
Adiadochokinesis is the ability of a person to move his legs (spread and bring them together) without bending his knees.

Adiadochokinesis can be practiced at any age, regardless of gender and level of physical fitness.

Exercises for adiadochokinesis help improve coordination, develop strength and flexibility in the legs, strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and thighs, increase endurance and improve overall health.

To perform adiadochokinesis exercises, you need to stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then you need to lift one leg and begin to spread it and bring it together without bending your knees. It is important to ensure that the movements are smooth and uniform, without jerks or stops.

You can perform the exercises either while standing still or while moving (for example, walking or running). It is important to remember that before starting classes, you need to stretch your leg muscles and warm up your joints.

In addition, adiadochokinesis can be useful for people suffering from back and joint pain, as it helps improve blood circulation and reduce stress on the spine.

Thus, adiadochokinesis is an excellent exercise for improving physical fitness and overall health.

Adiadotokinesia is a syndrome in which the patient is unable to quickly or effectively tense the pelvic floor muscles. This can lead to problems with urination and bowel movements in men and women. Below are the main causes and symptoms of adiatokinesia, as well as recommendations for the treatment and prevention of this syndrome.

The main causes of adiatozynesia

One of the main causes of adiatausinesia is a decrease in the muscle strength of the pelvic floor as a result of various diseases, such as: - Interstitial cystitis - Chronic prostatitis - Neurogenic dysfunction - Vascular diseases

It is also known that adiata kinesemia can be associated with pelvic nerve injury or perineal surgery. Other causes of adiatokinesia may include surgical procedures affecting this area, such as pelvic surgery. Other causes include age-related changes such as prolapse of the vaginal wall or narrowing of the perineal muscles, postpartum problems, or a post-operative complication from radiation therapy to the pelvis.

Symptoms of adiathyukinesis 1. Feeling tired or uncomfortable in the pelvic area 2. Poor bladder function 3. Risk of incontinence when urinating 4. Discomfort during bowel movements 5. Pain in the groin area 6. Feeling weak