Poisoning with Sausage, Meat, Lard

Sausage poison is a dangerous disease that can occur when consuming low-quality meat products such as sausage, lard and meat. It can develop not only in sausage, but also in salted pork, ham, and canned meat prepared in cans. At the same time, these products may look fresh and not have an unpleasant odor.

Signs of sausage poisoning include dizziness, pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, vomiting, rumbling in the stomach, difficulty breathing, dilated and immobile pupils, and heart weakness. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

However, before the doctor arrives, urgent measures must be taken. If the patient is not vomiting, then you can induce it by tickling the throat with a finger, or by giving him a glass of soapy water to drink (use plain soap, not toilet soap) or a glass of water with a teaspoon of salt. When he vomits, you need to give calomel 0.2, castor oil or some other laxative. It is also recommended to rub the body with a cloth and place a heating pad with hot water on the stomach.

You should monitor the patient’s heart and strength, for which you can give a little alcohol or essential valerian drops. If the patient begins to feel cold, he can be covered with hot bottles and warm blankets. If you are very thirsty, it is recommended to drink only hot tea. If the patient's condition improves, after a day you can start giving mucous soups made from flaxseed or rice.

However, it is best to avoid sausage poisoning by monitoring the quality of meat products. Purchase products only from trusted manufacturers and store them correctly, observing temperature conditions. Also, do not consume products that have expired or are of questionable quality. Always remember that health is the most valuable thing you have.