Skin care for face and hands

When caring for our body, we very often forget to pay attention to our hands, but they reveal a woman’s true age no less than her face.

Don't limit hand care to just using cream. The skin on your hands is most susceptible to the aggressive effects of the outside world, and in order for it to remain soft, young and beautiful, you need to make extra efforts. The arsenal of home hand care also includes masks, baths, and compresses.

Hand skin care

The following procedures will help in the fight against dry hand skin:

Boiled potato mask.
Peel the boiled potatoes in their jackets and mash them with milk. The viscosity of the mass should be slightly thicker than sour cream. Add 10 grams of powdered sugar and an ampoule of ascorbic acid to it. Apply the mixture evenly onto your hands and put on cotton gloves. Wash off with warm water after 3 hours. Do it a couple of times a week.

Banana mask.
Puree a very ripe banana in a blender with a teaspoon of almond oil. The mixture is applied to the skin for three hours.

Hercules flakes.
Grind into flour, three tablespoons of rolled oats, pour two tablespoons of boiling water, stir and let stand for 5 minutes. After the specified time, pour in a tablespoon of burdock oil. Apply from two to three hours. This mask is also good for nails. It is enough to do it once a week.

Curd based mask.
Mix a quarter pack of cottage cheese with 20 milliliters of strong green tea. Add 5 milliliters of unrefined olive oil to the mixture. Apply to skin for half an hour. Do it every other day for three weeks.

Nourishing mask based on sour cream.
Mix a couple of spoons of sour cream with medium-sized carrots grated on a fine grater. Apply the mixture onto your hands in a thick layer for a third of an hour.

Bath to soften the skin of the hands.
Add 5 milliliters of ammonia solution and 20 milliliters of glycerin to two liters of warm water. Immerse your hands in this solution for a third of an hour. After the specified time, dry with a towel and lubricate with nourishing cream.

Bath for rough hands.
The following ingredients will help make your hands smooth and soft. Flax seed 1/5 cup, brew with half a liter of boiling water and infuse in a thermos for 5 hours. Cool the finished solution to 40 degrees. The duration of the procedure is one third of an hour. When finished, don’t forget to treat your hand skin with a nourishing cream.

Starch bath.
It will also help soften your hands. Prepare a paste from a tablespoon of starch and a liter of water. Cool to 40 degrees. Add a few drops of any essential oil. Take a bath for 15 minutes.

Hand care rules

Don't forget to follow simple hand care rules:

  1. Hands should be washed with warm water (cold water makes the skin rough, and hot water dries the skin);
  2. After washing, do not leave moisture on the skin. This is a direct path to hangnails. Be sure to dry your hands thoroughly;
  3. Choose soap with a neutral PH to reduce drying of the skin;
  4. Get into the habit of wearing gloves when doing your homework.

With the arrival of autumn, the face treacherously becomes dull, becomes pale, and small wrinkles appear on it. It would seem that just recently it was shining with health and freshness, but with the autumn rains its own appearance ceases to please. During the autumn period, you need to carefully take care of yourself, carefully select cosmetics and carry out a number of procedures to return your skin to good condition. How to take care of your facial skin in autumn? And also behind the arms and neck. We'll look into it in the article.

Important points

In summer, the epidermis is exposed to aggressive ultraviolet radiation. Under the scorching sun, it becomes thinner and dries, losing the necessary moisture. He needs time to recover, but with the arrival of autumn rains, wind and cold, the situation only gets worse. Why is comprehensive skin care necessary in autumn?

  1. Many people do not use creams with a UV filter in the summer, which can result in pigmentation. After all, a tan is the same as a sunburn, and the skin suffers from it first of all.
  2. In summer, the epidermis becomes thinner and dries out.
  3. After the summer period, various chronic diseases may worsen, which will certainly affect the condition of the skin.
  4. Sudden weather changes also have a negative impact.
  5. Autumn is a transition period when the body needs additional vitamins.
  1. Cleansing procedures. In autumn it should be deep and at the same time gentle. You can listen to the advice of a cosmetologist and cleanse your face yourself at home, or you can go to a beauty salon.
  2. Hydration. This stage is mandatory, because in the autumn months the skin cannot fully retain moisture, and it needs help with this. In the morning, first apply a moisturizing serum, and after it is completely absorbed, a nourishing cream. If the air in the room is dry, it is additionally necessary to use thermal water.
  3. Nutrition. Facial skin care in the fall will not be complete without a nourishing cream enriched with vitamins, herbal extracts, and other beneficial ingredients.
  4. Protection. You also need to protect yourself from the rays of the autumn sun, so use face protection in the autumn. Choose serums and creams that include elastin and collagen, as well as UV protection.
  5. Healthy food. The condition of the skin in the fall directly depends on what we eat. It is advisable to completely exclude spicy, fried, fatty, and sweet foods. The menu should contain fresh vegetables, fruits, sea fatty fish, olive oil, nuts, dried fruits, and herbs.

What problems can occur with the skin in autumn?

Not only those with dry skin types suffer from this problem in the fall. The skin on the face peels off, the epidermis becomes very thin, and this happens even to those who have combination or oily skin. Peeling and excessive dryness occur due to a sharp change in temperature. When leaving a warm room into a cold wind, the epidermis is exposed to unnecessary stress and reacts to it in a similar way. How to properly care for skin prone to excessive dryness? It is recommended to do deep peeling procedures, and also not to forget about facial massage and constant moisturizing. To prevent skin peeling, you need to eat foods rich in healthy fatty acids: avocado, chicken egg yolks, fatty sea fish, nuts, vegetable oil.

Autumn weather, as well as sudden temperature changes, also lead to increased sensitivity of the epidermis. Often in women with a sensitive type, redness of the epidermis is observed in the fall, and black dots form. How to care for your skin in the fall if such troubles arise? Moisturize your face morning and evening, and if necessary, do it throughout the day. Choose products that contain vitamins E and C. If there is redness, a cream with horse chestnut extract will help, which can improve tone. Eat foods that contain increased amounts of ascorbic acid: lemons, oranges, cabbage, rose hips, black currants, kiwi.

Many people are mistaken in believing that oily shine can only appear in the hot summer months. In autumn, along with increased dryness, the skin on the chin, nasolabial folds and forehead often becomes oily. The face should be cleansed thoroughly and gently at the same time. Autumn care for oily skin involves choosing cleansers that will cope with two tasks: thoroughly cleanse without damaging the skin.

Acne is one of the common problems of the autumn season.

Increased fat content provokes another problem: the formation of blackheads and acne. When they appear, it is highly undesirable to do peeling and use products for sensitive skin types.

On a note! It is important to adjust your diet, exclude too spicy and fried foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Facial care after 30 years

If you are already 30 years old, you need to approach the issue of facial care comprehensively. Every day you need to cleanse, tone, nourish and protect it. It is important to eat right, get enough sleep, give up bad habits and take vitamin complexes prescribed by the doctor. What are the features of skin care after 30?

In the morning and evening, you should thoroughly cleanse your face. Choose gentle cleansing products: foams, mousses, soufflés. If possible, do not use tap water for washing, which contains chlorine and other harmful impurities. Melt water at room temperature is ideal.

On a note! You can wash your face with infusions of herbs such as calendula, chamomile, mint, sage and others. If your face becomes flaky, be sure to wash your face with an infusion of medicinal herbs before applying the cream.

The peeling procedure should be carried out twice a week.

In the fall, continue to use products that contain ultraviolet protection. This is necessary when the first wrinkles and age spots begin to appear. This is one of the basic rules of skin care in autumn.

Carry out the peeling procedure twice a week. If you do it yourself at home, avoid scrubs with abrasive substances, because they can disrupt the top layer of the epidermis and leave scratches. Make a choice in favor of gentle products containing natural granules or fruit acids.

In autumn and winter, the skin especially needs hydration. You need to moisturize both dry skin and oily, sensitive or combination skin. Three times a week, apply special masks aimed at deep hydration.

The epidermis requires increased nutrition in the autumn-winter months. Pay attention to serums that actively fight the appearance of wrinkles, dryness and flaking of the skin. Facial skin care after 30 should be especially thorough and regular.

Homemade face masks

Autumn is a time of abundance of fruits, vegetables and berries, so you can pamper yourself more often with natural homemade masks.

To care for your skin, you don’t have to spend money on expensive cosmetics, but you can make your own mask from fruits and vegetables

If your face is dry, very flaky, with signs of irritation, try making the following mask.

  1. Grate one apple.
  2. Add a spoonful of natural honey, olive oil (30 ml), and one yolk, whipped into foam, to the grated apple. Mix everything well.
  3. The mask is applied to a clean face, and after 25 minutes it is washed off with water at room temperature.

A caring mask will help to moisturize the face well, fight pigment spots, help care for combination skin, and have a rejuvenating effect. In order to prepare this product, you need the following ingredients:

  1. A glass of milk
  2. Young zucchini

Grate the zucchini on a fine grater and add milk. Boil the mixture over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After the mask has cooled to an acceptable temperature, apply it to your face and hold for 25 minutes, wash with warm water. The final stage will be applying a nourishing cream.

A zucchini mask will help moisturize your face.

How to properly care for your hands

In autumn, additional care is needed not only for the face and neck. Hands also suffer from cold, sudden changes in temperature, wind and bad weather, and the skin on the fingers cracks. The surface of the hands instantly becomes thinner, dry, they begin to peel, crack and turn red. Hand skin care in the fall should be comprehensive and regular. What should be the rules for hand skin care?

In the warm months, it is enough to apply moisturizer to your hands, but with the arrival of autumn you will need additional protection and nutrition. Give preference to hand cream with natural ingredients, without the addition of petroleum jelly or paraffin. Please ensure that the product contains valuable oils, vitamins and herbal extracts. In the evening, before applying hand cream, take a warm bath with chamomile, nettle, sage, calendula - the effect of the cream will be much better. Taking herbal baths regularly will help prevent dry and cracked hands. They are especially good for cracked skin on the hands, as they have a healing effect.

Using a nourishing cream will help prevent dry hands

A tablespoon of dry herb (herbs listed above) pour boiling water and wait until the infusion reaches room temperature. Now it should be strained, then put your hands in the infusion for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to pat your hands dry with a towel and apply the cream with massage movements. If the skin on your fingers cracks, wear cotton gloves overnight.

If the skin on your hands is cracking, regular oil baths will help. Heat olive or almond oil to room temperature and soak your hands in it for 15 minutes. There is no need to apply cream after the oil bath.

Pay special attention to your skin in the fall, and it will thank you with its radiance and beauty. After all, a woman wants to remain attractive at any time of the year, and rain, slush, and bad weather should not prevent her from doing this.

In winter, your skin loses its elasticity, flakes, and premature wrinkles appear. Be careful and do not make mistakes in caring for your face and hands. The skin definitely needs hydration. But it is recommended to do moisturizing procedures in the evening, and during the day, before going outside, use a thick nourishing cream. Follow other tips from our article.

The effect of cold on the skin

The greatest enemy of youthful skin is frost. Research by scientists has proven that in winter, the skin ages much more intensively than in the warm season. Sudden temperature changes cause the skin to become dry, red and flaky.

Rough and sensitive facial skin becomes worse due to frost.

The first thing we do with the onset of cold weather is to put on warm clothes, but the skin of the face also needs protection

When the air temperature drops, blood vessels can quickly expand to warm the entire body. Such changes leave a mark in the form of spider veins, because blood circulation and metabolism worsen. Spider veins can remain for life, which will unbearably worsen a woman’s morale and her appearance.

To protect yourself from such a negative result:

  1. An hour before going outside, nourish your skin with cream, remembering to moisturize it in the evening.
  2. The cream should have a thicker consistency and a greasy texture that will nourish and protect.
  3. Forget about the sauna and hot bath for a while, because such procedures irritate and dry the skin even more. Wash your face with cool water.

In winter, you are usually too lazy to take care of yourself, especially on the eve of spring. Follow our advice and you will overcome apathy and blues at the end of winter.

How to properly care for your skin in winter

During the cold season, the activity of the sebaceous gland decreases, and accordingly, the lipid protective layer on the surface becomes thinner. This is a lipid mantle that serves as clothing for the skin.

If we don’t use nourishing creams before leaving the house, we take our skin “undressed” outside.

It’s a good idea to use facial care products that contain SPF20 to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays.

It is not advisable to use moisturizers.

Applying cream before going outside depends on the air temperature. If it’s -5°C outside, you can moisturize your skin in an hour, if it’s even lower - from -6°C, then don’t moisturize in the morning. In this case, you need to moisturize your skin in the evening.

The skin needs moisturizing, there is no need to exclude it, but a nourishing cream is more often applied in winter than a moisturizer.

If the temperature is -20°C or lower, then do not apply moisturizer even in the evening.

Cooking at home

The main ingredient is chicken yolk. Egg yolks are animal fat. It contains cholesterol, lecithin and phospholipids. In winter it is better to use yolks.

  1. To prepare a universal mask, take corn oil and yolk.
  2. Beat the yolks.
  3. Add corn oil in a thin stream so that the yolk does not curdle. It should be as thick as eggnog.
  4. Whisk until completely combined.

Any other oil is also suitable for a mask. Flaxseed and sesame are suitable for drier skin. Sunflower oil dries out the skin, so it is suitable for oily skin.

Divide into portions. You can put such cosmetics in a jar, put it in the refrigerator, put a layer of paper or parchment so that the condensation settles on the paper. Because these masks don't last long.

Egg yolk contains lecithin, vitamins A, B, D, calcium, phosphorus and other beneficial substances

Read recipes for masks against hair loss in another article on our website.

  1. Persimmon is a universal ingredient and is suitable for any skin type. Grind with a blender and add the pulp to the yolk.
  2. Linen - for skin prone to rashes. Restores skin immunity.
  3. For sensitive and dry skin - chamomile and lavender. The herbs are crushed and can be combined together in equal proportions and added to the mask.
  4. For oily and blemish-prone skin - banana. It tightens pores very well, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and restores immunity.
  5. If your skin is prone to pigmentation, add lemon zest and juice. It helps get rid of age spots. Evens out skin color and texture.

See a simple recipe for skin rejuvenation in winter, which is especially suitable for aging facial skin:

If the skin on your hands is chapped, a potato mask without additives - mashed potatoes with potato broth - helps very well. Mix until medium thick and apply to hands for 20 minutes. Has a healing effect.


You can make such masks every day, as they are made from natural ingredients. This is just help and support for the skin, it is not a treatment.

When you do a face mask, try to lie down and relax without talking to anyone

If you feel after coming home that your skin is not behaving comfortably, apply the mask for 15-20 minutes. Spread the layer thicker, as the yolk dries out, and it will be easier for you to remove this mask later, and it will last longer on the skin. Rinse off with warm water.

Vegetable oils are not recommended to be applied instead of cream to the skin. Since some oils are dehydrated and dried. They need to be applied with some kind of base.

If you don’t have time to do anything, and you have a small child in your arms, then read this material. Usually women forget about themselves, and as a result feel tired during maternity leave, or at any other time. We care about your health and the health of your children, take care of yourself.


Don't forget about cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. 50% of the success of healthy skin depends on properly selected home care. If you find it difficult to choose the right home care for yourself in winter, it is better to consult a specialist - a dermatologist or cosmetologist. If you have your own beauty recipes, then share them in the comments.

To moisturize the skin of the face in winter, I just use an egg mask 2 times a week, mixing it with banana or lemon juice. The effect is amazing: the skin becomes cleaner and more hydrated. The only negative is that the mask dries out the skin and removes the stratum corneum. Therefore, after I wash off the mask, I apply moisturizer to my face.

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