Back muscles

The back is a large group of muscles involved in the whole variety of movements of the human body. The back also serves as a stabilizer. By understanding the range of movements for which this or that area of ​​the back is responsible, where the necessary muscles are located, it is possible, by selecting the necessary appropriate exercises, to qualitatively influence their development. Having thoroughly delved into the physics of the processes, you will be able to visualize the specific muscle working and think about it while performing the exercise. This will allow you to more strongly emphasize your impact on the desired area, causing the muscle to respond with growth and increase in volume.

A wide, muscular back is the dream of any aspiring bodybuilder. The pumped-up, sculpted backs of champions are legendary. It is worth keeping in mind: the proportions of back development in bodybuilding are one of the main and determining ones. The back is the frame of the entire body, on the basis of which the entire figure and physique are built. High-quality development of the back is visible even in athletes’ front stances.

All back muscles can be divided into the following main groups:

  1. Upper part - trapezius muscles
  2. Middle part - latissimus muscles
  3. Lower part - long muscles

You need to start working out your back with basic strength exercises. Train your back muscles at least 2 times a week. And for beginners it would be nice to increase the number of training sessions to 3 times. Perform 3 exercises, doing 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions. You can also adopt some standard classic set of exercises for the back muscles. For beginners, this is perhaps the best option, especially since all kinds of training programs and well-arranged collections are now in abundance to suit every taste, both in print publications and on the Internet...

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