Eat chocolate, drink coffee and lose weight: a delicious rapid weight loss method

If you love chocolate and dream of losing weight, then you're in luck. The chocolate diet can help you lose extra pounds without feeling hungry and without grueling workouts. In this article we will talk about how the chocolate diet works, how to carry it out correctly and what chocolate to choose.

How does the chocolate diet work?

The chocolate diet lasts 7 days and allows you to lose up to 7 kilograms of excess weight. During this time you need to eat 700 grams of chocolate, divided into 21 servings of 100 grams each. Each serving should be consumed throughout the day, dividing it into three equal parts and eating it with a cup of unsweetened coffee. It is important to remember that coffee speeds up metabolism, so you should not replace it with tea or water.

It is also recommended to drink 1.5 liters of water during the day, but not earlier than two hours after eating chocolate. A smaller amount of water can disrupt the water balance in the body, and a larger amount can lead to edema.

Principles of the chocolate diet

The basic principle of the chocolate diet is to consume chocolate and coffee throughout the day, without adding other foods. Chocolate should be dark or milk, without additives and natural sugar. White chocolate is not suitable for dieting as it contains large amounts of sugar.

During the 7 days of the diet, you cannot eat vegetables, fruits and other foods, with the exception of buckwheat without salt, which can be used as an additional source of nutrition if you feel hungry. It is important to note that during the chocolate diet it is not recommended to engage in sports and other physical activities.

Choosing chocolate for your diet

For a chocolate diet, dark or milk chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% is suitable. Chocolate must be natural, without additives or artificial colors. Good quality chocolate contains a large amount of antioxidants, which help rejuvenate the body and speed up metabolism.


The chocolate diet is a simple and tasty way to lose weight in a short time. Its principles are to consume chocolate and coffee throughout the day, without adding other products. Dark or milk chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% is suitable for the diet. In addition to losing weight, the chocolate diet rejuvenates the body and stimulates brain function. However, you should consult your doctor before starting a chocolate diet, especially if you have liver problems or kidney stones.

It is important to understand that the chocolate diet is not a one-size-fits-all solution for weight loss and is not suitable for everyone. It can only be effective if you follow the rules and recommendations, as well as in combination with a healthy lifestyle.

Also, do not forget that weight loss should be gradual and based on a healthy diet and moderate physical activity. At the same time, chocolate and coffee can be a pleasant addition to your diet and help you lose some extra weight.