masks that need to be done 2-3 times a week will be a significant help in rejuvenating facial skin. The composition and functionality of masks must be changed periodically, alternating between nourishing, moisturizing and lifting ones.

The oval face after 40 years is in great need of such rejuvenating procedures.

Nutrition masks

  1. Country cream as a one-component mask is express nutrition for your skin. After this procedure, you don’t even have to apply the cream.
  2. A mask of cream, honey, vegetable oil, egg yolk and aloe juice will help saturate the skin with nutrients.
  3. Fat sour cream combined with apricot pulp, mixed in equal proportions, will make your skin smooth and radiant.

Moisturizing masks

  1. Fresh cucumbers have been used since ancient times to moisturize the skin. You can try mixing cucumber pulp with honey and lemon juice - you will get a wonderful refreshing and whitening effect.
  2. A fresh “salad” of tomato pulp seasoned with olive oil will replenish the lack of moisture in the skin in just 10 minutes.

Lifting masks

  1. Sea buckthorn berries have excellent anti-aging properties - for a mask you should use their pulp, seasoned with vegetable oil.
  2. Oatmeal or flour combined with honey and egg yolk will help make your skin simply velvety and incredibly smooth.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Facial skin after 40 years requires really careful care, but you should pay special attention to the eyelid area. The skin around the gas after 40 years becomes very sensitive, delicate, almost translucent.

It is in this area that we begin to notice the first wrinkles.

It is not without reason that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. But it’s not only the mischievous sparkle in your eyes that makes you so attractive, it’s also your beautiful, well-groomed skin.

Often, improper eyelid skin care can cause rapid fading, drooping eyelids, and the formation of deep wrinkles. Let's look at the basic principles of caring for the skin around the eyes.

  1. The delicate skin of the eyelids needs special cosmetics - today there is milk for removing eye makeup, various serums and gels for the eyelids, two-phase creams specifically for the lower and upper eyelids, life-giving compresses in the form of patches for the area under the eyes.
  2. Be sure to remove eye makeup before going to bed using special products.
  3. Use high-quality facial cosmetics. It is permissible to apply a little corrective agent and mattifying powder to the skin of the eyelids, and only then eye shadow and a pencil.
  4. Protect the delicate skin of your eyelids from frost and sun, wear good sunglasses with a high degree of darkness, not only in summer, but also in winter. The sun, reflected from the white snow, can dazzle no less than in summer, forcing you to squint and squint - and this, as we know, only provokes the appearance of new wrinkles.

Folk recipes for the beauty of eyelid skin

Many women neglect home care, and completely in vain. Folk recipes can sometimes have an even more pronounced effect than store-bought creams.

The main thing is the correct use of valuable products. Which of them are useful specifically for the delicate skin around the eyes?

  1. Cucumber compresses. The funny image of a woman from jokes in a dressing gown, with curlers on her head and always slices of cucumbers on her face, in fact, is not without meaning. Indeed, cucumber compresses are very beneficial for the skin, especially around the eyes. Be sure to find 10 minutes a day to relax and lie down with round pieces of cucumber in front of your eyes - the chic tonic and refreshing effect will amaze you.
  2. Aloe juice is incredibly beneficial for the skin of the eyelids - it forms a thin protective film and saturates the skin with antioxidants. Apply aloe juice to the skin around the eyes and let it absorb with light tapping movements.
  3. Compresses with black or green tea will help relieve swelling from the eyelids. To do this, you need to moisten cotton pads in fresh tea leaves at room temperature and apply them to your eyelids for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Olive oil is an excellent nourishing and protective agent for the skin of the eyelids - it can be applied at any time of the day and in any quantity.

So, now you know what anti-aging facial skin care should be like at home. All these procedures will have tremendous results if you make an effort and try to perform them regularly.

Young and well-groomed facial skin is elastic, wrinkle-free, and has a healthy, even tone. However, with age, the skin loses these qualities, the production of collagen, the substance responsible for skin tone, decreases, wrinkles and age spots appear, and blood vessels become visible. Of course, any woman always wants to look young and beautiful, regardless of her age. From this article we will learn about modern and effective methods of facial rejuvenation, and consider the most popular procedures that help the skin stay young and fresh.

Types of anti-aging procedures

Types of procedures for facial rejuvenation after 40 years are divided into:

  1. superficial – application of active compounds to the surface of the skin;
  2. hardware – methods of rejuvenation using cosmetology equipment;
  3. injection – injection of drugs under the skin to increase elasticity and fight wrinkles.

All these methods are effective to one degree or another, the result of their action depends on the condition of the skin of a particular woman, as well as on her personal ability to tolerate inconvenience and uncomfortable feelings, since any anti-aging procedure involves some unpleasant sensations.

To keep your face young and attractive after 40 years, you need to take comprehensive care of your skin

Surface methods

Anti-aging daily care

Of course, the use of anti-aging care products - masks and creams - is part of the daily ritual of every mature woman who takes care of herself and wants to look young. The advantage of these manipulations is that you can make your own care products from natural ingredients or easily purchase them at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. In addition, you don’t need to go anywhere - the products can be used in your free time at home. But all these products relate only to maintenance care, until a magic mask has been invented that can slow down the aging process of the skin and relieve it of age-related problems.


Turning 40 is a reason to reconsider your usual skin care routine. Masks and creams are no longer enough. Therefore, many women resort to more effective procedures. One of the most popular procedures in beauty salons is peeling. According to the method of carrying out the procedure, peelings are divided into:

Mechanical peeling

Mechanical peeling is the removal of dead cells and impurities from the surface of the skin using abrasive particles included in any cosmetic product. The abrasive can be crushed apricot seeds, nuts, coral chips, and sea salt. You can do this peeling at home yourself or use the services of a cosmetologist. The essence of the mechanical peeling procedure is as follows:

  1. Remnants of cosmetic products are removed from the skin, it is cleansed with water and antiseptic soap;
  2. a cosmetic with abrasive particles is applied to the prepared skin;
  3. use this product to massage your face using fingertips or soft-bristled brushes;
  4. then the product is washed off and moisturizing treatment is applied.

Depending on the condition of the skin, the procedure is carried out once or three times a week. The disadvantages of this type of peeling include high trauma: scrubbing particles can injure and scratch the skin. However, if the procedure is carried out carefully and there are no serious skin problems, this type of peeling helps to exfoliate dead cells from the surface of the skin and give the face a fresh look. Another plus: recovery after mechanical peeling is quite fast.

Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling completely cleanses the surface layers of the skin from dead epidermal cells and secretion products of the sebaceous glands. The meaning of the procedure is the interaction of the skin with chemicals, as a result of which the epidermis receives a chemical burn. Then the skin cells die, exposing the deep cellular layers - smooth, fresh and elastic.

The active ingredients used during the chemical peeling procedure are AHA acids: glycolic, lactic, malic, salicylic, retinoic, mandelic, phytic and some others.

Chemical peeling services are provided in salons and are carried out in several stages:

  1. First, makeup is removed and the skin is cleansed;
  2. then the cosmetologist applies the active chemical to the skin with a brush;
  3. the composition is kept on the face for a certain amount of time, which depends on the type of drug;
  4. the active substance is neutralized with alkali and washed off with water;
  5. Apply a soothing mask to the skin, leave it on, then wash it off and apply a moisturizer.

After the chemical peeling procedure, facial skin color improves, regenerative processes intensify, age spots fade, and fine wrinkles disappear. After chemical peeling, use antibiotics. Avoid exposure to the sun and use sunscreen.

There are situations when chemical peeling is prohibited. These include:

  1. inflammation and skin diseases (eczema, herpes), abrasions, scratches;
  2. allergy to the composition of the active substance;
  3. chemical peeling cannot be carried out in the sunny season, ultraviolet rays lead to the formation of pigment spots on renewed skin;
  4. pregnancy and lactation period.

There are many superficial, hardware and injection methods for facial skin rejuvenation after 40 years

Hardware cosmetology

Features of the procedures

This type of cosmetology began to gain popularity in Russia in the early 2000s. Hardware cosmetology is a type of medical service, so all procedures must be performed by doctors, and institutions engaged in this activity must have a medical license.

Hardware procedures are aimed at solving a wide range of skin problems after 40 years, for example:

  1. elimination of spider veins;
  2. removal of age-related pigmentation, freckles;
  3. fight against uneven, dull complexion;
  4. increasing skin tone and elasticity;
  5. correction of wrinkles, including deep ones.

However, hardware procedures have a number of contraindications, these include:

  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. inflammatory processes;
  4. oncological diseases.

Let's consider modern popular hardware procedures for rejuvenation.

Laser technique

This type of hardware cosmetology is aimed at stimulating collagen production, smoothing wrinkles and tightening the oval of the face. There are variations of this technique:

  1. laser biorevitalization, during which, thanks to short pulses received from the device, you can get rid of deep wrinkles. The laser burns damaged epidermal cells, resulting in the formation of new ones;;
  2. fractional ablative rejuvenation is used to remove spot imperfections, the laser affects only problem areas, healthy skin is not injured;
  3. laser resurfacing – the laser acts gently, correcting the contour of the face and combats small wrinkles;
  4. photorejuvenation is a promising area of ​​laser technology, popular among women over 40 years old. The method works by exposing the skin to effective light pulses, which improves blood circulation, renews skin cells, and increases elasticity. The procedure is completely painless.

After some laser procedures, there is a slight burning sensation and redness of the skin, which goes away after a couple of days. At this time, topical agents are used to eliminate discomfort (various ointments and creams, sprays). You cannot visit the bathhouse or sauna; you must use face creams with an ultraviolet barrier.


This procedure is aimed at stimulating facial muscles. Electrical impulses coming from the device help improve the tone of the facial muscles and promote the outflow of lymph. The procedure helps smooth out facial wrinkles and reduce facial swelling.


The effect of this physiotherapeutic procedure is based on the effect of ionic particles penetrating into the deep layers of the skin. Under the influence of electric current, the particles penetrate to a depth of one and a half centimeters into the skin and have a positive effect on the epidermis. This stimulates intercellular exchange and improves blood circulation. The procedure is indicated for combating vascular networks on the face and has a cumulative effect; in addition, it is absolutely painless.


Thermage is a safe method of rejuvenation without surgery. It is based on the use of low frequency radio wave energy, which, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, stimulates collagen production. With this procedure, the oval of the face is corrected, the elasticity of the skin is restored, and wrinkles disappear. The primary effect will be noticeable immediately, and after a course of procedures it will last for about three years.

Injection methods

To slow down the aging process, women are ready to take the most radical measures. However, there are modern methods of rejuvenation without surgery, and the most effective of them are injection procedures. They require almost no preparation, and visual differences from the previous skin condition are visible immediately after the session. It is important to note that procedures of this kind should only be performed by experienced specialists with medical education.


The most expensive, well-known, and dangerous method of rejuvenation is subcutaneous Botox injections. Its effectiveness is beyond doubt, but it is better to trust a competent, experienced specialist who works in a beauty salon with a good reputation. Due to a poorly performed procedure, vision problems may arise, skin rashes may appear, and a feeling of weakness may appear. Botox injections are made subcutaneously in the forehead, lips, nasolabial folds, and between the eyebrows. As a result of a high-quality procedure, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin looks elastic and rejuvenated. Botox injection sessions should be carried out regularly; a specialist will tell you how long it will take for you to return for a repeat procedure to maintain skin tone.


This rejuvenation method is the most common at the moment. The principle of mesotherapy is the subcutaneous injection of drugs that smooth out wrinkles and give the skin a healthy appearance. This is not the most painful procedure because the diameters of the injection needles are very small. Typically, several treatments are required to achieve the desired effect. The following popular substances are currently used for administration:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. vitamin complexes;
  3. collagen extract.


This is an innovative method of facial rejuvenation after 40 years. It involves injecting your own blood plasma under the skin to a depth of approximately 3 mm. As a result of the procedure, metabolic processes are restored and the general condition of the skin improves.


Biorevitalization is the prevention of skin aging through injections of active components. Very often, hyaluronic acid is used as an active ingredient, because it is already contained in the human body, its amount simply decreases with age. The drug penetrates all layers of the skin and is perceived as a natural nutritional element. Advantages of biorevitalization:

  1. cell renewal;
  2. activation of the skin’s ability to self-rejuvenate;
  3. smoothing wrinkles;
  4. increased skin elasticity, healthy complexion;
  5. hydration;

The effect of the procedure lasts about 6 months.

Ozone therapy

Subcutaneous administration of mezozone (a cocktail of ozone and oxygen) increases the intensity of metabolic processes in facial skin cells. This method is safe and effective, it is used to smooth out wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, eliminate pigmentation and bags under the eyes. Ozone has a stimulating effect on the activity of metabolic processes in the skin.

In this article, we got acquainted with modern methods of facial rejuvenation after 40 years. We should not forget that all procedures have a temporary effect and must be performed regularly. In addition, in order to be beautiful at any age, you need to follow simple rules for maintaining beauty in adulthood: spend more time in the fresh air, get enough sleep, do not abuse alcohol and eat right.

Skin aging is an inevitable process that inevitably awaits any person. Not all representatives of the fair sex are ready to put up with this. After all, beauty and youth allow many to achieve success not only in the personal, but also in the public or professional sphere. Aging can be fought in various ways; high-quality creams and salon treatments are especially effective. But some women do not have the opportunity to visit a cosmetologist; time-tested home methods will help them remain attractive. How to rejuvenate your facial skin without spending a lot of money on expensive cosmetics? Use the tips provided in this article.

What happens in a woman's skin after 40 years

Over the years, the body's production of the main female hormone estrogen decreases. This directly affects the condition of the skin, it becomes flabby, dry, rashes and other irritations appear on it. The subcutaneous fat layer decreases, and, as a result, the tone and elasticity of the skin. After menopause, the amount of collagen produced drops sharply, metabolism deteriorates, and the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands decreases. The skin becomes very dry and quite noticeable wrinkles appear. Homemade creams with natural products (honey, eggs, milk, flour, cereals, vegetables) will help to moisturize and nourish it. Nutritious vegetable oils are effective: jojoba, jasmine, lavender, shea butter, avocado and others. It is good to use scrubs made from the seeds and pulp of fruits and berries.

Wrinkles around the lips, which appear closer to 50, spoil the appearance, even if you have applied the right makeup. The same oils, as well as masks with milk, sour cream, cream, and fermented baked milk, will help get rid of them and fill the skin with vitamins and microelements. Unpleasant manifestations of age-related changes are age spots. They spoil the appearance and therefore irritate many women. You can fight them using various whitening masks, serums and homemade lotions based on cucumber, parsley, and dairy products.

Knowing how to rejuvenate facial skin at home, you should not be lazy and neglect the procedures. Care should be regular; this is the main principle of rejuvenation. Mature skin is depleted and does not have enough moisture. Therefore, try to drink at least 2 liters of clean water every day. To achieve noticeable results with home remedies, it is worth taking an integrated approach. There must be thorough cleansing in the morning and evening, nutrition, moisturizing, toning, and skin protection. The correct daily routine, good sleep, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are of great importance. Facial gymnastics and self-massage are also effective, which will ensure blood flow and improve metabolism in problem areas.

Homemade recipes for every day

Not every woman knows how to rejuvenate her facial skin at home. But this is possible if you use effective recipes and the “correct” folk remedies. After all, visiting beauty salons requires time and extra money, but the cost of homemade creams, lotions, peelings and masks is minimal. You will find many of the ingredients for the procedures in your refrigerator, while others can be easily purchased at the pharmacy or the nearest supermarket.

Proper cleansing is the key to the good appearance of your skin.

Thorough but gentle cleansing is one of the main conditions for effective care. It is important to use soft substances that do not injure or dry out already dry, aging skin. Therefore, it is better to avoid products containing alcohol; you should also not use soap. An excellent option for washing is boiled or melt water. It has a slight rigidity, so it does not have a harmful effect on the face.

Homemade scrubs are effective in removing dust, blackheads and other impurities. The simplest summer recipe will help saturate the skin with vitamins and microelements. Take 2 tablespoons of sour cream, sugar and strawberries or raspberries. Stir, knead slightly, but not too hard so that the sugar particles do not dissolve. Gently apply to face and massage problem areas, avoiding the eye area, rinse with warm water. Berry seeds will make this peeling more effective, the result will be noticeable after the first procedure.

Toning to improve metabolic processes

Massage with ice pieces will increase blood circulation and give you a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Ice is a real “elixir of youth,” especially if it is made from a decoction of medicinal herbs. Rejuvenation in this way was very popular among ladies of different age categories and social status back in the old days. Empress Catherine the Second also loved such recipes, so she had many fans until her old age. You can tone your muscles, saturate them with useful substances, increase elasticity and improve your complexion at home using vegetable and fruit juices. The following “miraculous” herbs are also suitable: nettle, celandine, chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, string and others.

Recipe for the lazy - cut fruits, vegetables or berries into cubes (grapes, strawberries, kiwi, peach, watermelon, melon, cucumber, sweet pepper, etc.), package them in small bags and put them in the freezer. In the morning, take out one portion and wipe your face and neck with the frozen gifts of nature. Your skin will instantly transform as it experiences temperature changes. Her tone will return to normal, because this kind of cryotherapy is a wonderful workout for pores, blood vessels and muscles.

Proper self-massage of facial skin

This lymphatic drainage massage will help you get in shape in just 15 minutes, but you need to do it regularly. Before you begin, steam your face in the bath or over a bowl of hot water for 5 minutes. Place your fingertips in the middle of your forehead and stroke it towards your temples. Next, place your fingers on the bridge of the nose and make rotational movements along the contour of the eyebrows and then along the edge of the lower eyelid - back to the bridge of the nose. Gently massage the nasolabial folds with your fingertips, as if pressing down existing wrinkles. To eliminate a double chin, place the tips of your palms on its center and massage the contours of your face with smoothing movements, directing the movements towards the ears. Do at least 6 repetitions of each exercise.

Gymnastics to prolong your youth

To make skin rejuvenation at home more effective, use gymnastics for the facial muscles. Pronounce the letter “O”, forcefully stretching your lips into a tube (at least 5 times). Close your eyes and rotate them left and right (10 times in each direction). With your eyes closed, lower the corners of your lips as low as possible, depicting a sad smile (from 5 repetitions every day). To strengthen your chin, push it forward, pressing your lower lip to your teeth, move your jaw in different directions (5 times daily). Rotating your eyes to the right and left (5 times each) will help against wrinkles in the upper part of the face. In this case, the palms are located in the center of the forehead. You can tighten your oval and remove jowls by puffing out your cheeks and holding in this position for 5-7 seconds. Do at least 10 times.

Evening skin treatments

In the evening, the skin is more tired and sensitive, so it simply needs anti-aging treatments at this time of day. Almond milk will restore it and fill it with vitality. In addition, it has excellent cleansing properties. Pour hot water over a handful of almonds and soak for 20-30 minutes. After this, drain the water, peel the almonds and grind them in a meat grinder or blender. Add a glass of milk, a teaspoon of any honey, mix and apply to your face. Rinse off after 10-15 minutes. This mask is done both in the morning and before bed.

And at night, moisturize your skin with various healthy oils. Rosehip, sesame, olive, rose, grape, etc. are suitable. They are also effective when removing makeup using improvised means. To do this, apply a few drops of oil to a cotton pad and gently wipe your eyes and lips in a circular motion until the cosmetics are completely removed.

DIY nourishing masks

In order for facial skin rejuvenation to produce tangible results, nourishing components must be present. A mask made from milk, flour and lemon juice has proven itself well. Heat a small amount of milk, add 2 tablespoons of flour and lemon juice, stir until thick sour cream and apply to face for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water without soap.

Quick procedures - visit with a radiant face

If you urgently need to leave the house and have an important event ahead, visiting guests or an important business meeting, use these tips for quick skin rejuvenation. Grate one apple, mix the pulp with two tablespoons of honey and hold this mixture on your face for 2-5 minutes. Remove the mask using warm olive or other vegetable oil, soaking a cotton pad or napkin in it.

A simple anti-aging remedy is fruits, vegetables and berries, which are applied fresh to problem areas. Cucumber cut into slices is a classic of home cosmetology, proven by generations of women. You can also include fresh strawberries, raspberries, and peaches there.

A cosmetologist is a woman's best friend over 40

Home remedies are best combined with professional treatments. Today in beauty salons you will be offered various contouring procedures: injections of hyaluronic acid, plasma lifting, bioreinforcement, mesotherapy, laser resurfacing and much more. Such care and restoration are quite effective; the oval of the face is tightened, wrinkles and other skin defects are eliminated. These procedures have a pronounced rejuvenating effect. To enhance the effect, in between, use folk cosmetics prepared with your own hands. Homemade recipes, as well as modern creams, can also be used by women who have contraindications to injections and other types of contouring.

To look amazing even in adulthood, combine regular and thorough home care and salon treatments. And then time will have no power over your beauty and unfading youth.