Training planning for a beginner weightlifter.

Beginning weightlifters should only use a) snatch, b) push exercises, c) squats and d) bench presses in their training. The ratio and balance of exercises in a monthly training both in the preparatory and competitive stages is approximately: a) snatches - 20%, b) barbell cleans - 13, c) barbell cleans - 12, d) squats with a barbell shoulders and chest - 30, e) other barbell squats - 18% and f) bench press - 7% of the total volume.

It is important to understand that planning a training session for a beginner weightlifter is carried out under the strict guidance of a coach and the strict supervision of the doctor supervising you. "Do no harm!" - this is the very first commandment in “iron sports”.

Classes of the 1st training cycle look something like this.


1-2 lessons. Half-squat chest raise 55 X ХЗХ 1 ; 65X3X5. Push push, without squatting 55X Uz*X 1; 65X UzX5. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders—50X5X1; 60X4X5. Squats with a barbell on the chest using the “scissors” method - 40X5X3.

3-4th lessons. Half squat snatch – 50 X 3 X 1; 60X3X5. Push push, without squatting - 55хУзХ XI; 65Х*/зХЗ. Squats with a barbell with arms straight at the top using the “spread” method – 40X4X4. Chest push - 40X3X4. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 55Х6Х 1; 65X6X5.

5-6th lessons. Half-squat snatch —50ХЗХ X 1; 60X3X5.

Snatch - 40X4X4. Half squat clean + chest push – 55X 2; 65 X UZH 4. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 65X6X4. Wide grip bench press - 60 X 5 X 3.

Front squats using the scissors method - 40X4X4.

7-8th lessons. Half squat clean - 65 X 4 X 4. Snatch - 55 X 3 X 2; 60 X 3 X 5. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 70X5X6. Chest push - 40X3X3. Squats with a barbell with arms straight at the top using the “spread” method – 40X4X4.

9-10th lessons. Snatch with a half-squat - 65X4X X 5. Clean-up with a half-squat variation "spread" ("scissors") - 55X ZX 1; 65X3X3. Half-squat clean + clean and jerk - 70X / 3X 3. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 70 X 5X 4. Close grip bench press - 65X5X5. Squats with a barbell - a projectile on the chest using the scissors method - 50 X 5X 3.

The final part of each lesson includes exercises with a metal stick, simulating the snatch and jerk technique. If a beginner cannot perform a snatch or clean with the “spread” option, he is taught a “scissors” lift. Subsequently (after 0.5-1 year), if the athlete is able to lift the barbell using the “straddle” method, he will be transferred to this method.

The distribution of the September load (1150 lifts) by week will be as follows: 1st week - 262 lifts, 2nd - 324, 3rd - 288, 4th - 276 lifts.


In the first week you need to repeat lessons 7, 8, 9, in the second - 10, 11, 12 (these will be lessons 13-18). From the third week you can start a new cycle.

19-20th lessons. Half-squat snatch - 60X ZX XI; 65X3X5. Squats with a barbell on the front using the 1st scissor method - 60X6X 4. Clean and jerk - 60X X 3; 70X1 X /zHZ. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 70X1 X6X6. Wide grip bench press – 65X 6X 4.

Lessons 21-22. Half squat clean - 1 65X5X4.

Dash —50ХЗХ 1; 60X3X1; 65X3X6. Squats with a barbell with arms straight at the top in the “spread” variation - 50X6X3. Shvung push (from racks) - 1 60X5X4. Front squats - 60X1 X6X5.

23-24th lessons. Half-squat snatch - 60 X 4 X I XI; 70X4X4. Clean with a squat option: “spread” (“scissors”) - 60 X 4 X 4. Squats with a barbell with arms straight at the top using the “spread” method - 50X6X3. Chest push (from racks)—55X3X1; 65X3X3. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 60Х4Х 1; 70X5X7.

Load distribution in October: 1st week - 288, 1 2nd - 276, 3rd - 364, 4th - 322 lifts.

It is necessary to repeat the October training cycle, reducing the load by 25 lifts in the 1st and 3rd weeks. Then the distribution of the monthly load (1200 lifts) will be: 1st week - 263 lifts, 2nd - 276, 3rd - 339, 4th - 322 lifts.


At the end of the month, the weightlifter must compete, and for this it is necessary to know his readiness. In the snatch and clean and jerk, lifts of heavy weights are additionally (in a small amount) included. Here's what a sample weekly training cycle plan looks like:

  1. Monday. Dash - 60X ZX 1; 70X3X2; 80X X2X2; 85X1X2. Squats with a barbell with arms straight at the top using the “spread” method – 50X5X4. Half squat clean 60 X 3 X 1; 70 X ХЗХ 1; 80X3X1. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 60X6X1; 75X5X5 (total for training - 75 lifts).
  2. Wednesday. Snatch with half squat - 55X 4X 1; 65Х4Х XI; 75X4X1- Push -55X2/gX1; 65X2/gX1; 75Х Х2/gХ 1; 85Х2/гХЗ. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 65X4X1; 75X4X4. Close grip bench press -70X X5X4. Front squats using the “scissors” method – 60 X 6X 3 (in total for the workout – 94 lifts).
  3. Friday. Half-squat clean - 60 X X4X1; 75X4X3. Squats with a barbell with arms straight at the top in the “spread” variation - 50X4X4. Push shwung (from racks) - 65 X 4X 1; 75X3X3. Front squats - 60X 6X 1; 70Х6Х Х5 (total for training - 81 lifts).

This weekly training cycle can be used for a month, only slightly modifying the exercises and varying the volume of the load. The volume of monthly load can be distributed by week as follows: 1st week - 250 lifts, 2nd - 300, 3rd - 250, 4th - 200 lifts. Let’s not forget about quality rest and good nutrition. Be sure to supplement your diet with vitamins, minerals, and, of course, protein shakes and sports nutrition. High-quality protein, creatine or gainer is not a problem these days - numerous Ru-Net online stores can help you. And in every small town there is a specialized store for bodybuilders, lifters and weightlifters.

Preparatory month (1100 lifts), 1st week - 275, 2nd - 310, 3rd - 250, 4th - 265 lifts; competition month (900 lifts) - 240, 300, 210 and 150 lifts, respectively.

Weekly training planning for a beginner weightlifter during this period is not difficult. The volume of the load is distributed so that in the first workout (which usually begins after a two-day rest) there is a maximum number of lifts, and in the second, after a heavy load, there is a minimum. For example, in the first week of the preparatory month, the load (275 lifts) can be distributed as follows: Monday - 110, Wednesday - 75 and Friday - 90. In the second week (310 lifts) - 120, 90 and 100, respectively.

For a beginner, it is very important to choose the optimal weight of the barbell in training. However, his maximum results in various exercises are unknown, because the athlete does not yet master the technical techniques. You can determine the weight of the barbell that a beginning weightlifter should train with in the first 3-4 months using the calculation tables that every trainer has.

In this table, the results are given on the basis that the strength capabilities of beginners at 16 years old are approximately within 70% and at 17 years old - within 75% of the results of the III sports category. And since in the first months the athlete does not lift heavy weights and trains with minimal, small and medium weights, the weights will always be within his strength. After the first competitions have been held and the maximum possible results in the snatch and clean and jerk have been identified, calculations are made based on the achievements shown. In other exercises, the same initial data are taken for calculations.

Now you know how to plan a training session for a beginner athlete, and you can adopt a ready-made scheme, slightly adapting it for yourself. It has already been noted that the main task of beginners is to study the technique and improve it, so the training plans proposed above can be used by beginning weightlifters of almost any level of fitness.

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