How to hang a punching bag at home?

So, we are faced with a very specific task - we will try to answer the question as comprehensively as possible: how to hang a punching bag at home? Let's consider all the possible options, their pros and cons, and at the end we will have a conclusion: the most optimal suspension option.

I want to say right away: I am writing this article after studying this issue for many weeks, and ultimately finding what, in my opinion, is the optimal solution.

In fact, there are a lot of answers to this question on the Internet, and many of them will be offered to you below. But most of them have weak points for the subsequent use of the punching bag for its intended purpose. Therefore, let’s supplement our question as follows: How to do this correctly? So that you can exercise comfortably and effectively on it...

So, having thoroughly scoured the Internet, I found these suspension options:

  1. The very first and simplest thing that comes to mind is an anchor bolt in the form of a hook. We drill the ceiling. We insert the anchor, tighten the hook, and that’s it, the suspension is basically ready.
    Pros: quick installation, low financial costs - all you need is one thick anchor, a Pobedit drill and a hammer drill. 10 minutes and, it seems, everything is ready.
    Minuses: weak structural strength. You'll be hitting the bag from all sides. Constant play in different directions can eventually tear out the anchor. Especially with the impressive weight of the pear.
  2. If you have access to the floor above (for example, if you live on the top floor and you have a technical floor, or your upstairs neighbors kindly gave you carte blanche for all your ideas), we drill a through hole in the floor slab. Next, we insert a hook from below, and from above - a large area holding plate with a hole for the hook, to which we attach your hook with a nut. A large diameter washer can also serve as a plate.
    Pros: This design will be very durable. If the hook itself and other elements are thick enough, it will be possible to hang even very heavy punching bags.
    Minuses: Some complexity of the design - you need to somehow make this plate out of something. Plus the neighbors upstairs will be a nightmare. And it’s unlikely that you will have access to the floor slab. After all, most likely, they will have some kind of flooring: parquet, laminate, fiberboard, and even logs on the boards. And in general, they are unlikely to give you the go-ahead to warp your floor, even if we are talking about a balcony, where, by the way, they most often plan to hang a punching bag. And about the room, I think no one will even listen to you.

  3. Here is another option for hanging a pear - on a crossbar. First, we hang a pull-up bar at home. Even an option would fit into a doorway or hallway. The main thing is that the available height allows it. When the crossbar is ready, simply use a rope, chain or cable, or maybe just a drop-down carabiner or a metal hook to hook the pear to the crossbar. All. You can hit!
    Pros: Good design. It’s outrageously simple, but durable and, most importantly, mobile. When you need to practice, you can hang the bag and hit it. Then, after a good practice, remove it and put it somewhere far from the human eye. It is very comfortable,
    Minuses: If there is no narrow corridor or you don’t want to warp the doorway, the idea comes to nothing. It also requires a pre-installed crossbar. And after hanging the pear this way, get ready to regularly sweep up sawdust in your hallway or under your door. Perhaps even after every workout.
  4. Here’s another good option: an “L” shaped metal profile. You can hang it at a pre-measured height to the wall of your home.
    Pros: gravity acts perpendicular to your fastenings, which ensures sufficient structural strength.
    Minuses: lack of mobility – You will not be able to move  in all directions around the bag. Unfortunately, only a limited space around it will be available to you. But in any case, this is a worthy option.
  5. There are many different options for hanging from the ceiling. Many of them even seem exotic. For example, on one site they offered the option of hanging from complexes of blocks, but they all come down to the fragility of the structure - everything that you screw into the ceiling, with the serious weight of the projectile acting in the opposite direction from the hole, is, alas, at risk of failure.

  6. I found the most interesting and, dare I say it, exotic way of attaching a pear to the ceiling of your house on one Ru-Net site. The savvy Samodelkin suggests looking in the concrete floor slab for any voids there. The slab is not solid. There are cylindrical voids there! Moreover, it has a large diameter. It is proposed to make a hole exactly in the middle of such a void. Next, we drive thick reinforcement there, about half a meter wide (first all the way in one direction, then the other) so that the middle of the reinforcement falls on our hole in the ceiling. Well, then using a ring, hook or carabiner you can directly hang our boxing bag.
    Pros: the strength, of course, will be excellent.

    Minuses: but the complexities of all these manipulations immediately call this whole idea into question. Although theoretically this is possible and seems like a pretty good idea.
  7. Also another interesting option: buy a drop-down hook. It is like the tip of an arrow or spear. We drill a hole in the ceiling. You need to get into the above voids or drill into a draft. Then we take such a hook, fold the wings, insert it into the hole, lift, lift - bang, the wings open. All! The hook won't come back out.
    Pros: relative ease of installation.
    Minuses: a hook of the required length and strength is difficult to find - I personally tried in vain to look for it in construction markets and stores for about three months, then I gave up and chose another option.

So, we've looked at a number of answers to the question: How to hang a punching bag at home? I left my option, which completely satisfied me, as a snack - read about it at the very end of this article. And now another question, already mentioned earlier, arises: “Are they any good? All these options? Will it be convenient and comfortable to hit such a bag?”. Let's find out...

The fact is that in modern houses, including apartments, the ceilings are quite high: 2.5 - 3 meters in height. Let's think about it: let's say you hung a pear from the ceiling using one of the methods suggested above. Let me make a reservation right away: the “L”-shaped profile and suspension on the crossbar are free of all these problems. We will talk specifically about the disadvantages of hanging it on a hook to the ceiling. So, there is a hook under the ceiling, then a chain, a cable or rope and then a pear. Imagine you hit such a punching bag with sufficient force... What happens? The punching bag will begin to swing like a pendulum. Moreover, the longer this cable is, the greater the swing amplitude will be. Well, how can we practice on such a pear if with one blow it flies far away from us? We get that all the above suspension options are not suitable for normal work on this pear! How to be? – everything is very simple: we need to minimize the length of this cable. So that the pear immediately hangs with a carabiner on the hook. Then the amplitude of the pendulum will be minimal. In the case of the ceiling suspensions discussed above, this cannot be achieved, because you will have to hang the bag right up to the ceiling and jump up to hit it, or hit it up and not forward. Now, having realized all the physics of the processes, we understand that the option with “G” and the crossbar is very successful and most suitable for our physical work on the bag. But they, too, are not without shortcomings. What if these options are not suitable for us? – I’ll tell you how I personally got out of it...

We hang the pear from the ceiling not on one hook, but on a system of hooks: we drill four holes in the ceiling so that they form a rectangle or square. It can also be a rhombus, as in my case (I hung a bag on the balcony, shaped like a quarter circle). Next, we screw in four strong anchor hooks about the thickness of a finger. Then we hook onto these hooks a long (about 10-20 meters) clothesline, bought for almost pennies in the “1000 little things” store. Of course, you can do it on a chain, but it will hit your pocket hard. The ropes must be wound so that they resemble the diagonals of a rectangle (square) or, as in my particular case, a rhombus. They should sag, intersecting in the center of the geometric figure. Moreover, sag so that the pear suspended at the intersection point is at the level of your head. Well, here, as you understand, it still depends on the pear itself and its size. In short, the bag should hang so that it resembles your opponent's head and body. If your opponent is taller than you, hang higher. If it is lower than you, lower it a little. In general, adjust the height where you hit it to your taste...

Pros: Quite decent structural strength. Four thick anchors can withstand heavy loads. Moreover, since the anchors are located around the perimeter of the room, the angle of the pulling force for each anchor will differ significantly from the installation angle - which means there is even less chance of tearing it out. And even if you hang on a boxing bag! Also a serious plus is the minimum amplitude of the swing of the bag with a single specific blow. In fact, the bag is rigidly fixed in the middle of your room at the height you need - just right for a boxer!!!
Minuses: Hardly ever. Easy to install. It's inexpensive. Just 4 anchor hooks, a clothesline, a hammer drill, a Pobedit drill of the right size and 20 minutes of your time.

Well, I hope I have fully answered your question: How to hang a punching bag at home? If you have any questions, ask in the comments. Maybe you also have some original ways to hang a boxing bag - write, we will be happy to publish it. Well, in conclusion, I want to say that my design has already undergone 2 years of intensive strength testing. So far the flight is normal. All the anchors hold, despite the fact that I hit the bag almost every day! By the way, the ito pear could no longer withstand such a load - it began to crack and fall out, falling apart at the seams - but I don’t care about my pendant!!! Well, how can you restore a damaged punching bag yourself, read in this article of ours. We have real practical advice for you, tested in personal practice! We still have a lot of interesting things!

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