Cream for dry skin

Dry skin causes a lot of problems for its owners. As a rule, the matter does not end with dryness; in parallel, other symptoms are present: dullness, irritation, itching, peeling, and tightening. Dry skin is more susceptible to natural and household factors, ages more quickly and becomes more inflamed.

The objective sensations of those with dry skin are also far from pleasant. Clothes in contact with the skin and touch also cause irritation, and the very appearance of the skin, reminiscent of desert soil, depresses the mood.

The problem should not be ignored, since it is not only aesthetically unsightly, but is often a sign of certain diseases.

Why does the skin need water?

Moisture ensures elasticity and firmness of the skin, as well as cell nutrition. The degree of hydration is determined by the condition of the stratum corneum of the skin and the amount of sebum, which are responsible for moisture exchange between the dermis and the environment. The moderate stratum corneum and fat create a lipid film on the skin, which prevents moisture from leaving the skin and aggressive environmental factors from penetrating into the skin.

The unformed protective lipid film, caused by external or internal factors, leads to excessive evaporation of moisture, which means dry skin. At the same time, microcirculation of blood and trophism deteriorates, and collagen fibers suffer. The skin becomes not only dry, but also flabby.

Causes of dry skin

Dry skin occurs due to a decrease in sebum production in the presence of provoking factors. Sometimes ineffective sebum secretion is a hereditary feature of the body.

  1. If the problem occurs in young people, it is most likely genetic.
  2. In mature people, this condition occurs against the background of certain external and internal reasons. Hormonal changes lead to a decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which immediately affects the condition of the skin. Lack of proper care makes the problem worse.

It should be understood that in cases where dry skin is caused by internal causes (diseases or conditions of the body), no external influences - creams, baths and other procedures aimed at moisturizing and nourishing the skin do not lead to the desired effect. And only treatment of the underlying disease can improve the condition of the skin.

Internal reasons

External reasons

  1. Skin diseases: keratosis, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, fungal infection
  2. Hormonal imbalances (hypothyroidism, diabetes, menopause, pregnancy)
  3. Dehydration, which is a consequence of insufficient drinking, indigestion, hyperthermia, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.
  4. Metabolic disease
  5. Chronic renal failure
  6. Diseases of the central nervous system
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  8. Autoimmune diseases
  9. Iron-deficiency anemia
  10. Natural skin aging
  11. Hypovitaminosis, especially A and E
  12. Long-term treatment with antibiotics and some other drugs
  13. Lack of nutritional intake, exhausting diets
  14. Passion for coffee and strong tea
  15. Bad habits (smoking, alcohol)
  16. Frequent stress
  1. Dry climate
  2. Prolonged sun exposure
  3. Dry air
  4. Freezing
  5. Hot or cold water
  6. Exposure to household or industrial chemicals
  7. Improper care: frequent use of alkaline soap, alcohol lotions, household chemicals, aggressive cosmetics, frequent peelings.
  8. Working on the ground, etc. without protective gloves
  9. Work in conditions of elevated temperatures (hot workshops)

Dry skin can be general or affect certain areas of the body (face, arms, legs, etc.). The localization of dryness can directly or indirectly indicate the reasons for its occurrence.

Manifestations of dry skin

There is a simple home test to help determine if you have dry skin: press your fingers on the skin until marks remain - if they do not disappear for a long time, there is a problem with dryness.

  1. Tightness. When such skin is accidentally or intentionally pulled, visible cracks appear in the stratum corneum;
  2. Itching. Dryness and itching of the skin accompany each other, with one phenomenon aggravating the other;
  3. Invisible, erased pores, as if lightly powdered;
  4. Irritation, redness;
  5. Peeling of the skin up to significant, when the skin is literally covered with scales. It becomes most noticeable after washing the skin and then drying it out.
  6. When complicated by an infection that has penetrated through microcracks: areas of inflammation with swelling.

Treatment of dry skin and flaking

It should be understood that a qualified specialist - a dermatologist - must find out the cause and then prescribe treatment. If harmless dry skin can be dealt with without medical help, then in case of illness, creams and other products will simply be useless.

If dry skin occurs with complications in the form of irritation and microcracks, basic therapy should include ointments with dexpanthenol. Only after the irritation has been relieved can you switch to cosmetics and creams. Alcohol-containing cosmetics, aggressive peelings, and film masks should be excluded. Do not actively dry your skin with a towel after washing.

Dry hand skin

In most cases, the cause of this phenomenon is external factors. If, in addition to dryness, there are also cracks on the fingers, this may indicate hypovitaminosis, allergic contact dermatitis, fungal infections, etc. (see causes of cracks on the hands). If you have weeping cracks between your fingers, you should consult a doctor - most likely it is eczema.

General recommendations

  1. Protect your hands with rubber or cotton gloves when working with aggressive compounds or on the ground, washing dishes.
  2. Protect your hands with warm gloves or mittens in winter.
  3. Use pH-neutral hand and body washes.
  4. Use sunscreen when tanning in the sun.
  5. Normalize your diet, be sure to include vegetable and animal oils in the menu.

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. Potato mask. Peel and mash boiled potatoes in their jackets, add a spoonful of warm milk. While warm, apply the mask to the skin of your hands 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days in a row. Leave until cool.
  2. Olive oil and lemon juice mask. Take hand cream (1 tsp) as a base, add 1 tsp. butter and half tsp. lemon juice. Apply before bed and put on fabric gloves over it. Repeat weekly.
  3. Honey-glycerin compress. Mix 1 tsp. glycerin, liquid honey, flour and water and apply the mixture to your hands, wearing cloth gloves on top. It is recommended to do it a couple of times a day, every day, for 20 minutes.
  4. Sour cream compress. About 200 ml of sour cream with a fat content of 20% is mixed with egg yolk and lemon juice. Clean gauze is soaked in this mixture and applied to the hands, covered with cling film and a towel. After 20 minutes, wash off the residue and put cloth gloves on your hands. It is better to do it before bed for several days in a row.
  5. Oil bath. Heat any vegetable oil until warm and immerse the brushes in it for 20 minutes. Carry out twice a week.

Wound healing, nourishing and softening creams:






  1. Astroderm

healing cream based on D-panthenol, vinylin, allatoin, vitamin E and yarrow and calendula extracts. Quickly restores the protective functions of the skin, heals cracks and regenerates the skin. Price about 85 rub.

  1. Aloe healer

Healing and eliminating dryness cream. Aloe extract restores skin, accelerates regeneration, prevents cracks and softens the skin. 110 rub.

  1. Velvet handles For very dry skin

Eliminates irritation, dryness and flaking. Ingredients: cocoa butter, D-panthenol, allatoin, glycerin and olive oil. 75 rub.

  1. Hand restoration cream Belita

Soothes, restores and softens the skin thanks to linden blossom and sea buckthorn extracts, sea buckthorn and wheat germ oil, glycerin, vitamin E. Price about 85 rubles.

  1. Oil cream from Vitex

Eliminates dryness and flaking. Ingredients: extracts of calendula, chamomile, burdock, apricot kernel oil and Shea butter. 90 rub.

Treatment of cracks

  1. Ointment made from honey and resin. In a metal saucepan, mix 10 g of oleoresin and honey, add 30 ml of vodka and 15 g of beeswax. Put on fire, stirring constantly until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Cool and refrigerate. The ointment is applied directly to the crack and sealed with a bactericidal plaster for 7-8 hours.
  2. Calendula ointment. Grind about 100 ml of dried plant flowers into powder and mix with 200 ml of melted pork fat. Bring until smooth in a water bath, cool. It is applied in the same way.
  3. Plantain ointment. Grind the dry herb into powder and add 9 parts of Vaseline and 3 drops of vegetable oil. It is applied in the same way.

Read more about the treatment of cracked hands in our article.

Dry elbows

Often occurs as a result of mechanical stress (working position with emphasis on the elbows) or infatuation with baths. Dry elbows may be a symptom of:

  1. hypothyroidism
  2. iron deficiency anemia
  3. diabetes mellitus
  4. autoimmune diseases
  5. skin diseases.

Traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Honey-coffee scrub. Add honey to the coffee grounds from a freshly brewed drink, mix and gently massage the resulting scrub onto the steamed skin of your elbows. Rinse with water and lubricate generously with vegetable oil.
  2. Compress of sunflower oil and sour cream - mix the ingredients in equal parts, soak clean gauze in the mixture, place it on the elbow, wrap it in a warm cloth for 20 minutes.
  3. Milk bath. Heat fresh milk and dip both elbows in it for 20 minutes.

Wound healing, nourishing and softening creams:


  1. SOS cream concentrate for very dry skin of hands and elbows from Evelyn - has an intensive effect on rough, dry skin, helps retain moisture in the skin thanks to the active complex: goat milk proteins, wheat germ oil, vitamins A, F, E, H, proelastin . Price about 70 rub.
  2. Ointment Radevit eliminates peeling,


    nourishes and softens the skin, actively restores the skin. Contains vitamins D2, A, E, glycerin, petroleum jelly and other components. Price about 370 rub.

Dry facial skin

Very often this feature of facial skin is inherited. Due to the fact that the face is an open part of the body, external factors such as wind, sun, etc., provoke dry skin. Age-related skin changes and improper functioning of the sebaceous glands also aggravate the situation.

A number of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system and endocrine system have dry facial skin among their symptoms. Hypovitaminosis E and A negatively affects the skin of the face.

General recommendations

  1. Minimize the harmful effects of environmental factors: wearing wide-brimmed hats in summer, warm wide scarves in winter.
  2. Use sunscreen from March to September. In winter, use creams from special “winter” series that protect the skin from wind and frost: ZIMA from Faberlic, Winter care from Biocon, Winter from Floresan.
  3. Wash only with neutral products, avoid bar soap.
  4. Regularly nourish the skin with creams designed for dry skin.

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. Fruit and berry mask. Crushed melon, plum and jojoba oil are mixed in equal quantities and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with warm water. Repeat as necessary.
  2. Egg-oil mask. Mix the beaten yolk of 1 egg with 1 tsp. oil (any vegetable) and carefully add 1 tsp into the mixture. pharmaceutical chamomile extract. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  3. Oatmeal mask. 3 tbsp. Mix oatmeal boiled in milk with 3 tbsp. olive oil, apply a thick layer to the face for 15 minutes. First wash with warm, then cool water.

Nourishing and softening creams




  1. Extra-nutrition cream 24 HOURS for the face Nanosomes from Belit

– provides long-term hydration and nutrition thanks to coenzyme, sesame seed oil, apricot and wheat germ oil, nanosomes and lanolin; restores skin elasticity. Price about 170 rubles.

  1. LOCOBASE lipocream for dry and very dry skin

cosmetic product with a very high lipid content. Forms a fatty layer on the skin and protects it from drying out, without clogging pores and without the effect of a visible oily sheen. The active composition contains liquid paraffin, macrogol and cetostearyl ether. Price about 650 rub.

  1. Night cream Clean Line Intense nourishing

contains wheat germ and aloe oil and has an intense softening and nourishing effect. Thanks to aloe, it eliminates irritation and smoothes wrinkles. Price about 65 rubles.

Dry body skin

Severe dryness of the skin of the body is rarely caused by external factors, and is more often a consequence of any disease. Seasonal dryness of body skin is often associated with excessive sun tanning. People who regularly visit baths and saunas are also at risk of dry skin.

General recommendations

  1. Establish a drinking regime.
  2. Enrich your diet with dairy products, vegetable oils, fish, and nuts.
  3. Nourish and moisturize the skin with special creams after taking water procedures.
  4. Use sunscreen while tanning.

Traditional medicine recipes

  1. Peeling of sea salt, honey and olive oil – 4 tbsp. take 1 tbsp of honey. remaining ingredients. Lightly massage cleansed skin with the mixture, then take a shower.
  2. Chamomile and flax seed bath. Boil 5 tsp in 1 liter of water. flaxseed, separately boil 2 tbsp in 1 liter of water. dry chamomile - boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain both decoctions and add to the bath, which must be taken for 15 minutes.
  3. Milk and honey bath. Dissolve 200 grams of honey and 1 tsp in 1 liter of warm milk. oil (olive, almond) - add the mixture to the bath, which is taken for 15 minutes.
  4. Olive mask. While showering, thoroughly massage your body with heated olive oil, then rinse off the residue with warm water.

Nourishing and softening creams




  1. Dove Intensive Body Cream Oil for very dry skin

Provides intense skin hydration thanks to a complex of oils and a special Cream-Oil formula. Price about 250 rubles.

  1. Johnson's baby oil

Helps retain moisture in the skin, creating a special protective layer on the skin. Hypoallergenic. Price about 130 rubles.

  1. Nivea SOS-intensive body cream

Regenerating cream with panthenol, grapefruit, lime, camellia, almond oils. Eliminates dryness and tightness while maintaining the effect for 48 hours. Price about 270 rubles.

Dry heels and feet

The problem can be caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes, frequently walking barefoot, or lack of hygienic foot care. Hypovitaminosis, diseases of the endocrine system, fungal infections lead to dry feet. Dry skin on the feet if left untreated leads to the formation of areas of hardening and cracks, which can be complicated by bacterial infection (see treatment of cracked heels).

Women often develop dry skin on their hands, which causes many unpleasant moments. Many compare it to a desert under the scorching sun.

This skin type is the most common and is characterized by a feeling of tightness and an unattractive dull tone. Often such skin itches.

Determining whether your skin is dry or not is not difficult. Just press on it with your finger. If pressure marks do not go away for a long time, then the skin is dry.

There are several other signs of dehydrated skin:

  1. subtlety;
  2. lack of natural shine, dullness;
  3. tightness after each wash;
  4. very narrowed pores;
  5. flaky spots;
  6. increased sensitivity to adverse environmental conditions;
  7. early appearance of wrinkles and general aging.

To get rid of dry skin of the hands and the whole body, women buy a lot of moisturizing cosmetics, without thinking at all about the reasons for this problem.

This approach will not solve the problem for a long time, but will only give a temporary effect or will not bring any benefit at all.

Causes of dry skin

Dry hands are always unpleasant. But hands are very often exposed to various factors that change its structure.


They can be divided into two groups: external and internal.

  1. External factors:
  1. frosty and windy weather. Under the influence of such weather, the skin becomes rough, with cracks and redness. The sun exacerbates the effects of the weather, depriving the skin of essential moisture and accelerating the aging process;
  2. frequent use of aggressive detergents. Under their influence, the skin of your hands becomes very dry. Chemicals contained in household chemicals gradually destroy the top layer of skin and deprive it of protection;
  3. improper care. The skin needs external hydration. The wrong choice of cream leads to a deterioration in its appearance.
Internal factors: the skin on the hands dries due to a lack of microelements and substances. Most often, dry skin is caused by a lack of a vitamin. There are many vitamins in the body that affect the condition of the skin. Vitamin A is responsible for the silkiness and elasticity of the skin, vitamin C is responsible for its strength, and vitamin E promotes rapid healing of damage. Rough skin on the hands indicates a lack of B vitamins in the body; heredity. In this case, only intensive and responsible care can help.

The two driest areas of skin on your legs are your knees and feet. Dry skin on the legs (usually on the knees) can appear as a result of friction against hard synthetic tights or jeans.

Causes of dry skin on feet pretty simple. This area is prone to dryness in the summer when girls wear open shoes. Dust, high temperature, uncomfortable shoes, lack of moisture are the causes of cracks, corns and calluses on the feet.

In summer, the skin on the heels is very vulnerable. Deep cracks can form on it, causing severe discomfort when walking. In addition to external factors, the internal state of the body also affects dry skin of the legs and the appearance of cracks:

  1. diabetes;
  2. excess weight;
  3. phlebeurysm.

Dry facial skin is also the result of the influence of many factors, for example:

  1. dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. Changes in the functioning of these glands are facilitated by the incorrect selection of cosmetics, age-related changes or individual characteristics of the body;
  2. lack of fluid in the body. It is dry facial skin that is the first sign that there is little water in the body;
  3. external factors. The most obvious are frost, heat, winds. Working in conditions unfavorable for the skin also contributes to the deterioration of facial skin: hot shops, kitchens, where the air is constantly hot and humid;
  4. improper care or lack thereof.

Causes of dry body skin:

  1. The first reason why body skin becomes dry, as in other cases: lack of moisture.
  2. hormonal disorders. A lack of certain hormones leads to dry skin:
  1. estrogen. A female hormone that is directly responsible for reproductive function. It promotes the production of collagen fibers, improves skin elasticity and smoothness.
  2. thyroid-stimulating hormone. They are responsible for saturating cells with oxygen and microelements. With their deficiency, the outer cover of the body acquires a pale tint and becomes cool.

Very dry skin all over the body is a clear sign of hormonal imbalances:

  1. use of shower gels with aggressive components. Such products destroy the epidermis and lead to dry body skin;
  2. water too hot. Do not use hot water when taking a bath or shower. It damages skin cells, which subsequently makes it difficult for it to retain the necessary moisture;
  3. metabolic disorders. If the body's metabolism is disturbed, toxins can contaminate skin cells and prevent the access of moisture and nutrients to it. The performance of the sebaceous and sweat glands changes. The outer covering of the body peels and cracks;
  4. stress. It leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  5. bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle;
  6. Ichthyosis – “scaly” skin. It is a congenital disease and manifests itself in the first months of life;
  7. strict diet. Typically, many diets are prepared without taking into account the body’s water-salt balance and the availability of vitamins. Limiting the consumption of many foods deprives the body of essential substances, which leads to dry skin;
  8. excess synthetic fabrics in the wardrobe. Such clothing can irritate sensitive skin and lead to irritation, flaking and dryness.

Classification of dry skin


This combination of symptoms is more common in women. This is due to the wrong choice of decorative and caring cosmetics, and the peculiarities of the sebaceous glands. An additional cause could be food poisoning.

  1. Dryness + redness + irritation.

Such symptoms accompany allergies and are the result of poor nutrition, care, and too dry indoor air.

Most often, this set appears after exposure to unfavorable environmental factors.

This dryness of facial skin is caused by soap containing alkali.

There are two tones of dry skin.

  1. Good tone. As a rule, skin with such tone is smooth, matte and elastic, but is sensitive to external irritants. Such skin is observed at a young age and the use of regular cosmetics is suitable for caring for it.
  2. Skin with low tone is thin, this is especially noticeable in the areas around the eyes and mouth. Low skin tone appears in people by the age of 40, when collagen production decreases, elasticity and hydration decrease. Low skin tone is also caused by hormonal changes in the body. For such skin it is not enough to use traditional cosmetics; deeper methods are needed.

Treatment for dry skin


Treating dry skin begins with identifying the reasons why your skin is dry.

  1. Most often, dry skin ceases to be so after adjusting your lifestyle; this will help:
  1. proper nutrition
  2. healthy sleep
  3. staying in the fresh air.
As mentioned above, vitamins A, B, C, E affect the condition of the skin. It is necessary to increase the amount of these vitamins in food. It is necessary to adjust the time spent in a hot bath, and after water procedures, use moisturizers.

Also, if dry body skin has already appeared, and cracks and peeling have appeared, then you need to use healing products.

Important! To get rid of excessive dry skin, you need to drink the required amount of water. An adult needs 2.5-3 liters of water per day.

Cosmetology procedures

In the fight against dry facial skin, you can seek the help of a cosmetologist. Modern cosmetology can offer effective methods to combat dry skin.

  1. Biorevitalization. A procedure in which a device saturates the skin with moisture. The effect is instant. The outer covering of the body looks young and healthy, wrinkles are smoothed out, and elasticity appears.
  2. Mesotherapy. Natural preparations are injected under the skin through injections. Recommended for sagging, aging skin.
  3. Oxygen peeling. Hardware saturation of skin cells with oxygen. The safest method of hardware exposure. Has a massage effect.

Hardware cosmetology can be used from the age of 25, since it is at this age that natural aging processes begin in the skin. Previously, there was no need for these procedures.

Drugs for dry skin


Moisturizing creams can help eliminate dry hand skin.

  1. «Velvet hands" Popular with women because of its low price but high efficiency. Eliminates dry hands thanks to substances that moisturize the upper layer of the epidermis. It is important that the product line of this cream is very wide, which allows for comprehensive hand skin care.
  2. Line of creams Natura Siberica. It is worth noting their composition for these products. These creams are made exclusively from natural ingredients and do not contain preservatives or parabens. Cream for dryness Natura Siberica is the best on the market.
  3. Hand cream Garnier. If you have dry skin on your hands, a cream from the Garnier product line can help get rid of it. The advantages of the cream are its light structure and rapid absorption, especially in the palm of the hand. Garnier products are very wide, so you can choose both moisturizing and comprehensive care products. Dry hand skin is quickly eliminated by creams from this line.
  4. Body lotions Johnson's Body Care. Dry body skin is an indication for using this product. It contains vitamin E, which promotes healing and restoration of damaged skin on the body.


Vitamins are essential for dry skin. They influence the appearance and structure of the skin from the inside.

The most essential vitamins for the skin are vitamins A, E, C, H, F, and B vitamins.

The most common way to replenish vitamin deficiency is to take oil solutions of these elements orally. They are small capsules.

To achieve the most positive effect, you need to follow some recommendations for use. Vitamin A is best taken in the morning, vitamin E in the evening.

It is important to maintain balance so as not to get hypervitaminosis. A balanced diet can help correct the supply of vitamins to the body.

It should include vegetables, fruits, and as few fast food items as possible.

In addition to single vitamin solutions, vitamin complexes can be used.

  1. Aevit. Contains vitamins A and E. Improves skin cell growth and improves blood circulation.
  2. Vitasharm. Vitamin complex in the form of tablets, which contains B vitamins, vitamin A and P. Stimulates blood circulation, the formation of collagen and elastin. Helps improve nutrition of hair roots
  3. Revalid. In addition to B vitamins, it contains copper, zinc, magnesium and silicon. Improves overall skin condition.

Medicinal ointments

Along with taking vitamins, doctors recommend using ointments to combat dry skin.

  1. Doctors recommend using ointment for the whole body "Bepanten" It promotes healing and restoration of damaged skin. The big advantage of this ointment is that it is harmless to pregnant and lactating women and small children. Bepanten contains vitamin B5. It penetrates deep into the epidermis and accelerates cell regeneration, as well as strengthens the skin and helps retain moisture in it. Well suited for everyday use as it is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy residue.
  2. «Libriderm" This cream is intended for the face, neck and shoulders. Contains hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the inner layer of skin and retains moisture. You can use it as a base for makeup. After the first use, the feeling of tightness disappears; after regular use, the skin becomes smoother and more elastic.
  3. «Dardia Lipo" Cream for very dry flaky skin. It contains urea and lactate. These substances give the ointment a very strong moisturizing ability.
  4. «Aflocrem" A specially developed product to combat dry skin. Its substances penetrate deep into the epidermis, retaining fatty components and moisture. This helps restore the water-fat balance and smooth the skin. Used for both adults and children, it has hypoallergenic properties.

Folk remedies


You can make your own creams and scrubs for dryness.

Creams prepared at home can be used at night, and in the morning use industrial products.

  1. If you are concerned about dry skin all over your body, you can use homemade scrub. It has many advantages: it is made from natural ingredients, does not contain harmful chemicals, and is filled to the maximum with useful elements. The most popular is coffee scrub. It is very easy to prepare. You need to mix coffee grounds, honey and light vegetable oil (for example, olive). The main thing is that coffee and honey must be natural.
  2. If the skin on your hands and feet is dry, this may help. butter cream. It is not very easy to prepare, but has an excellent moisturizing and nourishing effect. First of all, calendula oil is prepared. 1 tablespoon of dried flowers should be poured with 1 glass of warm vegetable oil, closed and left for 7 days in a dark place. Then strain from the flowers. Melt a teaspoon of beeswax in a water bath, add a tablespoon of corn oil and 2 tablespoons of prepared calendula oil. Mix everything, add 2 tablespoons of mineral water and a tablespoon of glycerin. It is important to store the cream in a cool, dark place.
  3. If very dry hand skin causes a lot of discomfort, it can help vegetable hand cream. For it you will need fresh juice of any vegetable, which must be ground with egg yolk. In a water bath, melt a teaspoon of beeswax and a tablespoon of peach or grape seed oil. Add juice with yolk to this mixture and add a tablespoon of glycerin.
  4. Rubbing into the skin will help eliminate dry skin on your feet. vitamin A or E. You can also use coconut oil or cream. Dry skin on the hands and feet can be relieved by using essential oils.

Dry skin care treatments are easy to do at home.

If folk remedies do not help, you need to consult a specialist.

In what cases is it necessary to visit a dermatologist?

When lifestyle changes do not help, vitamins and medications do not help, you need to consult a dermatologist. He will find the causes and treatment, and explain how to get rid of dry skin. You also need to go to a specialist if:

  1. pus and inflammation appear on the arms and legs in areas with rough skin;
  2. very dry skin of the whole body began to itch and flake (see photo above);
  3. redness does not decrease;
  4. home therapy does not bring even minor success;
  5. The areas of peeling on the body are very large.

The disease must not be allowed to worsen. Self-medication does not always give a positive result. To avoid eczema, it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner.


Early dry skin can be prevented. To do this, you need to follow several recommendations.

  1. the minimum amount of water consumed is 2 liters per day;
  2. Avoid washing in hot water. In summer, the water should be cool, and in winter, warm, since hot water dries the skin;
  3. Do not use soap when bathing. It is better to use moisturizing shower gels;
  4. after taking a bath, be sure to apply moisturizing compounds, oils or homemade mixtures to the skin;
  5. In summer, be sure to use creams with ultraviolet protection;
  6. pay attention to the composition and expiration date of the cosmetics used;
  7. Don't get carried away with scrubbing. Hard particles of scrubs injure the skin with frequent use;
  8. Don't skip any skin care steps. It should include cleansing, toning and moisturizing;
  9. after visiting the pool, be sure to remove any remaining chlorinated water from your skin;
  10. avoid contact of hands with aggressive cleaning agents;
  11. maintain a sleep schedule (at least 8 hours). It is advisable to go to bed before 00:00;
  12. Be sure to include fish in your diet. It contains fatty acids. You can buy fish oil at the pharmacy;
  13. do not cause skin diseases;
  14. consume vitamins, magnesium and calcium. These substances affect the state of the intercellular substance;
  15. When washing, you can replace hard water with chamomile infusion. Wipe your face with it morning and evening. This will help relieve irritation and itching;
  16. ventilate and humidify the air at home in a timely manner;
  17. completely remove makeup;
  18. give up alcohol and smoking.

The most important thing in skin care is regularity. Constantly skipping procedures will not lead to a positive effect. It is very important to choose the right means to be used; this determines a lot.

If the products are chosen incorrectly, you will soon have to consult a doctor asking why your skin is drying out.

Videos on the topic

Caring for dry skin goes beyond moisturizing. Her needs depend on the season and time of day. We'll tell you exactly what it needs, how often and in what quantities - in our article, and also name the 14 best products for dry skin care, according to the editors of

  1. Causes of dry skin
  2. Rules for caring for dry skin
  3. Preventing dry skin
  4. Features of the composition of the funds
  5. 14 best remedies

Causes of dry skin

The first thing you should know about dry skin is how it differs from dehydrated skin.

A specific condition, most often caused by genetics, less often by temporary circumstances, such as the use of cosmetics with retinoids or acids. Dryness is caused by a violation of the integrity of the hydrolipid mantle and a lack of secretion from the sebaceous glands - sebum. This substance supports the barrier functions of the skin, protects the epidermis and retains moisture in the cells.

A temporary skin condition that can be completely corrected. In this case, the skin feels a lack of water, not fat. And the cause of dehydration can be both improper care and banal dry air in the apartment.

Dry skin is often confused with dehydrated skin © iStock

On almost dry skin there is no inflammation. Acne and comedones are signs of oily, dehydrated skin.

On dry skin pores are almost invisible, whereas on dehydrated skin they can also be expanded if the skin is oily or combination.

Dry skin all day long feels a feeling of tightness. Dehydrated - does not respond well to cleansing with water, and also suffers during periods of cold, dry weather or when using drying cosmetics.

Dry skin is prone to premature aging © iStock

Rules for caring for dry skin

The basic requirements are quite simple.

To cleanse, use soft, delicate textures such as milk so as not to damage the hydrolipid mantle.

Don’t forget about the tonic: it will normalize the pH level, and at the same time additionally moisturize the skin, and also prepare it for applying masks, creams, and serums.

Make moisturizing creams and masks the basis of your care.

To strengthen the skin's protective barrier and maintain optimal moisture levels in cells, use a good nourishing cream.

To combat skin dullness and prevent early wrinkles, use exfoliating products.

After cleansing dry skin, be sure to apply toner © iStock

Preventing dry skin

Even minimal, but regular care is necessary: ​​dry skin is prone to premature aging, and after 30 years the first “adult” wrinkles appear on it.

Moisturizing components of creams for dry skin – aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, glycerin © iStock

Features of the composition of the funds

If your skin is prone to dryness and you want to provide it with a comfortable life, carefully read the ingredients on cosmetics labels. Look for the substances listed below.

Hygroscopic agents (glycerin, hyaluronic acid, panthenol) attract and retain water molecules in skin cells to maintain an adequate level of hydration.

Oils strengthen the protective barrier, allow you to retain moisture in the cells, which means the density and elasticity of the skin.

AHA acids (lactic, glycolic) and plant enzymes in tonics, masks and peelings dissolve the intercellular glue of the epidermis, helping to exfoliate dead skin particles. This improves skin tone and texture and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Antioxidants resist the oxidative process in skin cells and neutralize the negative effects of free radicals - the main cause of aging.

The best products for dry skin

14 good products for dry skin at once, according to the editors of, are reviewed below. We have chosen them so that it is easy for you to create a complete care program for yourself, from cleansing and toning to applying day cream.

Cleansing and exfoliation

Cleansing dry skin should be thorough, but very gentle:

Oil-based products are suitable for makeup remover;

for washing - delicate foams;

for exfoliation - scrubs with non-aggressive abrasives and creamy texture.

Washing and makeup removal

Product name Mode of application Active Ingredients
Micellar water with oils Skin Naturals, Garnier Shake the bottle to mix the oil and water base. Dampen a cotton pad and cleanse your face, eyes and lips. Rinse off the product with water. argan oil
Milk for removing makeup from the face and eyes “Basic care” for dry and sensitive skin, Garnier Apply to dry skin using a cotton pad or fingers. If desired, you can wash off the residue with water. rose extract
Cleansing cream-gel for problem skin that is dry as a result of drug treatment, Effaclar H, La Roche-Posay Lather the product into your palms, then apply using smoothing movements to damp skin. Rinse it off. niacinamide, zinc gluconate
Softening exfoliating cream Exfoliance Confort, Lancôme Apply the product to damp skin. Spread with your fingertips, moving from top to bottom in a “spiral” motion. Rinse with water. extracts of almonds, yeast, honey


Masks for moisturizing the skin can be cream or fabric - include both in your care ritual. Fabric ones can be carried with you and used as soon as the skin requires, for example, in an air-conditioned office or after a long flight.

Fabric and cream

Apply for 15–20 minutes, after which distribute the remaining product over the skin with massaging movements. The mask is disposable - do not reuse.

Soothing moisturizing mask Calendula & Aloe, Kiehl’s

shea butter, hyaluronic acid, waxes


The best products for toning dry skin are tonics and lotions based on vitamins, oils and moisturizers like aloe juice. Use twice daily.

Moisturize and soothe

Product name Mode of application Active Ingredients
Sheet mask for dry sensitive skin “Hydration + Comfort”, Garnier hyaluronic acid, chamomile extract
Night cream-mask “Extraordinary oil. Luxury food”, L’Oréal Paris Apply to face, pat skin dry with a napkin, and leave until morning wash. muscat rose and argan oils
Apply to cleansed, damp skin, pat dry and leave overnight. aloe and calendula extracts
Intensely moisturizing mask Hydraphase Intense, La Roche-Posay Apply to cleansed skin for 10–15 minutes, remove excess with a cotton pad or napkin.

antarcticine, squalane, avocado and apricot kernel oils, vitamin E


Since the main task of those with dry skin is to moisturize it, then creams should be chosen with this labeling. The textures can be anything: light ones are useful during the day, denser ones are useful for night care.

Hydration and nutrition

Product name Mode of application Active Ingredients
Skin Naturals Toner with Rose Extract for Dry Skin, Garnier Apply daily to cleansed skin before serum and cream. rose extract, provitamin B5
Moisturizing toner Ultra Facial Toner, Kiehl’s Apply morning and evening after cleansing.

Apply to pre-cleansed skin, avoiding the eye area. Use morning and evening.

Royal jelly, vitamin C, hazelnut extract

Product name Mode of application Active Ingredients
Ultra Facial Moisturizer, Kiehl’s arctic rose extract, squalane, glycerin, vitamin E, cocoa nibs butter
Day cream for sensitive skin “Moisturizing Expert”, L’Oréal Paris Apply to previously cleansed skin, except the area around the eyes. glycerin, rice bran oil
Intensive regenerating cream for dry skin types Nutrix Royal, Lancôme Apply morning and evening to skin after cleansing, avoiding the eye area.