Jubn - cheese

Cheese is sometimes made from fresh milk, sometimes from sour milk; then it is a cheese called Akita.

Fresh cheese is cold and wet to the second degree, and salty, old cheese is hot and dry to the same degree; curd whey, since it contains a substance with the properties of bavrac, borrowed from the original blood of the animal, and bile particles, has some warmth.

The best cheese is medium, not viscous and not crumbly, because both are harmful. Cheese that does not have a special taste, is sweetish, tender, moderately salty, does not linger long in the entrails and is made from sour milk - the best. Cutting drugs make cheese even more harmful, since they carry it into the body and lead it along.

Cheese made from the milk of goats that eat thinning grasses is better than cheese made from the milk of goats that eat leeks and peas, for example.

Actions and properties.
Cheese cleanses. Fresh cheese is nutritious and fattening; after it they eat honey. Old cheese is sharp, it cleanses pores, cleanses the insides and generates bile juice in the human body. Salty, not old cheese stands in the middle between the first two.

Cheese whey makes dogs very fatty and gives them good nutrition. Akita is distinguished among other types of cheese by its solvent power. Cosmetics.

Drinking cheese whey with drugs that cleanse black bile is good for freckles. Fresh cheese, which is boiled with the same amount of boiled grape must in pomegranate peels until half of this mixture has evaporated, is used as an ointment and stops facial spasms. Salty, old cheese causes weight loss.

Tumors and acne.

Fresh unsalted cheese prevents wounds from swelling.

Wounds and ulcers.
Old cheese works well on malignant ulcers and wounds, while fresh cheese works well on light and fresh wounds. Fresh cheese is stronger in this regard and prevents them from swelling, especially with sycamore and wild sorrel leaves. The whey is drunk from the jarab.

Tools with joints.
Old cheese is ground with olive oil or a decoction of salted pork legs and applied as a medicinal bandage to the stones that form in the joints, which then come out painlessly, like plaster. They say that this cheese is very healthy.

Breast organs.
If you boil cheese in water and give this water to a nursing woman to drink, she will produce more milk.

Nutritional organs.
Salted cheese is harmful to the stomach, just like unsalted cheese, but salted cheese has a slight tanning property. Dioscorides mentions that fresh cheese is good for the stomach, but this is one of those issues that is controversial. Salty, unseasoned cheese is neither bad nor good; it is digested and passes faster than old cheese.

Akita is less harmful to the stomach than ordinary cheese.

Eruption organs.
Cheese causes stones in the kidneys and bladder, especially fresh cheese, and especially the one eaten with spices that promote the penetration of food into the organs.

Unsalted cheese softens the nature, and its whey relaxes the bile; this is facilitated by its cleansing power due to its inherent properties of bavrak. If you mix it with honey, it becomes even more beneficial. The commonly used medicinal product is goat and sheep milk whey.

Cheese is useful for intestinal ulcers, especially fried cheese, and prevents diarrhea. Sometimes fried cheese is mashed and consumed in enemas with rose or olive oil, and this helps with frequent diarrhea.

It is mentioned that mountain pulegium mint cheese is an ointment against poisons.