What is meant by the term: cutting for bodybuilders?

Bodybuilding, being one of the most widespread disciplines in the fitness industry, is simply unthinkable without the so-called body drying. What is it, and what is it actually needed for? As a rule, after a persistent and long period of gaining muscle mass, there is a desire to effectively emphasize the relief of the resulting muscles. However, many do not pay attention to drying, citing the fact that the body is pumped up; there are muscles - that’s good. But you and I know that gaining muscle mass does not occur without a simultaneous parallel gain of subcutaneous fat that is absolutely unnecessary for us, and refusing to mercilessly fight it has a truly fatal effect for a bodybuilder. As you know, bodybuilding implies clarity in the development of absolutely every muscle group of an athlete. Cutting for bodybuilders, both beginners and professionals, affects such aspects as: diet, exercise, training programs, and the use of fat-burning drugs.

So let's start with the diet. To effectively combat subcutaneous fat, you must follow the following dietary principles:

  1. Limit intake of “fast” carbohydrate foods;
  2. Consume carbohydrates in the morning;
  3. Slightly exceed protein intake (up to about 2.5 g per 1 kg of weight);
  4. Eat small meals often;
  5. Drink more water (2.5 - 3 liters per day);

It is worth remembering that the approximate ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrate consumption will be 60%/10%/40%, respectively, and the reduction in calorie intake should be done gradually. Also, it will not be superfluous for you to gradually increase the amount of protein you take, and it is also possible to additionally buy peptides for this period of your work on your body. This type of sports nutrition is absolutely harmless and gives excellent, sustainable results in a fairly short time. An excellent supplement for an athlete of almost any level of training.

Let's move on to exercises and training programs. When burning fat, as well as when gaining weight, mainly basic or multi-joint exercises are actively used, that is, pull-ups, presses, squats, deadlifts, etc. would be appropriate. But there is one “but” here - the number of repetitions should be 3 - 3.5 times greater than with “meat gathering”. That is, for example, we do not perform 6-8 repetitions on the bench press, but 18-20. Accordingly, you will have to take less weight, but this is the whole point. With this training regimen, the metabolism accelerates, the load becomes aerobic and fat disappears. It would be reasonable to introduce aerobics, running, an exercise bike, and an ellipse into the training cycle. Another important point is that the training session should not exceed 50 minutes, which means its intensity will increase significantly.

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