How to Maintain Your Mental Health and Balance

Every year World Mental Health Day is celebrated. Paradoxically, many of us, when we hear this term, think more about disorders and diseases than about health and daily care for them. Meanwhile, it is worth taking care of your own well-being and health, not just physical. How to take care of your mental health and maintain balance in your life?

The purpose of World Mental Health Day, an initiative initiated by, among others, the World Health Organization (WHO), is to raise public awareness of mental health issues and promote activities in support of mental well-being. WHO defines mental health as a state consisting of three factors: optimal health, a sense of psychological well-being, and the maintenance of appropriate social relationships. Experts emphasize that the absence of a diagnosed mental illness does not necessarily mean mental health. When it comes to mental health, life satisfaction is an important criterion, not just the absence of illness.

Threats to mental health
The recent rapid rise in coronavirus infections and associated restrictions and restrictions means that, as in the early months of the pandemic, many people are once again experiencing difficult emotions such as anxiety, fear, frustration and anger. In such situations, it is easier for us to lose control of our behavior and it becomes increasingly difficult to rationally make everyday decisions, getting lost in what is important to us. Additionally, remote or hybrid work can cause feelings of loneliness and lack of stability. All this often affects our diet and makes us forget about ourselves, that is, eat right and be physically active.

“The current situation and the growing stress associated with it, as well as the generally fast pace of life and lack of time for rest, are leading to an increase in emotional and mental disorders among Russians. Symptoms such as depression and neurosis are becoming more and more common and are affecting younger and younger people. This is why taking care of your own well-being and mental health is so important. In mental well-being, a person copes much more easily with difficult situations, with external restrictions and is more motivated to self-development. A good mental state and emotional balance contributes to better daily functioning and allows full participation in family life, work and all social activities.

Balance is the key to health
Everyone sometimes experiences feelings of sadness, fatigue, irritation, anxiety or fear. If these feelings are not very strong and do not cause significant disorganization of our life, if they accompany some serious change in life, they are a natural reaction of our body. However, they should not be underestimated, we should treat them as a signal from our body that we need to take care of ourselves. How to do it? The word BALANCE can be the key to success. It is very necessary in almost all areas of life, both in the professional, personal and social spheres.

Mental health contributes to health-physical AD. It is well known that diet has a huge impact on the human body. We associate the fashion for “healthy eating” with a beautiful figure, muscular body and healthy skin. But food affects not only the body, but also our nervous system. It is supported by foods rich in vitamin B (poultry, nuts, spinach, legumes), as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (fish and vegetable oils).

However, when taking care of our physical health, we must remember to maintain a balance between it and caring for our well-being. Healthy eating should be a source of well-being for us. It is worth taking care not to set the bar too high and not set too high expectations and strict rules for yourself. You must find a balance between the restrictions you impose and the needs of our bodies, otherwise following your rules can cause additional stress and frustration. For example, if we have a sweet tooth, then one sweet dessert every now and then will not spoil a healthy diet, but can definitely improve our mood and motivate us to continue our efforts. Interestingly, research shows that in situations where we lack a sense of security, we are more willing to choose sweet foods. The pleasure associated with eating sweet foods with a high glycemic index is associated with increased production of insulin, which improves the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin (the happy hormone). Larger amounts of this substance help maintain a good mood and have an antidepressant effect.

In addition to a healthy diet, regular physical activity has an invaluable impact on mental health. It increases the release of endorphins, which, by binding to opioid receptors in the central nervous system, have an analgesic effect and significantly improve mood. However, we should not forget about the principles of maintaining balance.

We can choose an activity that will be a source of satisfaction for us, rather than an unpleasant chore. It is important that it is taken regularly, approximately 2-3 times a week. This will help relieve tension, reduce stress and feelings of irritation.

Let's look for the little joys in life
It is also worth remembering that a person is not only a body, but also our psyche. Mental health is a balance between taking care of the needs of the body and mind, so to support them, it's worth starting to appreciate the little things that make us happy and are great food for our mind. Sometimes a smile, a kind word, or a moment of pleasure over a delicious donut or shrimp can do wonders for our well-being and remind you that the joy of life is made up of small moments like these. They are extremely valuable and can act as the best medicine and help you maintain mental health for years to come.