10 rules of royal posture

Gait is fraught with endless possibilities. A stunning walk can attract the attention of others and convey your confidence and grace. To carry yourself beautifully in any situation, it is important to know the basic rules of royal posture. In this article, we'll look at 10 rules that will help you achieve majestic posture and exude charm in every move you make.

Keep your back straight: Your back should always be straight as a symbol of mental balance. Try to maintain this position both while walking and sitting. Just lean against the wall, press the back of your head, buttocks and the entire plane of your shoulder blades against it. Remember this position and try to maintain it always.

Raise your shoulders and lower your shoulder blades: Don't be shy about your chest. Raise your head with pride and keep it straight. This will give you the posture of a queen and highlight your confidence.

Don't bend at the waist: Bending at the waist makes your posture look older. Try not to bend in this area, especially if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. Try getting up from a chair without changing the tilt of your lower back to avoid old-age posture.

Keep your steps light: A heavy and heavy gait not only takes a toll on your joints, but also makes you feel awkward. Try to place your feet in one line to avoid swaying from one foot to the other. This type of walking will emphasize the smoothness and slow swaying of your hips.

The shoulders should be even and parallel: Remember the exercises of the officers of the tsarist army, who had a ruler placed on their backs and glasses of water on their shoulder straps. Try to maintain level shoulders and a proud head posture. This will help strengthen your neck muscles and give you a proud look.

Walk with Confidence: Your stride should be long and confident. Shift the load from the heel to the forefoot, closer to the toe, to achieve a soft ride. High heels can help you with this, but remember that they should be comfortable and not too high.

Tuck in your stomach and tighten your buttocks: Try to tighten your stomach and buttocks to create a smooth and graceful silhouette. It will also help you avoid unnecessary accumulation of excess calories and maintain the tone of your abdominal and buttock muscles.

Look straight ahead: Direct your gaze forward without lowering your head. This will help you maintain an upright posture and show confidence. Avoid looking at the ground or down to avoid creating the impression of uncertainty or disinterest.

Maintain balance: Distribute your body weight evenly between both legs. This will help you maintain stability and harmony in your movements. Avoid putting weight on one leg or leaning to the side.

Take up space: Don't be afraid to take up your space. Extend your arms and legs while walking or standing. This will help you look more confident and attractive.

Remember that developing good posture takes time and constant attention. Practice these rules in your daily life so that they become natural to you. Over time, you will notice how your posture will become more graceful and beautiful, and you will exude grandeur and confidence in every move you make.