Flat stomach in a short time: methods

A beautiful and flat stomach is the dream of every woman. But how to achieve this goal? In this article we will look at the most proven and effective methods, thanks to which in the shortest possible time you can reduce your waist, tone your muscles and skin, and also get rid of discomfort in the abdominal area.

First of all, an integrated approach is needed: exercise, diet, as well as cosmetics and massage. The most important thing is proper nutrition. The basis of a diet for a beautiful figure is the complete exclusion of sweets and fatty foods. Include grain foods and vegetables in your diet that are rich in fiber: brown rice, apples, cucumbers, legumes, zucchini, seaweed and leafy greens. Eat small meals, 5 times a day. This normalizes metabolism and helps to reduce the size of the stomach. Replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones. Make salads from vegetables, season with olive oil or low-fat sour cream. Try not to fry the meat, but to stew it. Replace pasta with cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal). Drink natural, freshly squeezed juices, cook compotes. For desserts, choose fruits, sometimes dark dark chocolate, and low-fat cottage cheese. Some of the most effective are kefir, buckwheat and rice diets. Rice deserves special attention - as it cleanses the intestines of toxins, which contributes to an additional reduction in waist size.

To achieve a flat stomach, you need exercises for beautiful abs, a flat stomach and a thin waist. Start with the first week and gradually increase the load. In the first week you can do the following exercises:

  1. For the rectus abdominis: lying on your back, knees bent, hands behind your head. On the count of 1-2-3, raise your torso, on the count of 4, lower it. Do 10 sets of 30 reps.

  2. For the obliques: lie on your back, knees bent, hands behind your head. On the count of 1-2-3, raise your torso, directing it towards your left leg, and on the count of 4, lower it. Repeat the same on the other side. Do 10 sets of 30 reps.

  3. For lower abs: lying on your back, hands under your pelvis. Raise your feet. Do the scissors for 3 minutes, then immediately do the bicycle for another 3 minutes.

  4. For the lower back muscles: lying on your stomach, arms in front of you. Raise your legs and upper torso at the same time. Do 10 reps.

In addition to exercise, it is recommended to massage the abdomen. This improves blood circulation and helps remove toxins from the body. Massage the abdomen with light circular movements in a clockwise direction, starting from the navel to the edges of the ribs. You can use cosmetics to improve the effect, such as gels or belly creams.

It is important to understand that results are achieved only with regular and persistent implementation of all these methods. If you do this correctly, then within a few weeks you will notice that your stomach has become flat and beautiful.