Ivanova Laryngostomy

John's laryngostomy is a surgical procedure that is used to treat laryngeal stenosis. It was developed by the Soviet otorhinolaryngologist A.F. Ivanov in the 1960s.

Laryngeal stenosis is a condition in which the larynx narrows and becomes less flexible, causing difficulty breathing. This can be caused by various reasons such as tumors, injuries, infections and other diseases. Ivanova laryngostomy helps to expand the lumen of the larynx, which allows the patient to breathe easier.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision in the neck and opens the larynx. Then he inserts a special tube (stoma) into the larynx, which widens its lumen and makes breathing easier.

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for several days to monitor his condition. During this time, he needs to wear a breathing mask and take antibiotics to prevent infection.

Ivanova laryngostomy is highly effective and can help patients with laryngeal stenosis return to normal life. However, like any other surgical procedure, it may have some risks and complications, so before undergoing it, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and discuss all possible risks with the patient.

Ivanova laryngostomy is a surgical procedure performed to treat laryngeal stenosis. This is a serious condition that can lead to respiratory failure.

Laryngeal stenosis is a narrowing of the larynx that can cause difficulty breathing. This can be caused by a variety of reasons, including congenital abnormalities, laryngeal injuries, and other conditions. Treatment for laryngeal stenosis may include medication, surgery, and physical therapy.

One of the surgical methods of treatment is Ivanova laryngostomy surgery. It was developed by the Russian otolaryngologist Ivanov in the 18th century. This operation is based on creating an artificial narrowing of the larynx to make breathing easier for the patient.

The main goal of Ivanov laryngostomy is to create an artificial membrane to narrow the lumen of the larynx by creating scar tissue around it. This achieves a reduction in pressure on the vocal cords, which are the cause of stenosis.

The operation can be performed in two ways:

1.The first method involves inserting a needle into the larynx through the skin behind the neck to destroy the cartilage tissue that forms the vocal fold. After this, special devices are introduced into the area, which create conditions for better tissue regeneration. 2. The second method is a more complex procedure. This method consists of creating additional tissue to narrow the larynx using special synthetic materials such as a stent or implants. Both methods can lead to success in achieving the treatment goal. The choice of method depends on the specific situation and the doctor’s recommendations.

Ivanova laryngostoy is a fairly effective method of treating stenosis and provides the opportunity to return to normal life without difficulty breathing. However, such an operation may have some risks and complications, so before undergoing it you need to undergo thorough preparation and discuss all possible consequences with your doctor.

Introduction Ivanov laryngostomy surgery refers to reconstructive surgical interventions in the larynx. Due to the fact that in otorhinolaryngological practice the number of elderly patients with traumatic and oncological injuries of the laryngeal pharynx is increasing, laryngostomy operations are becoming increasingly in demand.

The history of Ivanov's laryngostomy Alexey Fedorovich Ivanov (1863-1928) developed a laryngoplasty scheme according to Ivanitsky, the first operation on the trachea. It made it possible to reconstruct an injured or missile-firing organ segment. LFP is used not only in standard oncology, but also to combat the submucosal form of papillary thyroid carcinoma. A feature of the disease is the atypical location of the source of cancer, in which it is located under the mucous membrane. Surgical removal is difficult without risk of significant damage to healthy tissue. The Ivanov-Ivanitsky technique itself is one of the oldest methods of reconstruction for laryngeal tumors, along with the Berry technique. The main advantage of LPP is the ability to widely operate on patients with a diagnosed thyroid tumor who require prosthetic replacement of the laryngeal frame - i.e., the next stage of vascular access to the perforating veins of the neck can be avoided. The operation is effective for the following types of pathology: traumatic damage to the laryngeal tract; fibrous post-infarction stenosis; papillary tumor of the thyroid gland or laryngopharynx cancer; cicatricial deformation of the isthmus; segmentectomy. Technique of execution The patient's laryngeal cavity is opened with a thoracotomy in the 7th intercostal space. Additionally, a cervical vagosympathetic blockade is used to reduce postoperative pain. Each stage of the operation is considered separately: Taking the laryngofissure (LFP) is the excision of a fragment of the arytenoid-cricoid arch. The initial stage of laryngoplasty is designed to reduce the size of the distal cancer lesion in pT4a cancer. The use of laryngofisure reduces the risk of cancer recurrence and increases the patency of the esophagus at only one mouth. This means that the procedure is hybrid in nature. The volume of implementation is radical; access – cervical. The goal of the laryngofysural stage is the displacement of the precarinal wall over the thyroid body. One of the three most common stages of reconstruction after multiple removal of malignant neoplasms of the thyroid gland and part of the breast located in the neck. As of 2022, WHO reports 6,700 new deaths of patients from thyroid cancer, because laryngophis