Scientists have named the most dangerous age for a figure

Employees of the British diet company Forza Supplements conducted a study to determine at what age people are most likely to gain excess weight. 1 thousand volunteers took part in the study; their data on everyday life, nutrition, relationships with a partner and the amount of time spent at work were carefully collected and studied.

The study found that women are most likely to gain weight at age 38, while men are most likely to gain weight at age 44. As scientists have noted, the peak of the riskiest age for the figure of both sexes occurs between 35 and 45 years.

Separate groups of volunteers were identified for reasons that could lead to excess weight gain. Thus, 34% of women experienced weight gain after having children, and 32% after marriage. These ladies often have a heavy dinner and forget about moderation in food.

Among men, the trend is the opposite: 22% of them gained weight after divorce due to stress. Interestingly, career has the greatest influence on a man’s figure. It turns out that 36% of men gained weight while moving up the career ladder. Being too busy prevents men from exercising and also increases their stress, which leads to more food consumption.

How to deal with weight gain at a dangerous age? Scientists recommend reducing your calorie and saturated fat intake and increasing physical activity. In addition, you should add spices to your diet that help burn fat, such as turmeric, ginger, chili pepper and cinnamon.

Thus, a study by Forza Supplements confirmed that a certain age period is the most risky for the figure. However, with proper nutrition and moderate physical activity, you can avoid gaining excess weight and maintain a beautiful and healthy figure for many years.