
Albumosis is an important component for the functioning of the body. In most cases, albumosis occurs naturally in our bodies, but can also come from food. It is found in egg whites and dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese.

Albumosis includes all proteins that are in food and are in a state of solution. Examples of albumosis are egg and milk proteins. Alpha glasses, also known as “alpha-lactalbumins,” are present in the raw form of whole milk and act as essential nutrients, making their importance to human health significant.

Protein is an important part of a healthy diet as it helps maintain the health, growth and development of the body's muscles. They also speed up the recovery process from injuries and speed up metabolism. A lack of protein can lead to fatigue, weakness, malnutrition, dystrophy and even death.

A lack of protein in the body is relatively rare and simply causes weakness, discomfort and muscle pain. Albumin deficiency can have various causes, such as insufficient intake or impaired kidney and intestinal function. Symptoms of deficiency may include fatigue, apathy, headaches, weight loss, problems with concentration, gastrointestinal upset, lethargy, nausea, subfe