Rash on face from sweets

Girls, please tell me, am I the only one who noticed this!?
I have always had problems with my face, not very strong, but enough! There is always a rash on my face! I used to think it was a teenage problem, but then that time seemed to pass, but the problems did not decrease! Then I started going to a cosmetologist, I visited regularly, they did all possible procedures and mechanical cleanings, both laser and sonic, and steamed and smeared with everything they could, they promised an excellent result, I spent a lot of money there ((I went all last summer, the procedure was once a week, then every two. It seemed like it helped a little at first, but not at all a little bit and then again. I followed all the recommendations, bought expensive products, didn’t paint my face after cleansing, only maybe a little sometimes, and even then, I always use only expensive, high-quality cosmetics! Already when they started to notice that none of their procedures helped, the cosmetologist told me that it might be like an allergy to chocolate, like this is the reaction to it. And she asked me to stop eating it during the procedures! Well, I thought that it was all bullshit. And now time has passed, I somehow began to notice that how As soon as we eat sweets in the evening, sweets, cakes, pies. And I only eat chocolate) So in the morning my entire face rashes even more ((And as soon as I don’t eat sweets at all, it starts to go away, it doesn’t completely go away, but it decreases a lot.
And now I just don’t know what to do, I generally have withdrawal symptoms without sweets, I can’t, but as soon as I eat a little, my whole face is immediately covered in dust. (((

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Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

yeah .. well, it’s so easy to get addicted to sweets .. damn, but what to do with addiction ((I can’t stand sweets, I don’t eat at all, but I can’t do without salt at all ((I’m also experiencing withdrawal symptoms - the second day I’m already holding on to the roof demolishes (((

Most people cannot give up sweet foods. For them, sugar is like a drug that they want to consume more and more. A love of sweets can lead to disruption of the functioning of some internal organs.

Sugar is a common cause of acne. Sugar acne is a condition that needs to be treated like any other. But first you need to find out why acne occurs due to sweets.

What causes

Acne can occur for various reasons. Often the culprit is poor nutrition - fatty, spicy, floury, smoked foods. But mostly acne appears due to sweets.

Products containing caffeine

What caffeine contains:

  1. instant and bean coffee;
  2. black and green tea, mate;
  3. Energy drinks, Pepsi and Coca-Cola contain huge amounts of sugar in addition to caffeine;
  4. cocoa and chocolate;
  5. painkillers.

Caffeine contributes to acne in the following ways: It increases the production of cortisol, which leads to stress. Pimples often appear due to nervous disorders. Products with caffeine are especially harmful on an empty stomach.


They are only useful in small quantities. Frequent consumption of nuts can cause acne. This is a very fatty product.

Acne is caused by:

Some people have a nut allergy, which can cause acne.


Such products have a greater influence on the development of acne than others. They contain the whole range of harmful ingredients: white flour, butter, nuts, chocolate.

These ingredients are found in different products, but the main component of each of them is sugar. Not a single confectionery product can do without it.

Almost everyone contains excess amounts of sugar, which causes harm to the body, including causing acne.


Milk and all its derivatives can negatively affect the condition of the skin. Excessive consumption of dairy products leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands and disruptions in their functioning.

Acne also appears in those people who are allergic to this food. The reaction is identified as acne.

Store-bought dairy products are very harmful. They contain much more fat and hormones. To increase milk yield, cows receive more than required with food and medicines. These substances also end up in milk.

Almost all dairy products presented in the store contain excessive amounts of hormones and fats. If you want milk or sour cream, you should find a person from the village who sells it to order.

Video: Rashes from sweets

Reasons for appearance

Before starting treatment, you need to understand why acne can form from sweets in people of different ages and genders.

The occurrence of acne due to sweets is always associated with hormonal imbalances. This is facilitated by the presence of simple sugar glucose in sweets.

About ointments for acne on the face. More details here.

Hormonal changes

Excessive consumption of sweets leads to the production of two hormones that affect the appearance of acne:

  1. Male hormones androgens can be produced in both female and male bodies. They increase sebum production. This leads to blockage of the sebaceous ducts and the formation of acne.
  2. Insulin is produced to reduce high levels of sugar in the blood. High levels of insulin also lead to rashes and promote the release of sex hormones into the blood.

Sugary environments are a great place for the bacteria that cause acne to grow. An excess of simple sugars leads to impaired carbohydrate metabolism. This manifests itself in the appearance of many small pustules on the lower extremities.

Impact of the glycemic index

Foods with a high glycemic index are one of the causes of acne. The glycemic index shows how quickly a particular product is absorbed by the body and converted into glucose.

Which food has a high glycemic index:

  1. potato;
  2. Wheat flour;
  3. beer;
  4. dates;
  5. pineapples;
  6. glucose;
  7. chocolate;
  8. sweet carbonated drinks, packaged juices;
  9. starch.

Where acne appears due to sweets

Rashes caused by consuming large amounts of sugar can appear on any part of the body.

On the face

They are red and inflamed and sometimes contain pus. Mainly found on the chin, cheeks, and forehead. Sometimes it is a scattering of small pimples.

In adults, it is mainly the face that suffers from acne from sweets. You cannot crush inflamed acne; first you need to draw the purulent contents to the surface.

On the body

These are small inflamed rashes that have common channels and therefore connect with each other. Most cases appear on the back, but they can occur on other parts of the body.

Multiple small pustular rashes form on the legs due to impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

In children, sweets rash is more often located on the body than on the face. The limbs, back, stomach, chest suffer.


Not a single cosmetic product or procedure from a cosmetologist will help if you continue to eat sweet foods in large quantities.


How to eat to get rid of acne due to sweets:

  1. Include foods high in fiber in your daily diet: crispy vegetables and fruits, bran, mushrooms, green peas, whole grain bread, oatmeal (not rolled oats).
  2. It is useful to steam meat and fish, limit the use of oil and spices, especially hot ones. Sea fish is healthy because it contains omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. Add foods with zinc to your daily diet: seafood, liver, stewed beef, green beans. Zinc will help relieve inflammation and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Choose foods with a low glycemic index.
  5. Arrange a fasting day 1-2 times a month to cleanse the body of toxins.
  6. Avoid frequent consumption of tea and coffee and do not add sugar to them. Drink freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Useful tips

Pimples caused by sweets are usually red and inflamed; you should not try to squeeze them out. Do not use lotions containing alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates the skin, which causes it to secrete even more oil. Sugar and alcohol working together is not a good idea.

For skin care you need to use gentle products:

  1. sulfate-free cleansing foam;
  2. light moisturizer;
  3. acid peeling instead of abrasive scrubs;
  4. soothing, moisturizing toner.

To get results as quickly as possible, you should use serums. In the morning, apply moisturizing concentrate under the cream. In the evening, a special serum for acne treatment. In these products the concentration of active substances is much higher than in creams.

Going to the bathhouse will help open the pores and better cleanse them of accumulated fat, dirt, and bacteria.

To eliminate such acne, you should use anti-inflammatory and soothing agents. With excess sugar, the skin becomes irritated and peeling may occur.

Sometimes these pimples can itch. You cannot rip off the skin, but if this happens, the damaged area is treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Products for spot application:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment – will help draw pus to the surface;
  2. Levomekol ointment – an antibiotic, will destroy all bacteria that have quickly spread due to the sweet environment;
  3. zinc ointment – dries out acne, reduces inflammation;
  4. aspirin tablet – lightens and reduces pimples;
  5. activated carbon tablet – absorbs harmful substances and helps draw bacteria out;
  6. piece of aloe – moisturizes the skin, pulls the pimple to the surface.


It is necessary to reduce the consumption of sweets to a minimum. Replace regular sugar with honey, and you can add pieces of fruit to tea.

To avoid eating unhealthy cakes and cookies, you can eat healthy sweets:

Marshmallows and marmalade made from agar-agar are healthier than regular ones. All these sweets should be consumed only after acne treatment is completed. It is advisable to eat them in the first half of the day.

You should undergo periodic medical examinations to detect the possibility of acne at an early stage. You need to stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. The complexion improves and evens out, the skin is filled with oxygen.

To prevent acne from appearing on the body, you should wear clothes made from natural fabrics.

Photo: Before and after

How to make an anti-acne mask at home? Find out further.

How does boric acid help against acne? The answer is here.

There are many different reasons for the appearance of acne on the face.

One of them can be called unhealthy diet or consumption of foods that cause blockage of the sebaceous glands.

Dermatologists have long noticed a relationship between excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates and the intensity of breakouts.

  1. All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  2. Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  3. We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  4. Health to you and your loved ones!

And now we can say quite accurately that acne from sweets is not a myth.

What mechanisms support this relationship and how to treat such rashes?

Acne-causing foods

Most often, rashes on the face are provoked by certain food groups.

Among them:

  1. coffee and caffeinated products. Promotes the production of cortisone, a stress hormone, in the body. And it causes disruptions in many other systems, including the functioning of the skin;
  2. sweets and flour.Products from these groups are a source of simple carbohydrates. In the body, they are almost instantly broken down into glucose. It, in turn, provokes the release of insulin, which should distribute it either to the needs of the body or to reserve. This process also has other side effects that are unfavorable for the skin. We will look at them below;
  3. nuts. Their harm, first of all, lies in their high calorie content. This is a big blow to the liver, which in such conditions does not cope properly with its functions. Consequently, substances that are toxic and unnecessary to the body will be eliminated in other ways. The skin will definitely take on some of the work. This will result in rashes. In addition, nuts can cause allergic acne;
  4. dairy products. We are talking about those that have a high fat content. Fatty sour cream, cream, and cottage cheese provoke the production of steroids, which cause the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Photo: products that cause skin rashes

Fatty, spicy, pickled foods stimulate the secretion of sebum.

Some fruits can also cause acne, for example, bananas are very sweet and high in calories. But in any of these situations, moderation is key.

If acne is not severe, then you can eat foods from any group, but rarely and in small quantities.

Then they will not adversely affect the condition of the skin.

Why do sweets cause acne?

To better understand whether there can be rashes from sweets, it is worth understanding the very mechanism of acne formation after simple carbohydrates enter the body.

Photo: diathesis in a child

It's all about glucose, which is found in any sweets. It is this that causes processes in the body that end in blockage of the sebaceous glands.

  1. In a child, acne due to sweets may appear in the form of an allergic reaction. Such rashes occur due to imperfections in the digestive system, which cannot properly cope with sucrose.
  2. In adults, acne occurs due to the production of insulin and testosterone (we are talking about their excess due to increased glucose intake). Let's look at these reasons in more detail.

Changes in hormonal levels

The bodies of both men and women produce androgens – male sex hormones.

In women, their concentration is normally much lower than in men, but nevertheless the hormone is present and performs its beneficial functions.

What happens when a person begins to abuse sweets?

  1. Glucose stimulates the production of testosterone, because it is this hormone that normalizes its concentration in the blood. That is, the more glucose, the more hormone is needed to create the necessary balance.
  2. But excess androgens also affect the functioning of the sebaceous glands. They increase the volume of secretion they produce, but it itself becomes thicker, and therefore the ducts of the sebaceous glands become clogged faster.

The same thing happens in adolescence, only the reason for increased testosterone levels during this period is different than in adults.

Photo: acne in a teenager

The influence of the glycemic index of foods

The glycemic index of foods is their ability to increase blood glucose after consumption.

That is, the higher the glycemic level of a food, the higher the blood sugar level shortly after eating it.

Does this affect the appearance of acne?

  1. As with testosterone, there is an indirect dependence. The mediator in this case is insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas. It is a participant in almost all metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Its role in relation to glucose is to process it into energy for the body, and if there is excess sugar, then put it aside in reserve (in the fat depot). Therefore, by the way, in lovers of sweets you can almost always notice folds in the waist area (or instead of it). This is precisely the reserve from which the body will draw energy if there is nowhere else to get it from.
  3. And again there is a direct relationship: the more glucose enters the blood, the more insulin begins to be produced. And one of its side effects is also stimulation of the sebaceous glands. The skin cannot cope with the increased amount of sebum, pores become clogged, and acne appears.

Video: “Doctor about the effect of sweets on acne”

Where are the rashes located?

  1. Most often, acne from sweets appears on the face (this can be seen in the photo).
  2. In children, they can also be localized on the butt, torso, and in skin folds.

What do these rashes look like?

  1. They may look like inflamed bumps on the cheeks, forehead, chin, sometimes with purulent contents.
  2. But on the face these can also be small pimples, just in large numbers.
  3. On the body, the rashes sometimes look like small red spots (about 2 mm in diameter), which merge and group together.

How to get rid

Treating acne caused by sweets should start with diet.

As sad as it may sound, as long as you consume simple carbohydrates in the same quantities, the condition of your skin will not improve.

If you cannot give up sweets and flour completely, reduce their amount to a minimum.

How to get rid of red spots after acne? Find out here.

If this option turns out to be impossible for you, then it’s worth understanding the reasons that cause you a strong craving for sweets.

Sometimes stress, anxiety, and nervous tension are “eaten up” in this way.

Neutralizing such situations will reduce the need for joy hormones - endorphins, and you will be less likely to “eat up” problems with harmful “snacks”.

Photo: foods that are best avoided

And a few more tips:

  1. sugary drinks are no less harmful than cakes and sweets, so mercilessly get rid of soda and store-bought juices in your diet;
  2. fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods also lead to acne on the skin; during treatment, prepare healthier dishes (baked, boiled, steamed);
  3. bad habits (smoking and alcohol, first of all) delay the healing process; if you want to become the owner of fresh, clean skin, do not let them interfere with you;
  4. diversify the menu, alternating different products will reduce the craving for “tasty food”.

Is it possible to speed up recovery?

But the symptoms must also be dealt with, and this will not be entirely easy. In order for traces of acne to disappear from the skin, you need to provide it with proper care.

Photo: washing with medicinal herbs will help speed up recovery

Follow these recommendations:

  1. wash your face no more than twice; you can use soap or special cleansers with antibacterial ingredients;
  2. You can use tar, boron or sulfur soap for washing; they dry out rashes and have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. You can finish washing by rinsing the skin with a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, string);
  4. after washing, tone the skin; a tonic made from lemon juice or calendula tincture will do (both ingredients should be diluted by half with water);
  5. pimples can be spot-smeared with a solution of salicylic acid, it will help relieve the inflammatory process faster;
  6. A solution of hydrogen peroxide has antimicrobial and drying properties; before wiping the skin, dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1:3;
  7. If the rash has formed on the forehead, wash your hair more often, it quickly becomes dirty and infects the skin on this area of ​​the face.

In addition to the diet, you should follow some other rules so as not to provoke the sebaceous glands to work harder:

  1. do not wash your face more than 2 times a day and do not abuse alcohol-containing products to wipe the skin; if the skin dries out, the sebaceous glands will increase their work;
  2. do not cover pimples with foundation or mask them with powder, this can lead to worsening of the rash;
  3. try not to use decorative cosmetics on the area with rashes;
  4. Do not squeeze pimples or use scrubs and peels on inflamed areas.

If you can’t cope with the rashes on your own, don’t let the situation get worse.

Photo: if acne does not go away while following a diet, then you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination

The further you go, the more difficult it can be to cure acne.

Contact a dermatologist and use his recommendations; perhaps in your case the problem has gone beyond the influence of sweets on the condition of the skin.

Prevention measures

Preventing acne from flour and sweets will be to reduce the amount of these foods in the diet.

  1. If the body is accustomed to such food coming in large quantities, then at first it will be difficult.
  2. Abruptly and do not give up the usual. This is extra stress for the body, which you will still try to make up for with sweets. Progress towards giving up sugar gradually. If you previously put 2 tablespoons of sugar in your tea, start sweetening the cup with 1.5 - 1 spoons. Believe me, over time, even unsweetened tea will seem like an excellent drink (which it is).
  3. It is much healthier to use a spoonful of honey instead of sugar. There is no need to overdo it, but honey, at least, is beneficial for the body (if you are not allergic to it).
  4. Another way out of this situation is sugar substitutes. For example, stevia. This sugar substitute is made from the plant of the same name and has many beneficial and even medicinal properties for the body. When it is added, say, to tea, it will be very sweet, since it is many times sweeter than regular sugar, but the glycemic index and calorie content of this additive are zero, that is, there is no harm to the body.

How to replace candy and chocolate

Of course, with a cup of tea you want something sweet. But it doesn’t have to be candy.

Photo: You can eat dried fruits instead of sweets

Dried fruits are practically no different in taste from them, and besides, they have health benefits.

Dried apricots, prunes, raisins, candied fruits are the most common dried fruits on our table. You should eat them little by little, chewing them thoroughly, but the pleasure you will get is quite comparable to candy.

Photo: when choosing chocolate, it is better to give preference to bitter

Chocolate is harder to replace.

You can go the easiest way - change the variety.

Instead of milk, take bitter, with a high cocoa content (if there are no contraindications).

A couple of pieces of such tiles will be enough for a cup of tea. It is better to choose varieties without third-party fillers (for example, nuts).

Photo: sweets can be replaced with fruits

Fresh fruit is also good.

Instead of tea with candy, you can chew an apple, a pear, eat a plum or some berries. And sweet, and tasty, and, most importantly, healthy.

The main myth about acne from sweets is: “I’ll stop eating flour and sweets, and my breakouts will go away.”

In fact, this is true in the only case - if the rash on the face really appeared only due to the consumption of fast carbohydrates.

It often turns out that the reason lies elsewhere - hormonal disorders, diseases of the digestive system, poor-quality cosmetics, improper care, etc. Sweets only aggravate acne.

In this case, giving them up will not lead to a complete cure; one of the provoking factors will simply disappear.

But treatment must be present, and it is the root cause of the rash that should be treated.

How to cover pimples with concealer? Find out here.

Does iodine help with acne? Read on.

And if sweets are actually the cause of skin rashes, then why not turn this situation around by switching to a healthier diet?

Video: “Diet for acne”