Almonds lower cholesterol levels

Many of us know that almonds are a healthy food to add to your diet, especially if you want to lose weight. But how beneficial are almonds for our health? American scientists conducted a study and found that almonds not only help you lose weight, but also reduce blood cholesterol levels.

The study was conducted on 123 obese patients who had no other health problems. Half of them were given a 28-gram packet of almonds daily, while the other half were advised to avoid nuts in their diet. At a mid-term follow-up after 6 months of the study, researchers found that those who ate almonds lost an average of 5.4 kilograms in weight and had lower levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in their blood. The other half of the group was also able to lose weight, but their average weight loss was 7.2 kilograms.

These results suggest that consuming almonds in controlled amounts may be recommended in weight loss diets. In addition, almonds can lower blood cholesterol levels, which is another beneficial property of this nut.

It should also be noted that almonds contain many beneficial vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, magnesium and calcium. These substances help our body function properly and maintain health.

In conclusion, if you want to lose weight and lower your blood cholesterol, it is recommended to add almonds to your diet. However, remember that almonds contain a lot of calories, so they should be consumed in moderation. Additionally, if you have any medical conditions or health concerns, you should consult your doctor before consuming almonds.