Epicondylitis Traumatic

Epicondylitis is a disease that affects the tendons and bones at the junction of the arm and elbow. It can lead to pain, swelling and limited movement in the joint. Epicondylitis usually occurs due to injury such as fractures, dislocations, or sprains.

**Epicondylitis** has several types: traumatic epicondylitis, salt deposition, impingement syndrome. If a person develops carpal tunnel syndrome, they may be diagnosed with epicondylitis of the biceps or triceps. With traumatic epicondylitis, the tendon of the palm begins to become inflamed due to constant damage to the bend of the elbow joint. Inflammation increases the production of fluid in the tendon area, which causes pain. This type often occurs in athletes and dancers.

Traumatic epicondylitis can occur from accidental overexertion, which is a common reaction of almost all muscles and tendons to performing new work. When muscles use a new exercise many times over a short period, it will lead to degenerative changes in the tendons surrounding the muscles. The fabric becomes less strong and stable, and becomes susceptible to various damages. Therefore, you should not do strength training on the same day.