Dry skin problems

The problem of very dry facial skin is familiar to many of our contemporaries from different parts of the world. There are a lot of troubles caused by this skin condition, it’s impossible to remember them all at once. The skin tightens, small pores appear, greatly disturbing the appearance, some areas itch, others peel off. Due to dryness, the skin loses its normal color and irritation occurs. Problems are significant enough that a person begins to actively look for ways to solve them. In order to properly eliminate an unpleasant phenomenon, you need to figure out why it bothered you.

Is there any trouble?

Before finding out the root causes of the condition, it is necessary to assess what the integument is. Some people think that their problem is dry, problematic facial skin, but a visit to a dermatologist shows that in fact the type of skin is combined, and the bulk of the inconvenience in everyday life is caused by incorrectly chosen care or a reaction to the climate. However, you don’t always need to run to the doctor. There are simple home remedies for assessing how dry your skin is. It is necessary to press your fingertips on the skin and see how long it takes for this area to restore its original shape. The longer the process takes, the worse things get.

If the skin on the face dries and peels, this leads to a feeling of tightness. The pores become small, it is not easy to notice them without special examination, and there is no trace of skin elasticity. If the skin is dry, it tends to crack, peel, and become irritated. A person with dry skin is often bothered by patches of redness.


Manifestations: nuances

If the top layer of skin dries out, the integrity of the tissues that protect the human body is compromised. The microscopic cracks that form in this case are the “entry gate” for infection. Through them, pathological bacteria and aggressive chemical compounds can penetrate into the body. Normally, the skin should protect internal systems from contamination, but through small cracks, dirt particles can penetrate inside. Aggressive factors and infectious agents provoke a local reaction, the skin itches, irritates, and turns red.

What provokes it?

The causes of dry facial skin include the influence of solar radiation. The more often a person is exposed to direct light without proper protection, the higher the likelihood of severe manifestations of dryness.

Not less often, dryness is explained by insufficient sebum generation. This phenomenon is explained by several factors. Ineffective iron function can be caused by genetic factors. According to doctors, at a young age people whose close relatives suffered from a similar problem are more likely to experience problems with excessive dryness. Genetics is the most typical explanation. As you grow older, the proportion of other factors increases: exo-, endogenous.


Reasons: more details

Among the causes of dry facial skin are the influence of the external environment. Climatic conditions and excessively dry air in the room in which a person spends most of his time play a role. Similar consequences are associated with the influence of low temperatures and prolonged exposure to solar radiation. Water can cause dry skin: either too cold or too hot. An equally important external factor is incorrectly selected care. Cosmetic compositions may contain aggressive components. The more often a person uses simple soap when washing, the higher the likelihood of dry skin.

Internal: what are they?

Among the causes of dry facial skin, endogenous ones are distinguished. The first and key is dehydration of the body. It is explained by insufficient fluid intake and malfunctions of the digestive system. Dehydration occurs against the background of elevated body temperature.

Internal causes of skin problems include hormonal imbalances. These are caused by diabetic diseases and menopause. Sometimes examinations show hyper- and hypothyroidism. To find out what kind of hormonal problems you have, you need to visit a qualified doctor and take a blood test.

Common causes of dry facial skin include a lack of vitamins, stress factors, and improper metabolism. The most severe effect is the deficiency of rutin and tocopherol. Skin diseases may play a role. More often than others, infectious lesions, fungal infection, psoriasis, and dermatitis are diagnosed. Many of our contemporaries have foci of eczema, keratosis is a concern, and the body has allergic reactions that manifest themselves on the skin. All this leads to its drying out.


Some nuances

Researchers have found that very dry facial skin is more common in older people. The older a person is, the higher the likelihood of encountering the problem of dry skin.

Bad habits have a strong impact on the quality of the skin and the health of the body as a whole. Dry skin is more common among smokers and people who drink excessive amounts of sweetened coffee and tea. Drinking soda has a negative effect on your skin.

Nutrition is equally important. If a person eats irrationally or adheres to a strict diet unreasonably, the skin will probably soon respond to this with negative manifestations. To minimize the danger, you should visit a qualified doctor before switching to a diet. The doctor will select an appropriate diet for the case and determine what additional measures need to be taken to protect the skin. So, if the skin is prone to dryness, even the most suitable diet will not save you from its manifestation, and you need to neutralize the risks with special care. The cosmetologist will choose it. You can trust a dermatologist.

Scale of the problem

Sometimes dryness is general. More often the phenomenon is observed in individual skin areas. Before choosing how to moisturize and nourish dry facial skin, it is worth analyzing the location of the disturbing foci. The nuances of zoning can tell you what reason was the decisive factor that worsened the condition of the skin. Based on this information, a strategy for correcting the condition is chosen. Treatment involves not only cosmetic measures, but also examination of the body, selection of therapy based on the diagnosis.


Where to begin?

If your facial skin is bothering you with dryness, you should try simple time-tested home remedies. Sometimes the root cause is a genetic factor, and not less often – external aggressive phenomena. In both of these options, a balance of care is required to eliminate uncontrollable causes. If the skin glands generate less sebum than should be normal, the cause is probably a stomach illness or lack of vitamins, you need to consult a doctor who will select a suitable correction program. Doctors prescribe for the main percentage of those in need to take vitamin A for their skin. Retinol is available in almost any pharmacy, is available without a prescription, and is one of the dietary supplements.

In order for the vitamin course to be more effective, external conditions should be adjusted. The better the care chosen, the weaker the influence of climate and dry air, the greater the benefit of the vitamin course. Care products have been developed that moisturize and nourish the skin. There are creams and masks. For washing, it is better to use gels and foams created for these purposes.

About masks

Perhaps the most popular method among our compatriots is masks that are quite convenient to use at home. Dry facial skin will not be cured by this measure, but the condition will improve significantly, especially if you have the patience to repeat the procedure regularly.

A fairly reliable and time-tested option is a mask prepared with jojoba oil. To make it you will need melon and plum. The components are taken in equal quantities. The products are thoroughly ground into a paste. You can use a fork. Add oil to the mixture and mix the components. The mask is applied to the face and left for a third of an hour. The next step is thorough washing.


Simple and reliable: what other masks are there?

If you ask a healer what oil would be useful for dry skin, a traditional medicine specialist can recommend a vegetable oil. It is combined with chamomile extract and egg yolk. Chamomile tincture can be purchased at any pharmacy. Among vegetable oils, a variety of oils are suitable: pressed from almonds, flax, sunflower, olives. Beat the yolk with a small spoon of oil, add a large spoon of chamomile extract into the mixture, then beat again. The finished homemade preparation is applied to the skin and left for a quarter of an hour. Then you need to carefully remove the product using warm water. Do not wash your face with too hot or icy liquid.

Since vegetable oils are beneficial for dry skin, and this has been known for a long time, there are many recipes for preparing all kinds of masks with such ingredients. For example, you can try oatmeal for the procedure. First, rolled oatmeal flakes are boiled in milk, then an equal volume of olive oil is added to four large spoons of the resulting porridge. The ingredients are whisked and applied to the skin, trying to make the layer as thick as possible. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. Then the homemade product is washed off with warm water. The final step is to rinse the skin with cool, clean liquid.

Simple and affordable

As you can learn from traditional medicine, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive cosmetics for dry skin: you can use affordable products. In particular, potatoes show a good effect. The root vegetables are boiled in their skins, which are then removed and the insides are pureed. Add a large spoonful of natural milk to the pulp of one root vegetable and apply the mixture to the skin while it is still warm. It is recommended to keep the mask on for a third of an hour. You can do this procedure several times a day, but no more than three.

Sour cream is considered beneficial for the skin. One glass of fatty dairy product is combined with the yolk of one egg and lemon juice. Gauze is dipped into the resulting homemade medicine, applied to the skin and secured on top with a clean cloth. After a third of an hour, the compress is removed, the remnants of the homemade preparation are removed with cotton wool, and washed thoroughly. It is recommended to make this mask shortly before going to bed for several days in a row.


Measures to protect against dryness

In addition to moisturizing masks for dry skin, it would not be superfluous to practice simple measures to protect the skin from aggressive external factors. In particular, cosmetologists advise always applying sunscreen before going outside. There are not only creams, but also aerosols containing protective components. You can use industrial milk created for this purpose. When choosing, make sure that the product does not contain components that could potentially cause sensitization of the body.

It is equally important to review the diet and stabilize it. The task of a person struggling with the problem of dryness is to provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamin compounds. Vitamin A is especially important for the skin. Don't forget about tocopherol. There are known products enriched with these compounds, and if it is impossible to fill your diet with them, you should resort to pharmacy complexes. True, you first need to consult a doctor.

What if the problem covers the whole body?

More often, this problem is caused by external factors and hypovitaminosis. It is desirable to minimize the aggressive influence of living conditions. When taking a shower, adjust the water so that it is not too hot. Harsh chemicals are prohibited, including those used for washing. Exposure to sunlight should be limited. It's important to eat right. The diet should include a lot of nuts and seafood. Broccoli, dairy products, and vegetable oils are beneficial. Red fish is irreplaceable. It is worth contacting a doctor who will select vitamins in tablets that are beneficial for facial skin. There are special complexes on sale, but not everyone needs them. Sometimes vitamin A alone or a combination product containing retinol and tocopherol is enough. When choosing cosmetic compositions, they focus on those containing ceramides, fats, and fatty acids.

The phenomenon cannot be underestimated. Dry skin is both a cosmetic problem and an indication of some phenomena that require correction. These could be illnesses, poorly chosen care, an incorrectly chosen diet, or genetic characteristics. To properly compensate for dryness, you need to determine exactly why it started, and only then select options for worsening the condition of the skin.


Basic rules of care

To minimize the appearance of dryness, you should review your daily facial care routine. The first and most important thing is washing. In the morning, tap water removes from the face the fat generated by the glands at night, that is, it deprives the skin of its natural protective layer. Without it, the skin cannot function normally during the day. Experts recommend using face washes for dry skin, and leaving thorough deep cleansing for the evening. When washing, use a liquid whose temperature is close to room temperature. Baths and showers should be taken with warm liquid. Water quality is a factor that largely determines the course of the case. To provide yourself with a good liquid, it is first boiled and then allowed to cool. You can settle the water or filter it. Another option is melt water.

People with skin prone to dryness are strictly prohibited from using soap. If necessary, resort to wash basins, use foams and gels designed specifically for such cases. A wet face is blotted with a paper towel, but not rubbed with a cloth.

About cosmetics

It is not easy to choose the best cream for dry skin - there is a huge variety of cosmetics on the market, but not all of them are really good. The drier the skin, the more responsible you need to select cosmetic products. Experts recommend using products from well-known manufacturers. You need to choose formulations created specifically for dry skin. Some people believe that it is wise to use products from the same series. All cosmetic compositions that contain alcohol are strictly excluded from everyday use - this substance additionally dries out the skin.

When choosing the best cream for dry skin, you should try different products from an affordable price range. Most manufacturers make special probes and testers. They are quite inexpensive, but they allow you to quickly assess how useful the product is for a particular person. In recent years, Japanese and Korean moisturizing products have become very popular - the former are more expensive, the latter are more affordable. You should not neglect American brands, although to others they seem unreasonably expensive.

Everyday life and rules

To reduce problems with dry skin, you need to choose decorative cosmetics responsibly. All creams must include moisturizing ingredients. There are BB creams on sale. These products are designed specifically for skin care while toning. They hide their flaws well. If previously these were represented only by eastern manufacturers, in recent years many European brands have released their own lines. There are goods from domestic manufacturers. These are the most affordable. Modern powders contain special components that protect the skin from the aggressive effects of sunlight. People whose skin is prone to dryness should use only such cosmetics.

It is important to remove makeup responsibly in the evening. For this purpose, specialized compounds are used. There are many gentle products designed for dry and sensitive skin. They not only quickly and effectively remove all makeup, but also take care of the skin and eliminate irritation. It is strictly not recommended to leave decorative cosmetics on overnight.

Many women have to live with dry skin on their faces, and with each passing year, moisture loss increases. This is due to the aging of the body, insufficient functioning of collagen fibers, and various chronic diseases.

Dry skin problems

Dry facial skin looks thin, dull, wrinkles begin to appear on it early, and age spots often form. Over time, the lower part of the face begins to sag, the oval loses its clarity, nasolabial folds stand out, flaky spots and areas of irritation appear.

Dryness of the face also increases with vitamin deficiencies, in the summer under the influence of sunlight. Women are often bothered by a feeling of tightness and discomfort; with a lack of moisture, their lips also suffer - they become covered with flaky scales. If the problem is left unattended, then premature aging is guaranteed - insufficient hydration leads to the fact that cells cease to function normally, are poorly restored, and subcutaneous blood circulation and nutrition are at a low level.

Rules for caring for dry skin

By making it a rule to carry out problem-appropriate and regular care for dry skin, you can not only improve your appearance, but also prevent the aging of your face.

  1. In the morning, you do not need to use hard soaps and gels to wash your face. The best way to remove impurities is cleansing milk or hydrophilic oil, which turns into a delicate foam on the face.
  2. For washing, it is preferable to use still mineral water or herbal decoctions at room temperature. It is preferable to brew herbs in the evening, so the decoction will contain all the useful microelements.
  3. It is necessary to cleanse dry skin with peelings as regularly as oily skin. But the approach to this procedure should be somewhat different. Soft compositions are chosen as scrubs, and the mixtures are rubbed in with movements without strong pressure. After peeling procedures, it is imperative to soften the skin well with cream. Heated vegetable oils are also suitable for removing contaminants, which are removed with a cotton swab after the procedure.
  4. After morning procedures, you must apply a moisturizer; in the summer, it must contain components that protect against ultraviolet radiation.
  5. In the evening, a high-quality nourishing cream is applied to previously cleansed skin. Vitamin creams are best applied after steaming and massage movements.
  6. All cosmetics must be alcohol-free. Their presence in cosmetics increases dryness.
  7. Once or twice a week you need to pamper your face with homemade masks.

If these simple and time-consuming rules are followed constantly, then your skin will always be smooth, elastic and radiant.

Home treatments for dry skin

Dry skin of the face, what to do? A qualified cosmetologist will be able to answer the question completely. Beauty salons offer a lot of hardware and manual techniques aimed at effective moisturizing. In a slightly modified form, they can be used at home.

  1. Hot compresses expand subcutaneous blood vessels and pores, soften dead epidermis, and promote the flow of moisture to all facial tissues. It’s easy to make a compress; just soak a thick terry towel in hot water and apply it to your face for at least 20 minutes. After such a procedure, any mask will bring much more benefits.
  2. A steam bath for those with dry skin is also an optimal means of cleansing and moisturizing. You can steam the skin over herbal decoctions and over boiling potatoes.
  1. Facial massage will increase blood circulation, improve all energy processes, and help strengthen local immunity.
  2. The apartment must have a normal level of humidity. For these purposes, you can use special humidifiers.
  3. It is necessary to drink water often and in small portions.
  4. Homemade masks are prepared from softening products - egg yolk, honey, vegetable oils, fruits containing vitamins A and E. Those with dry skin are not recommended to use essential oils in their pure form, or masks with a base of organic acids.
  5. Masks are also chosen depending on age. Girls with dry skin are suitable for moisturizing formulations; mature ladies already need to choose recipes to increase elasticity or wrinkles. You can whiten your face using homemade cottage cheese, kefir, and parsley.
  6. Women with dry skin should be careful when choosing cosmetics. Foundations with a thick texture do not allow the skin to breathe and thereby further increase the lack of moisture.

You will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of home care for dry skin in just one to two weeks. You will no longer be bothered by discomfort, your complexion will improve, the number of wrinkles and age spots will decrease.

If you constantly follow a comprehensive approach to caring for dry skin, then you don’t have to be afraid of old age - it won’t catch up with you for a long time.

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Read this article if you want to know the reasons why your skin becomes dry and how to care for it. We will recommend effective products and give some useful tips for turning very dry skin into well-hydrated skin.

  1. Signs of dry skin
  2. Causes of dry skin
  3. How dry skin differs from normal and oily skin
  4. What to do for very dry skin
  5. Dry skin care
  6. Caring for dry body skin
  7. Precautions when caring for dry skin
  8. Tools Overview

Signs of dry skin

The tendency to dryness mainly has genetic causes. Therefore, fundamental changes cannot be achieved here. But making friends with your skin and improving its condition is quite possible. The main thing is proper care and preventive measures.

Typically, dryness is characteristic of both facial skin and body skin. Such skin is usually thinner and more sensitive.

When the sebaceous glands do not produce enough secretion, that is, sebum, which protects the epidermis from drying out and minor damage, the skin retains moisture less well, so it often dries out, reacts with irritation, and ages faster.

Dry skin is often sensitive. © iStock

Don't confuse dry skin with dehydration - a temporary and easily correctable condition. Oily skin can also be dehydrated. Moreover, due to lack of moisture, it begins to produce more fat.

Lack of moisture is often explained by improper care and other external factors, such as windy weather or dry indoor air.

To avoid confusion, remember the signs of dry skin.

Dry skin is rarely problematic, while oily skin (especially dehydrated skin) usually shows comedones, acne, and enlarged pores.

Dehydrated skin lacks water, dry skin lacks fat, which means the former needs hydrofixing agents (glycerin, hyaluronic acid), the latter needs moisture-locking or lipid-replenishing components (oil, ceramides).

Dry skin is often prone to sensitivity and does not tolerate polluted air and hard water well. It is more likely to react to common allergens (for example, honey).

To care for dry skin, choose light textures. © iStock

Causes of dry skin

Cleansers containing aggressive surfactants (surfactants) destroy the hydrolipid mantle of the skin.

The moisturizer was not rich enough for you, or the skin does not have enough nutrition to retain moisture inside.

Severe weather conditions, for example, heat with increased dry air or frost in combination with icy winds undermine the protective potential of the skin.

Insufficient indoor air humidity is a common problem in our latitudes when central heating is turned on.

Clothing made from synthetic fabrics and wool can cause discomfort, itching and flaking of the skin of the body if it is prone to dryness, especially in winter.

A hot shower is one of the main provocateurs of dry skin on the body, since high-temperature water, especially with prolonged contact, destroys the hydrolipidic barrier - the protective mantle that retains moisture in the skin cells.

An unbalanced diet, lack of fatty acids in the diet and lack of proteins can lead to dry skin - both face and body.

Some types of hormonal treatments or the use of retinoids provoke severe dry skin. You will have to wait until this side effect disappears, smoothing out its manifestation with the help of cosmetics.

How dry skin differs from normal and oily skin

Compared to oily and normal skin, dry skin has an insufficient hydrolipid layer. It is thinner, and the vessels are located so close to the surface that spasms are possible even after short-term exposure to frost.

For those with oily skin, the stratum corneum and sebum form a powerful defense, so it ages more slowly and withstands negative external influences more resistantly - from peelings to cold weather. But dry skin is protected from acne, blackheads, enlarged pores and other troubles that complicate life in youth.

The best moisturizing ingredients are glycerin, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid. © iStock

What to do for very dry skin

If the reasons are not related to health, we recommend listening to these tips:

moisturize your skin from the inside - maintain a drinking regime, drinking about 1.5 liters of water per day, at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight;

remove alcohol-containing products from your cosmetic bag;

try to choose clothes from natural, smooth fabrics that do not irritate the skin (cotton and silk);

get tested for microelements and vitamin deficiencies in your body; you may be lacking vitamins A and E;

exclude an allergic reaction, it can be caused by household chemicals: washing powders, bleaches and disinfectants;

instead of alkaline cleansers, use delicate creamy textures;

If possible, install water filters.

If you decide to get rid of dryness, choose the right cosmetics for face and body care. Products with oils and lipid-replenishing components will suit you.

Dry skin care

Read and remember what you need to pay attention to when caring for dry skin.

The epidermis needs nutrition in the form of lipid-rich cream or oil.

Replace alkaline cleansing products with gentler ones.

Instead of cleansing gel, start using, for example, cleansing milk.

Make it a rule not to go to bed with makeup on your face - foundation left on overnight not only clogs your pores, but also dries out your skin.

In addition to hydration, dry skin needs nutrition. © iStock

Caring for dry body skin

Dry skin can occur in many different parts of the body.

If your scalp is itchy, itchy and flaky, it makes sense to consult a trichologist for advice.

Make it a rule to use hand cream at least twice a day: before going to bed and before going outside.

Regularly treat dry skin of the feet with fine-mesh pumice or a file, then lubricate with a cream containing urea and solid oils (shea, cocoa).

For cleansing, choose soft shower and bath gels, as well as syndets, oils, and products that do not contain aggressive surfactants.

Do not stand in the shower for a long time and try to wean yourself from too hot water, gradually reducing the degree day by day.

Moisturize your skin every time after water treatments. For dry skin, rich nourishing textures are most suitable: balm or cream.

Apply body cream/milk/balm while the skin is still slightly damp.

Precautions when caring for dry skin

If your skin type is dry, we recommend avoiding harsh scrubs, high concentrations of acids in care products, aggressive alkaline cleansing and alcohol-containing cosmetic products.

On the beach, use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Thin and dry skin burns faster. And do not forget that ultraviolet radiation provokes the formation of free radicals - the main enemies of youthful skin. Otherwise, you will subsequently have to fight not only dryness, but also wrinkles and age spots.

In the cold season, before going outside, apply nourishing cream to your face, protective cream to your hands, and don’t forget about a scarf and gloves.

Tools Overview

For face

Product name Mode of application Active components
moisturizing cream for dry and very dry skin of the face and body, Cerave Apply twice daily to cleansed face and/or any area of ​​the body. ceramides, hyaluronic acid
Extraordinary facial oil “Luxury Nourishment”, L’Oréal Paris Use as the last step of evening care - instead of or on top of cream. oils of clove, rosemary, chamomile, lavender
Rich toleriane sensitive cream with prebiotic formula, La Roche-Posay Use morning and evening, after cleansing. La Roche-Posay thermal water in high concentration, niacinamide, shea butter
Day cream for sensitive skin “Moisturizing Expert”, L’Oréal Paris After cleansing the skin, use the cream, avoiding the area around the eyes. glycerin, rice bran oil

For body

Product name Mode of application Active components
Soothing shower gel with protective properties Lipikar Gel Lavant, La Roche-Posay Pour a small amount onto a washcloth or palm and massage into damp skin. niacinamide, shea butter
Nourishing body cream, Kiehl’s Apply the cream to wet or dry body skin with light massaging movements. squalane, avocado and sesame seed oils, aloe vera, beta-carotene
Melting body milk, Garnier Apply daily to body skin with massaging movements. bifidocomplex, shea butter

For arms and legs

Product name Mode of application Active components
Intensive restorative hand cream for very dry skin, Garnier Use as needed. To achieve the best results, we recommend applying the cream after each hand wash. glycerin, allantoin

Apply after washing your hands, and before going outside or doing household chores;

shea butter, niacinamide

Apply to clean feet twice daily or at night.

ceramides, salicylic and lactic acid

Apply as needed.

corn oil, rice oil, soybean oil, shea butter, passion flower oil, vitamin E, hazelnut proteins.

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