Self-massage technique for face video

Scientists have proven that during massage touches on the body, the level of endorphin hormones in the body increases, which contributes to a good mood and prolongation of youth. We invite you to study how classic facial massage is performed, its technique, as well as the price of the procedure.

Principles and advantages of self-massage

Massage is an invention of Eastern sages, who used it 2000 years ago to improve physical and psychological well-being. Self-massage is called Tao Yin, it is part of the philosophy (or teaching) of Qi Gong.


Face massage

What is benefits of classic self-massage of the face:

  1. Migraines of any degree can pass - this has been proven; it’s just that, as Chinese scientists say, you need to know which point to act on;
  2. Immunity is significantly increased due to the acceleration of blood circulation, and consequently metabolism;
  3. Confident and precise movements help get rid of wrinkles;
  4. With the help of massage, you can remove swelling on the face, in particular in the nose and eye area.

Video lesson on how to do a classic facial massage

Eye massage


Classic palming eye is a form of facial massage that does not require any friction and can make you look 10 years younger absolutely free.

Main readings for this effect - “crow’s feet”, bags under the eyes. There are some contraindications to this technique: bruises in the treatment area, vision problems, diseases of the mucous membrane (in particular, conjunctivitis or stye). You need to act very gently: our goal is not to stretch the skin, but to stretch it. Hands must be sterilely clean (and this is a requirement of any massage), rub your palms against each other so that they begin to radiate heat, and apply them to your eyes. Hold for 10 seconds, then rub again with your hands, repeat the procedure up to 5-10 times.

Another technique or massage Abkhabadze - This is tapping with your fingertips along the “perimeter” of the eye socket. Execution time is morning. You need to feel the bones under the eyes and very lightly start tapping them with your fingertips, gradually moving to the eyebrows and back to the beginning of the treated area. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.

Technique and scheme of tonic massage

The main part of the face can also be massaged during everyday rituals, such as washing or applying foundation. Turn on the warm water, warm your hands under it and lightly slap them on the face (not too much, redness is acceptable, but not bruises) and begin to knead your cheeks. Just stretch them a little in different directions. Then wet your hands with cold water and repeat the action, go through 2-4 cycles. We recommend that you also do scrubbing during the session - this way you will get a double effect.

Cosmetic massage is an individual matter, if you have Vessels are located close to the skin, then you need to be very careful when stretching. In this case, we warm up our hands and begin to knead the face in a circular motion; it is recommended to move from the nose to the temples and from the chin to the neck line. From the neck we gradually move to the décolleté area, you can go back up, the main thing is to stroke the dermis with movements directed in the opposite direction from the treatment area:

  1. From nose to temples;
  2. From nose to chin;
  3. From chin to neck;
  4. From the forehead to the hairline;
  5. From cheeks to temples.


Photo – Massage technique

Classic massage is performed in stages; after the preparatory period, stimulation begins. Stimulation will help increase blood flow to the dermis, energize, and tone the face for several hours. We start near the jawline, work with the back of the hand so as not to harm ourselves with the knuckles, move up from the chin - to the temples and forehead, it is also necessary to stimulate the area around the eyes, carefully squeeze the fold between the eyebrows with your thumb and forefinger, release, repeat the same with all large wrinkles on the face. It is very important that before any procedure that involves friction on the skin, apply cosmetic cream to the dermis. It is better to move the lesson to the first half of the day.

This preparatory classic massage is performed by any plastic surgeon before surgery or laser biorevitalization; this medical procedure helps to warm up the surface of the skin or enhance the effect of painkillers.

Let's consider tonic massage scheme. We intertwine our hands on the forehead, clasp our fingers together, and begin to move from the forehead to the hairline, without separating the fingers. Next, rub your face from right to left, then change direction. Repeat the movements with the forehead 10 times and move lower to the cheeks and chin. By the way, you can work on the cheeks even more intensely using special massagers (using the Darsonval apparatus will give the effect much faster than a regular rubber roller, and you can buy it at any pharmacy), or improvised means - terry cloth, spoons, etc., will do almost everything that has a relief, the main thing is that the item is hygienic and completely clean.


There are some precautions before you decide to undergo a course of head, back or face massage:

  1. It is not recommended to do a classic massage for any fungal skin disease, as well as on the face with open wounds;
  2. With high sensitivity;
  3. You also need to be careful with thin vessels, dystonia, or capillaries close to the skin.

To enhance the effect, you need to regularly do exercises along with massage sessions.

Massage cosmetology is considered one of the most effective methods of non-surgical rejuvenation, which can be easily performed at home and does not require special courses.

READ ALSO: lpg facial massager.

This article will discuss a rejuvenating facial massage, an incredible effect (videos of all types of massage can be seen at the end of the article) from which it will attract the gaze of surrounding men and women.

  1. Quick navigation through the article:
  2. How does massage affect the skin?
  3. Contraindications
  4. Execution Rules
  5. Kinds
  6. Classical
  7. Japanese
  8. French
  9. Asahi technique
  10. Jacquet
  11. Massage by Patricia Gorovey
  12. Conclusion
  13. Reviews

How does a rejuvenating massage affect the skin?

Rejuvenating massage has been tested by hundreds of women. There are various legends about its effect.


Massage affects the skin of the face as follows:

  1. Small wrinkles disappear.
  2. Bags in the eye area are reduced.
  3. Stress is relieved.
  4. The skin rests and at the same time gets the opportunity to go through the relaxation process.

Facial massage: contraindications

No matter how harmless a cosmetic procedure may seem, There are a number of special nuances when cosmetologists do not recommend massage.


It is prohibited to rejuvenate the skin through massage. when the following symptoms occur:

  1. Rash on the surface of the skin (of different etiologies). During the massage, there is a possibility of aggravation of the irritation that appears.
  2. Warts, since they belong to the category of infectious manifestations. After gymnastics, they can appear in various areas of the face. In order to carry out the procedures, they must be removed medically with the help of specialists.

Rules for performing rejuvenating massage

In order to achieve high quality, certain nuances must be adhered to.

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Before this, you should visit a cosmetologist who will select individual products for each client. As a rule, these are aromatic oils and various types of cream.

Important to remember! The cosmetic procedure is suitable for different age groups.

Classic massage is recommended to eliminate:

  1. Age wrinkles.
  2. Loss of facial skin elasticity.
  3. When the color of the skin deteriorates.
  4. For congestion (bags) in the eye area.
  5. When a double chin appears.

This type of massage should be carried out following special rules.

The stages of the procedure are universal:

  1. Applying aromatic or medicinal oil.
  2. The massage procedure begins with the neck or décolleté area and gradually moves to the upper area of ​​the face.
  3. The massage begins with light stroking, gradually moving to light pats.
  4. Carefully work with the skin area around the eyes.
  5. The last stage is the removal of residual cosmetics.

All procedure lasts at least fifteen minutes (time is individual), the number of required sessions is determined by the cosmetologist, however, when performing a massage on your own, you should focus on the result.

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After cosmetic procedures:

  1. The skin is enriched with beneficial microelements.
  2. The flow of oxygen increases.
  3. The skin becomes more elastic.
  4. Fit.
  5. Takes on a healthy appearance.
  6. Constantly undergoing procedures erases age boundaries.

The incredible effect of Japanese rejuvenating facial massage can only be achieved if it is performed correctly. All the main points are clearly visible in the video below.

Basics Japanese massage rule: A cosmetic procedure should only be carried out in a calm environment.

Massage technology includes the following actions:

  1. Lightly stroking the skin.
  2. Kneading the skin.
  3. Soft tapping on the face.
  4. The final stage also ends with light stroking.
  5. All actions are carried out only strictly along certain massage lines.

French massage technology

This method of procedure based on special cosmetic “tweezers”. According to cosmetologists, this type of massage is an excellent alternative to surgical plastic surgery.


It is carried out using three technologies. The most popular technique is considered to be the “sculptural look”. With its help you can restore ideal facial contours. Indications for its implementation:

  1. The appearance of a double chin.
  2. Age-related appearance of folds in the nasolabial triangle segment (sagging cheeks).
  3. Blurred boundaries of the facial contour.
  4. The appearance of wrinkles or swelling.

For massage Only the fingertips are used. The cosmetic procedure begins with light pressing movements. The muscles gradually warm up. All movements are carried out from the neck area, gradually moving to the forehead area.

Along the contour of the face, movements should gradually intensify.

The massage procedure ends with a light soothing stroke. Massage takes at least one hour, so it is prescribed no more than several times a week.

Note!To learn how to perform French massage yourself, you need to watch video tutorials. You can achieve an incredible rejuvenating effect from a French facial skin massage only through several procedures.

Asahi technique for facial rejuvenation

This type of gymnastics gained great popularity among Japanese women. The peculiarity of this procedure is that the entire complex is delimited and depends on the type of face.


During massage procedures, various beauty points are impacted. In addition, during the procedure lymph flows are stimulated.

Gymnastics is carried out in a calm and careful manner, since it is necessary to pay close attention to the areas where the lymph nodes are located, andand in no case should they be crushed.

The Asahi technique is an excellent rejuvenating facial massage. The incredible effect (there is also a video of this type of massage at the end of the article) is to tighten contours, smooth out fine wrinkles, and reduce the severity of deep wrinkles.

The entire cosmetic procedure is divided into several subtypes:

  1. Lymphatic gymnastics. With its help, excess fluid and toxic substances that accumulate in the skin are removed. With the help of this massage, puffiness disappears, the skin color takes on a delicate, healthy appearance.
  2. Deep type of massage includes a method of manual therapy. When completing this course of procedures, skin turgor significantly improves, tension is relieved, and blood vessels are strengthened.

Like all cosmetic procedures, Asahi massage is divided into stages. In order to improve lymph flow during the procedure, only natural remedies should be used. To cleanse the skin, it is better to use cosmetic milk.

The procedure is carried out only in a good mood, during the massage it is recommended to fill yourself with positive energy.

Massage is carried out constantly, but without haste. It lasts no more than five minutes.

All Japanese gymnastics technology can be viewed in the presented video and see the effectiveness of this rejuvenating facial massage, which will surprise you with its incredible results.

Carefully! If the face is thin, then the massage is mainly carried out in the upper segment of the face. In addition, it is not recommended to carry out cosmetic procedures if there are acute or chronic ENT diseases or inflammatory processes on the skin.

Rules for performing Jacquet massage (pinch)

To improve your complexion and get rid of wrinkles, cosmetologists recommend pinch rejuvenating massage for face. The incredible effect (there is a video in the final part of the article) is achieved through special plucking movements.


All cosmetic manipulations are carried out in the form of pinches. They must be quite strong, since the deep layers of the skin should be affected. More often, massage is used for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes in order to to eliminate many skin problems:

  1. Oily seborrhea.
  2. Significantly reduce scarring.
  3. Remove miliomas.
  4. Gets rid of acne.
  5. Get rid of filtrates.

However, the grip of the pinch is quite aggressive, so the cosmetic procedure has a number of contraindications. Massage is not performed:

  1. If the skin is irritated or damaged (wounds, scratches).
  2. For flat warts that are located on the face.
  3. When the facial nerve is pinched.
  4. If there are various inflammatory processes on the skin.
  5. With a pronounced capillary network.
  6. For hypertension.
  7. For allergic reactions.
  8. For eczema.

If you ignore the above contraindications can provoke the manifestation of hematomas.

The main rule for carrying out this type of cosmetic procedures is to learn how to pinches correctly to avoid injury to the skin. The main movement, according to its technology, should resemble the process of squeezing out blackheads.


In order for the procedure to please you with the results, don't forget the rules (these rules apply only to this type of massage):

  1. The duration of the massage should not exceed 15 minutes.
  2. If an unpleasant burning or tingling sensation is felt, cosmetic procedures should be stopped immediately.
  3. The technique does not involve the use of special aromatic or medicinal oils.
  4. The procedure is not performed in the eye area.
  5. A massage course can last up to 20 sessions, but not more than twice a week.
  6. After finishing the cosmetic massage, it is strictly not recommended to go outside for 3 hours.

Facial massage from Patricia Gorovey

Patricia Gorovey has developed a very simple but effective system for facial rejuvenation. It consists of a set of gymnastic exercises and simple massage techniques. The entire system actively acts on the muscles of the face and décolleté, restoring their elasticity.


In order to maintain the elasticity of the facial muscles, the entire training process must be regular and take at least 15 minutes. The ideal time to practice is in the morning.

The exercise system is divided into groups:

  1. For forehead lift. Used to smooth out facial wrinkles.
  2. Exercises to correct the upper eyelids.
  3. To strengthen a weakened chin.
  4. To get rid of a double chin that has appeared.

For massage Patricia uses only standard classical techniquesbased on the plucking technique. Like the previous massage systems listed above, they are divided into stages and correct different facial areas.

In order for the fitness system to give positive results, anti-aging Facial massage must be carried out in accordance with all rules. An incredible effect is achieved if you carefully watch video lessons from a famous model.

Conclusion and conclusions

Despite the large list of different types of massage procedures, they have one the main goal is to strengthen and improve the external skin of the face and the body as a whole. If you give yourself a little time, then after several procedures you can see how much younger your facial skin has become.

This video will show how Japanese rejuvenating facial massage is performed:

The following video will show the principles of Asahi massage:

This video will show how a facial massage is performed:

After we have studied what massage styles there are and become familiar with the rules for their implementation, you can begin to independently practice rejuvenation.

Stages of performing a facial massage for wrinkles

Learning how to do almost any facial massage for wrinkles at home and doing it yourself is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to master one of the massage techniques correctly.

After choosing the style of the procedure, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the technique of its execution. During the process, follow important recommendations:

  1. Prepare the skin: remove makeup, collect hair in a bun;
  2. Wash the hands;
  3. Apply oil or cream;
  4. For manipulation, it is preferable to use your fingertips (unless the technique suggests otherwise);
  5. All movements should be soft and smooth;
  6. Be gentle in the eye area;
  7. Perform movements strictly according to the line diagram for facial massage;
  8. Start and end with stroking techniques.

What techniques can be used at home to tighten the oval face?

At home, you can use almost all massage techniques, with the exception of those that use special tools: stones, vacuum and roller devices. But even they are freely available for purchase. The easiest to learn and perform are: honey massage, facial massage, spooning and pinch method. When used regularly, they provide an excellent rejuvenating and strengthening effect.

What to use for facial massage

Facial massage is a delicate procedure. Because the skin on the face is highly sensitive. It is thinner than on other parts of the body. Therefore, when performing movements, it is necessary to use oil or facial massage cream. This will avoid redness and irritation, and will also prevent unnecessary stretching.

Stage of classic face and neck massage

  1. Apply the oil to the skin with soft patting movements;
  2. From the wings of the nose to the ears, massage the cheeks with spiral movements;
  3. Using light patting touches, massage the eyelids from the outer edge to the inner along the lower edge and then from the inner edge to the outer along the upper eyelid;
  4. Using spiral movements, we relax the forehead in the direction from the eyebrows to the hair;
  5. Using rubbing movements, massage the contour of the lips and lower jaw.

Stage of smoothing nasolabial wrinkles

Massage the nostril and the beginning of the nasolabial fold near the nose with two middle fingers of each hand, rotating each in its own direction like a figure eight.

Squeeze the side of the nose for 30 seconds alternately, then stretch it, thereby relaxing the muscle that lifts the skin, creating the nasolabial.

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “The World of the Face and Its Secrets”

Stage of elimination of crow's feet

The skin in the eye area is delicate, thin and sensitive. It is almost devoid of fat and hydrolipid layers. Therefore, the first signs of aging appear here first. To reduce them, we perform a facial massage of this area:

  1. Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds;
  2. move the eyeball left and right without changing the position of the head;
  3. intensively rotate your eyes clockwise for about a minute, then in the opposite direction;
  4. draw a figure eight with your eyelids, move your eyes alternately in different directions: right, up, left, down, left, up, right, down;
  5. massage the outer and inner corners of the eyes with your fingertips, and then the points at the end and beginning of the eyebrow arch;
  6. massage the entire eyebrow with a strong pressing movement with the phalanx of the index finger from the inside out in one stroke;
  7. raise your eyebrows high, while trying to close your eyes.

Facelift stage

When the muscle frame on the face loses its normal tone, the skin begins to fold and sag on the spasmed muscle. Visually, this leads to drooping and displacement of the oval of the face. To restore the firmness and elasticity of the contours, it is necessary to perform the following massage techniques to tighten the oval:

  1. Using the middle and index fingers, massage with smooth pressing movements from the nose to the temples (in Fig. 12, 13, 14, 15);
  2. Using the little finger of both hands, gently draw strokes along the lines of the nose (in Fig. 10, 11);
  3. Raise your head up and use vibrating technique to activate lines 20-23;
  4. Use your middle and ring fingers to massage lines 16-19;
  5. Use delicate strokes to manipulate the eye area (in Fig. 4-9).

Facial oval lift lines

Make a dissatisfied expression on your face, tightening the corners of your mouth. Massage the tense muscles under the corners of the lips for 30 seconds.

Drawing from the book by N.B. Osminina “Anatomy of facial aging”

Holding your chin with one hand, use the edge of your index finger to press firmly with the other and move first in the direction of your ears, then in the opposite direction.

Drawing from the book by N.B. Osminina “Anatomy of facial aging”

Vacuum cupping massage is also very helpful for tightening the oval. When working with cupping in a massage to tighten the oval of the face, you should pay special attention to the area of ​​the chin, lower zygomatic arch and lateral surface of the neck.

Stage of smoothing vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

Massage is a very effective way to reduce and prevent skin wrinkles on the frontal part. One of the best techniques is the spoon massage technique. Regular practice of this exercise relaxes the frontal muscles.

  1. Prepare a herbal decoction in equal proportions from chamomile and calendula. Pour into 2 glasses. Cool one, heat the other until hot;
  2. Dip a spoon into the hot broth for a few seconds and move the back side along the massage lines of the forehead, from the center to the temples, for about 1 minute;
  3. Then lower the spoon into a cold glass and repeat the manipulations;
  4. Also, spiral movements from the eyebrows towards the hairline relax the forehead muscles well, smoothing out wrinkles.

To relax the forehead, vacuum massage and self-massage of the entire head with your fingertips and pulling your hair also help.

Deep facial massage stage

The practice of deep massage of the face and neck allows you to work on all layers of the skin and muscle corset and achieve lasting rejuvenating results. The technique includes pinching and sculpting facial massage, working on every spasmodic and weakened muscle.

  1. Use pincers to walk along the contour of the lower jaw;
  2. Work the muscles in the eyebrow area from the inner corner to the outer;
  3. Lightly pinching, stretch the bridge of the nose;
  4. From the outer corner of the lips, go through the subcutaneous layers of muscles to the earlobe.

At this stage, it is good to use a map of facial muscles and a diagram of massage lines to tighten the oval.

Stage of raising the corners of the lips

Place the side of your index finger on top of the corner of your lips, and the pad of your thumb below it. Slowly connect your fingers, as if sliding across the skin.

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “The World of the Face and Its Secrets”

Final stage

Any massage procedure should end with relaxation and light strokes. This soothes delicate skin and activates the regeneration process.

After this, you can apply a tonic lotion or wipe your face with herbal infusions. Nutrients and microelements, thanks to massage practice, will fully saturate the skin cells.

Lifting masks made from clay or seaweed will also be a good addition. This will strengthen and consolidate the result obtained.

Also, in addition to massage practice, it is recommended to perform gymnastics for the face, use the practice of applying tapes to the face and periodically undergo biomechanical stimulation of the face, use a mesoscooter for the face, then the process of natural rejuvenation will noticeably accelerate.

Video tutorials for self-massage of the face

Facial massages for wrinkles can be performed in a wide variety of ways. Here, for example, is a video lesson of the author’s technique of self-massage of the face from massage guru Elena Zemskova:
