Lymphatic drainage massage for body and face

Due to its comprehensive healing effects on the entire body, lymphatic drainage body massage is very popular. A big plus is that it can be used for almost any age.

Lymphatic drainage body massage

Thanks to a special massage technique, the lymph flow is activated, which helps eliminate swelling, the organs quickly get rid of toxins, end products of decay, receiving oxygen and nutrients in return.

It all lies in a special massage technique, with the help of which the circulation of lymphatic fluid is normalized. The lymphatic system neutralizes all waste products and excess fluid from the intercellular space and passes them into the vascular bed. Over time, our lifestyle changes: unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, weight gain, stress and overexertion, various diseases. As a result, fluid accumulates, and subsequently we can observe the formation of edema. This process can cause the formation of cellulite.

Thanks to a special massage technique, the lymph flow is activated, which helps eliminate swelling, the organs quickly get rid of toxins, end products of decay, receiving oxygen and nutrients in return. If any malfunctions occur in the lymphatic system, which is also responsible for immunity, the lymphatic drainage procedure helps to cope with these problems.

Varicose veins can also be corrected with this procedure. By performing special exercises, this disease is prevented. At the end of the working day, your legs simply “hum” from fatigue, they can swell and even hurt. With the help of lymphatic drainage of the body, you will eliminate these symptoms by “pumping” the blood and lymphatic vessels.

All techniques are performed with soft wave-like movements in the direction of lymph flow. Many may think that this technique is rather soft and superficial. And this is true, because work with vessels should be very gentle. Any strong pressure can lead to undesirable consequences. But this does not in any way affect the positive result.

Technique and implementation features

The technique of this type of massage began to be mastered and introduced in the middle of the last century. It was developed and implemented by the doctor Pascal Coche, who during his work noticed one feature: if you knead the area along the lymph flow lines for a certain time, the swelling will gradually disappear. Over time, he began to use the newly discovered technique for venous insufficiency and also noticed changes for the better. Currently, this technique is actively used both in medicine and in cosmetology.

Most often, the technique of lymphatic drainage body massage is used to correct the figure, remove excess fluid from the body and reduce body weight. Active influence on lymph flow “forces” cells to free themselves from decay products and inhibit the process of inflammation of skin tissue. As a result, the body is freed from toxic toxins and excess fluid, which leads to weight loss.

This technique can be performed manually or using hardware.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Varicose veins can also be corrected with this procedure. By performing special exercises, this disease is prevented.

Hardware techniques include procedures such as pressotherapy, microcurrent drainage and vacuum lymphatic drainage.

  1. Pressotherapy

Pressotherapy is a certain pressure with compressed air on problem areas of the body. The system is a kind of equipment that is put on the patient - these are some kind of pants or boots. The pumped air into the equipment produces a change in pressure. Compressed air enhances the process of lymphatic drainage, accelerating the blood even faster. Typically, hardware lymphatic drainage massage is used to eliminate volumes on the arms and legs.

  1. Microcurrent drainage

Microcurrent drainage is applied to the body using several electrodes through which pulsed current is transmitted. This procedure does not cause any pain at all. Hardware lymphatic drainage massage is very effective for removing accumulated fluid in the body, resulting in the loss of extra pounds.

  1. Vacuum

Vacuum drainage is carried out using medical cups. The principle of operation is the same: the nozzles are attached to the desired area, due to the resulting pressure, the lymph flow is activated. Excess fluid disappears from the body.

The manual technique at home lasts about an hour, which is slightly longer than the hardware one. The technique is performed in three versions:

  1. superficial
  2. deep
  3. internal

By performing a superficial massage, capillaries are stimulated, which control the accumulation of fluid. When performing a deep massage, the lymphatic vessels responsible for the outflow of fluid from the internal organs are included in the work. By performing internal lymphatic drainage, there is a direct effect on the lymph nodes.

For greater effectiveness, this technique involves the use of various oils and creams, which also take an active part in removing excess fluid from the body.

As a rule, it is used to combat cellulite, as well as to prevent varicose veins. In addition, the condition of the skin is greatly improved by accelerating metabolism, which helps remove toxins from the body. 7-8 sessions are enough to see the first results.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage

Without noticing this, we massage our faces every day in some way: while washing, wiping our faces, applying makeup and various creams. Performing these simple manipulations, we don’t even think about how incorrect and harmful these movements can be for our skin.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage

We finish the procedure with a chin massage: we place our thumbs on the chin and perform soft stroking and light pressure towards the ears.

Having studied the technique of lymphatic drainage facial massage from the inside, you will easily perform all the techniques. All it takes is 5 minutes a day. Systematic implementation will give amazing results that will pleasantly surprise you.

  1. You need to start with a massage of the forehead area. Using gentle movements, we stroke from the center of the forehead to the temples.
  2. Let's move on to the eyes. We perform techniques aimed at the orbicularis oculi muscles: we begin to move from the bridge of the nose, following the lower edge of the orbit, and move to the temples. Then, using light spiral movements, we move up the eyebrows to the bridge of the nose.
  3. We smoothly move to the cheeks, performing linear manipulations: from the center of the chin to the ends of the jaw, from the corners of the mouth to the earlobes, from the upper lip to the temples. Stroking should be soft, with light pressure.
  4. Massage the nasolabial fold: use your index finger to gently apply pressure several times.
  5. We finish the procedure with a chin massage: we place our thumbs on the chin and perform soft stroking and light pressure towards the ears.

“Lymphatic drainage massage reviews” is the section where you will see the effectiveness and positive results from many examples.

I would like to say that performing the procedure yourself is highly not recommended, unless, of course, you have the technique to perform it. Therefore, it is best to trust specialists in this field. What is a direct contraindication to the procedure:

  1. Chronic acute diseases of the skin;
  2. Thrombophlebitis;
  3. Acute inflammatory processes;
  4. Tumors;
  5. Pregnancy;

By performing this procedure, you help your body deliver nutrients to every cell of your body. The beauty and youth of your skin will be firmly established in your body.