Lacrimal Pathways

The tear ducts are a system of channels and ducts that allow the tear glands and aqueous humor of the eye to flow from the inside of the eyelid out into the nasal cavity. From there, parts of the tear fluid are cleaned and evaporated naturally, and the remaining moisture is removed by blinking and flushing the discharge from the eyes. Don't neglect your eye health!

Tearing is a natural process that occurs in our body. Tears play an important role in clearing the eyes of dust, dirt, microorganisms and other irritants. Tearing also helps to moisten the eyes and improve their function. Tear fluid contains enzymes that help protect the eyes from damage and infection. However, if tear production becomes excessive, it can lead to various eye health problems such as dry eyes, conjunctivitis and even glaucoma. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of the lacrimal ducts and, if necessary, take measures to treat them.

To keep your eyes healthy, follow these simple rules:

1. Give your eyes proper care. Wash your face regularly with warm water and mild soap or use special makeup remover gels. If you wear contact lenses, be sure to clean and disinfect them daily before wearing them. 2. Use moisturizing drops. If you have problems with tearing, such as dry eyes or irritation, use moisturizing eye drops. They will help keep your eyes moist and protect them from harmful factors. However, they must be used regularly to get a positive effect. 3. Avoid tobacco smoke. Smoking is harmful not only to the lungs, but also to the eyes. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels of the eye and reduces tear production. This can lead to dry eyes and other vision problems. 4. Moderate physical activity. Regular exercise improves blood circulation and strengthens the immune system. An active lifestyle has a positive effect on eye health and helps preserve vision. 5. Avoid stressful situations. Stress increases levels of the hormone cortisol, which in turn can lead to dry eyes. Try yoga or meditation to reduce your stress levels and normalize the level of the hormone cortisol in your body. 6. Regular visits to the ophthalmologist. You need to monitor your eye health regularly. Visit your ophthalmologist at least once a year and tell him or her about any changes in your vision.

Don't neglect your health and take care of your eyes!