Acupressure for headaches

Acupressure for headaches, which will help cope with even severe pain, is not a myth. The positive effects of massage have been proven by many experienced massage therapists.

As a rule, a headache occurs due to muscle tension, which leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels that supply oxygen. From a headache we can judge that the brain is not receiving enough oxygen. As soon as we have a headache, we grab pills and wait for a quick result, instead of relieving tension and fatigue.

But there is also such an outcome that the headache can “torture” you for several days. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Migraine is a serious disease that requires mandatory medical supervision. Acupressure can relieve migraine attacks.

According to Chinese teaching, a headache indicates that your body is in poor physical and emotional condition. Using acupressure techniques, you can identify the causes of frequent pain.

Massage for headaches

Massage for headaches is performed clockwise

Acupressure for headaches

Treating a disease with one click of a finger is very convenient and effective. This method can cure many diseases (spinal disorders, joint diseases, various injuries) if you master the technique correctly. Proper impact on biologically active points will cope with pain.

Acupressure is performed in several ways:

  1. index finger
  2. middle finger
  3. thumb

The following techniques are used:

  1. finger thrusting
  2. finger pressure
  3. finger kneading
  4. nail prick

acupressure technique

Acupressure techniques

Techniques are distinguished by the strength of their impact:

  1. has a strong calming analgesic effect. Performs within 3-5 minutes;
  2. medium exposure also has a calming effect. But the intensity of its implementation is a little weaker. Execution time 2-3 minutes;
  3. weak influence has a stimulating effect. The technique is performed quickly and strongly with one finger. The execution time for one technique is 30 seconds.

So, let's consider the location of the points that need to be affected.

Tian Rong point

This point is located behind the ear, near the edge of the earlobe, in the depression of the edge of the occipital bone.

The massage therapist clasps the forehead with one hand (palm). With the thumb of the other hand, finds the points and massages them with smooth circular movements clockwise for 3-5 minutes.

Tien Rong point

Bai Hui Point

The point is located in the middle of the crown. The patient should sit down with his head tilted forward. Use the tip of your thumb to press firmly on the point for 1-2 minutes.


Tai-Yang point

Tai-Yang points are located symmetrically, on both sides of the temples, in a recess. These points are particularly sensitive than all the others.

You need to massage the points simultaneously clockwise with your fingertips for 3-5 minutes. During exposure to these points, the patient's eyes should be closed.


Point Tian-Zhu

This point is also a pair, located on the back of the neck at the border of hair growth.

The massage therapist should clasp the lower part of the jaw and the front of the neck with four fingers of both hands, and rub and press on the points with his thumbs for 2-3 minutes.

Tian Zhu

He-Gu point

This point is located on the hand, in the depression between the thumb and index finger.

This point is massaged with the pad of the thumb for 2-3 minutes until redness appears.

hey goo

The main points of performing acupressure for headaches

All movements and techniques performed must proceed sequentially. The time and intensity of exposure is determined based on the degree of endurance of the person, as well as the nature of the disease.

The patient must be completely relaxed before starting the session. He should not be distracted by conversations and, if possible, not think about unpleasant sensations. As a rule, the effect on biologically active points is painful. If the patient feels severe pain, this indicates that this is where the lesion is located.

The massage therapist should ask after the session how the patient feels. If he feels a feeling of fatigue, the time and intensity of the techniques should be reduced. If the patient feels well, then you need to continue performing the massage in this mode.

As a rule, the course should not exceed 12 sessions. After the course you need to take a short break, and then you can start the second course.

Acupressure does not cause any side effects, but on the contrary gives an excellent healing effect. It can be performed even by children. Children's acupressure helps to develop correctly and make the necessary adjustments. The most effective methods for treating spinal diseases, the consequences of injuries, joint diseases, muscle atrophy and other spinal diseases are considered.


  1. skin diseases
  2. blood diseases
  3. vascular thrombosis
  4. purulent processes
  5. acute cardiovascular failure
  6. tumors and inflammatory processes

The acupressure technique gives very good and effective results in the treatment of many diseases.