Fitness for body tightening

I’m not at all overweight, but my figure is kind of flabby or something. But I want to be fit, but not pumped up experts

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Water aerobics is very good for tightening muscles and skin.

I’m interested in this too, because I’m slim, and when I go to all sorts of fitness classes, I’m afraid to lose more weight, but I want to tighten up my butt and legs

you need to go to the gym

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I don’t even mind enlarging my hips and a little butt, but they go to fitness to lose weight ((

I have the same thing, so I’ll just wait and listen.

Dami! Pokypaem DVD s yrokami pilatesa i nachnaem kazhdoe ytro zanimatsya po 45-50 minut.. Cherez 3 mesyaza vi sebya ne yznaete.

6, I wrote it correctly. You need a gym. You are unlikely to be able to become pumped up, even with very intense loads. For the first few months, work with an instructor. He will draw up a training plan for you, recommend nutrition, and in general you will learn a lot of useful things about your body if you find a competent instructor.
If you do intensive exercises with light weights, you will lose weight, increase the weight and slow down and you will gain muscle mass, but do not be afraid - this will only add tone to your muscles, you will not be in danger of getting sculpted muscles and volume. But jeans will fit more effectively, legs in heels will not get tired quickly, etc.

The gym is bullshit! I went for more than one month, worked out with a trainer, no results, didn’t get any stronger. No extra weight. I’m thinking about Pilates, who tried it?

Pilates will not give you a toned body. These are exercises for the back, posture, and internal abdominal muscles.

Pilates will not give you a toned body. These are exercises for the back, posture, and internal abdominal muscles.

I just want to add that Pilates classes do not contradict other activities. You can combine, for example, with aerobics, gym, running, etc. Those. as much as you have time and desire. But, it is better to start with an individual trainer, and if this is not possible, start in a group, but be sure to read literature on this topic. The good thing is that you can do it at home, by yourself. If you do everything correctly, I guarantee that you will tighten up, straighten your back, improve your well-being, and even clear your brain.
I have been doing fitness and aerobics for many years, but I get such a thrill and such a quick result specifically from tightening my stomach, legs, etc. It never happened. Moreover, there is no need to tear your butt and strain, but everything is easy and with pleasure.

Does your figure change significantly for the better as a result of Pilates?

I also doubt that Pilates will give you a toned body. I've been doing it once a week for several years. Exactly what for the back and joints. There are no exercises for the muscles of the chest, arms, legs, or abdomen. Yes, there are some on the back muscles, on the oblique muscles, but mostly on the small muscles of the back. For the rest, I go to the gym, to group muscle training (TABs, SuperSculpt) and then to “stretch” (Flex). Pilates was developed by its author as a rehabilitation exercise.

What Pilates disc do you recommend?

I like step aerobics and shaping. I also didn’t have excess weight, after 3 months of regular training, the weight remained the same, but my shape improved, my butt “rose”, became somehow rounder, my arms became beautifully shaped, sculpted, and, of course, my abs. If Pilates also helps someone, then go ahead and sing))) But personally, Pilates and yoga did not give me the same results as aerobics, although I did Pilates for more than a year, and yoga for 6 months.

My legs and ass are flabby, I need to tighten them up

The gym is bullshit! I went for more than one month, worked out with a trainer, no results, didn’t get any stronger. No extra weight. I’m thinking about Pilates, who tried it?

Swimming. Definitely in different styles, with different speeds and different swims.

pump up, especially if you build up something - butt and legs for example

French gymnastics makes the body sculpted and toned

I can share a secret contact, there is a great massage therapist Nikolai (788-5151 club), a charming young guy, a doctor by training, works at the Temp fitness studio on Novokuznetskaya Paveletskaya (everyone can go for a massage. He kneads perfectly, he doesn’t leave without results :)) ) My generally loose butt was reduced to the state of a nut (now if you jump without a rope, your butt doesn’t jump anymore :)))))))) To be honest, I was looking for something more budget-friendly (I feel sorry for the money even for myself), I found it - the collar zone he makes it for 512 rubles, and anti-cellulite - 1320 rubles. whether. For a corrective for a zone, in my case “buttock-femoral” (15-20 minutes), I pay 800-something rubles. I recommend.

BODYPUMP - Training strengthens ligaments and joints, improves muscle strength and definition without excessively increasing muscle volume. BODYPUMP is the shortest path to good physical shape. Tested on yourself


Bodyflex, I give the link

I think that everything is individual: what suits whom! For example, I combined YOGA + gym = as a result, after 2 months I already felt results that inspired me to further exercise! And in general, I try to enjoy everything I do, incl. and fitness!

What difference does it make to move and not sit still? Try it and use trial and error to choose for yourself, but you will have a huge experience, people who want to do this are already doing it now and don’t read forums for days. GOOD LUCK TO ALL

I can share a secret contact, there is a great massage therapist Nikolai (788-5151 club), a charming young guy, a doctor by training, works at the Temp fitness studio on Novokuznetskaya Paveletskaya (everyone can go for a massage. He kneads perfectly, he doesn’t leave without results :)) ) My generally loose butt was reduced to the state of a nut (now if you jump without a rope, your butt doesn’t jump anymore :)))))))) To be honest, I was looking for something more budget-friendly (I feel sorry for the money even for myself), I found it - the collar zone he makes it for 512 rubles, and anti-cellulite - 1320 rubles. whether. For a corrective for a zone, in my case “buttock-femoral” (15-20 minutes), I pay 800-something rubles. I recommend.

Jillian Michaels - No more trouble zones

There are several simple exercises that, if performed regularly, will help make your body beautiful over time. I’ve been doing it for six months now and there’s a very positive result. I read about this in an article

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You don't have to go to the gym to exercise effectively. Exercises for losing weight and tightening the body can be easily performed at home, the effect of the exercises is noticeable within a month: the figure becomes slimmer, the buttocks are elastic, and the stomach is flat. To achieve a beautiful body, you will need minimal equipment. Charging takes from fifteen minutes to an hour a day.

What exercises should you do to lose weight?

Before you start gymnastics, you need to develop a training schedule. Due to the correct distribution of the load, physical exercises for weight loss act evenly, remove fat in problem areas and do not create the effect of overly inflated muscles, which is especially important for girls and women. The following types of physical activity are considered the most useful for losing weight; it is permissible to combine elements:

  1. Aerobic exercises include running and brisk walking. They make the cardiovascular system work and burn calories.
  2. Yoga is a type of training that helps you lose weight; it teaches you how to control your breathing and tighten your body. Yoga helps improve your physical fitness as well as your mental state.
  3. Pilates is one of the most popular types of women's fitness and is safe. Pilates exercises are suitable for pregnant women, they tighten the skin and remove stretch marks.

How to tighten your body at home

A basic set of exercises for losing weight at home is designed for a middle-aged man or woman without significant achievements in sports or health restrictions. Gender and age specifics are taken into account: men's exercises are traditionally aimed at increasing muscle mass, so it is recommended to work with dumbbells. Women are better suited to do fitness-style exercises, without focusing on strength sports. Minimum sports equipment to carry out the complex:

  1. dumbbells – for men up to 25 kg, for girls no heavier than two to three kilograms;
  2. hoop to reduce waist size;
  3. mat for yoga, Pilates;
  4. ordinary chair.

Regardless of the chosen strategy and schedule, complex exercises for the whole body should be performed regularly, at least three to four times a week, and preferably every day. The optimal time to complete tasks is morning or evening. With a system of constant training, you can achieve the best results: get rid of excess weight, reduce the volume of your legs, waist and hips. An average set of exercises takes no more than forty minutes, noticeable results are achieved with daily fifteen-minute approaches.

Weight loss exercises

Properly selected exercises for tightening the body not only reduce excess weight: they eliminate looseness and tighten muscles. Problem areas for women are loose arms, stomach, and buttocks. With intensive weight loss, gymnastics helps to tighten the skin. Well-constructed workouts help improve health, make a person active and cheerful.

Exercises for tightening the body must begin with a warm-up. The preparatory stage helps to warm up the muscles and prepare the body for physical activity. Warm-up involves easy running, you can do bends back and forth, several squats, and rotational movements of the body. The preparatory stage will take no more than five minutes. Then you can move on to the main gymnastics complex:

  1. Pull-ups are ideally performed on a horizontal bar; at home, you can attach a special crossbar to the door frame. This is one of the best basic exercises for the arms, removes fat from the underarm area.
  2. Bodyweight squats with dumbbells are another great component of women's gymnastics. Training helps strengthen several muscle groups at once: abdomen, buttocks, thighs, legs.
  3. Twisting with body lifting - performed on a chair without a back, the person lies on his back, dumbbells are attached to his legs. The main load falls on the abs, so the exercise is ideal for achieving a beautiful belly.
  4. Lunges are about firming the buttocks. To do them correctly, a mat is desirable. The person kneels on one knee, the other leg is abducted but does not touch the floor, the body rises and falls. You need to do ten repetitions on each leg.
  5. Exercises with a hoop - in addition to the basic spinning, you can add squats and bends. In this type of gymnastics, the most important thing is to control your body well; beginners are recommended to start with regular rotations.

Understanding how to lose weight and tone your body can speed up the process. Basic exercises are taken as a basis, but they become more complicated, additional weight is added in the form of dumbbells. The frequency of approaches increases. Very effective for losing weight quickly, running and race walking, aerobic gymnastics - jumping, bending. Interval cardio training helps you quickly lose weight and burn fat. It is recommended for a beginner to start with five minutes and gradually increase the duration of classes to an hour.

Squats and push-ups with legs supported on a wall have been proven to be an effective way to shape your buttocks. The necessary muscle groups actively work when lifting your legs while lying on your side, possibly with attached weights. If you have a special fitness ball, use it to perform the “bridge”, which is also great for the gluteal muscles.

To quickly lose weight, some fitness trainers recommend the “work without rest” technique. There are almost no pauses between approaches; the body is forced to work to the limit. The advantage of intense training is that the body receives all the necessary load in 15-20 minutes. Disadvantage: difficult for beginners, severe fatigue after exercise.

Girls are not recommended to focus their efforts on power approaches. Excessive muscle building exercises form an overly pronounced muscular frame, visually increasing the volume of the legs, arms and waist. In order to lose excess weight and achieve the desired slimness, it is recommended to focus on cardio training and aerobic exercise. Yoga and Pilates are recommended for women as relaxing exercises.

Excessively intense workouts are not recommended before bed. It is better to replace strength exercises and cardio training with evening jogging or brisk walking in the fresh air. You can perform several elements from a yoga course, Pilates, or spin a hula hoop. This technique will allow you to stretch your muscles after a working day, but not get overtired and fall asleep on time.

Author of the program: Evgenia Kostina, director of strategy and marketing, Russian Fitness Group. Professionally engaged in kickboxing, boxing and taekwondo. 25 years of experience in martial arts.

This workout will not only help you look great, but will also provide an excellent foundation for martial arts training.

If you want quick results, perform this complex three times a week. In the remaining days (or just whenever you want), you can do two or three exercises from it to choose from: they all fit perfectly together.

When you take on the entire workout, there are two options:

1. For all exercises, do 8 repetitions on each side.
You can either alternate sides, or do all repetitions first on one side, then on the other. In the second case, you will be able to pay more attention to the technique and load the muscles harder.

2. Study for a while.
Allow half a minute for each exercise and perform as many repetitions as possible. Don't forget to maintain your technique.

In any of the options, rest between exercises until complete recovery (usually 30 seconds is enough for this). And one last thing. This program is for everyone, but be guided by your level of training: if it’s difficult for you, rest more or do fewer exercises/repetitions.

1. Squat with knee lift

  1. Initial position: feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other; fists at chin level; elbows point down.
  2. Keeping your back as straight as possible, lower yourself into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. (a).
  3. Standing up, raise one knee up to the level of the solar plexus (b). Returning the leg to the starting position is a repetition.

2. Lunge with knee lift

  1. From the same starting position, take a step forward and lower yourself into a lunge until the thigh of your front leg is parallel to the floor. (a).
  2. When lifting, push the knee of the other leg up (b). Returning to the starting position, we get a repeat.

3. Triceps push-ups with complication

  1. Initial position: lying position, palms shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, hands parallel to each other, body extended in a line from shoulders to heels (a).
  2. Keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible, lower yourself into a push-up. (b).
  3. And when lifting, extend one arm forward and fix this position (c). Returning to the original, we get a repeat.

Option: you can raise your hand to the side.

4. Crunches

  1. Initial position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, feet completely on the mat, fingers touching the chin, head and shoulder blades raised from the floor.
  2. Twist to the right so that at the end point you touch the right knee with your left hand (a). Return to starting position.
  3. Now twist forward, touching your knees with both hands (b). This is 1 repetition.

5. Climber

  1. Initial position: lying position, body extended straight (a).
  2. Without dropping your hips, pull one knee as close to your chest as possible (b). Returning to the starting position, we get a repeat.

6. Leg raised push-ups

  1. Initial position: lying position, arms shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower, feet together (a).
  2. Raise your right leg to such a level that a straight line is formed from the shoulders to the heel; pull out the toe (b).
  3. Without lowering the limb and keeping the elbows close to the body, perform triceps push-ups (c). Going up, we get a repeat.

Option: if it’s difficult, you can do 4 repetitions on each side.

7. Elevator

  1. Initial position: lying down, feet shoulder-width apart, arms slightly wider, body extended straight.
  2. Progressively lower yourself down: first one elbow (a).
  3. Then - to another (b).
  4. Just as consistently, rewinding the movement back, return to the starting position. This is 1 repetition.

Tips from Evgenia Kostina

How to motivate yourself?
I am a pathologically lazy person, and I have only one incentive - to feel better. If you are satisfied with everything, you are not striving for anything or anywhere - well, okay, you can do nothing. But if you want to get healthier, stay young, beautiful and dynamic, please start trying. I think this is great motivation.

How to combine sports with work?
To improve your life quality, three to five hours a week is not a waste of time. Compared to the total amount of time, this is a percentage at the error level. I think it's an extremely good deal. I usually set aside time for classes at the end of the working day - when I urgently need to rest my head.

What's good about fight fitness?
Martial arts is an activity that forces you to think very quickly. It's interesting, fun and cool. I really liked it right away. And many years later, I realized that fighting training greatly relieves stress and generally harmonizes with oneself. There is simply no time to be distracted by anything, to think about problems.

Plus, the very process of striking involuntarily helps relieve stress: whether you like it or not, there is an outburst of accumulated aggression. And there is no need to turn on your head and imagine a bright image of the enemy, everything works wonderfully.